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i guess ludi is dming again
Character: Corel
Which Event: Target Quest: Frightful Tales of Esshar: The Bereaved

Responsiveness: They were Lightning fast, it was pretty 
Balance: One fight... That made me feel like I was doing a Savage Raid in FF14. Even though we knew what was coming. We still got bonked on the head.  
Storytelling : Without even telling us what happened. The clues we picked together from a small puzzle. Told us everything we needed. Left a lot up to the mind, which was great. It made the boss fight just that much more intense.
Fairness: Tooooo Fair. Even if you got a perm? It was a boon for your dev! How can you go wrong!? It's a win-win.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: I support for president.
Character: Chadwick Dogslayer
Event: Blind Faith, Part Two

Responsiveness: For the quality provided, the responses were quite fast. 
Most of the delay came from us shitting about on our own accord.

Balance: It was a bit easy, but I think we had a great team for eventing, so it was harder on you than it should have been.


Storytelling: Holy fuck.
This has been the best event I've been on in over a year.
Ludster nearly brought me to tears with how much effort he clearly put into the event.
I went from just being grateful he ran the event, to being blown away that he did what he did
with what he had to work with.


Fairness: We received more than we deserved.
Especially Charlotte.



Ludster is my spirit twin, we are two halves of the same whole.
There will never be a greater DM in existence, unless we were both to fuse bodies with the Potara earrings.


Additional Comments:

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Character: Reyndzer Kovac
Which Event: Train Robbery

Responsiveness: Very fast, very responsive.
Balance: I felt like everything I did was avoid shit and it was still hard because if I got distracted for a second I'd die. Definite 11/10
Storytelling: fuck yes. 10/10; We asked for wild west, we got the more wild west we could. I expected no plot at all and got hit with a cool fucking story wtf that's cool as shit; It's really telling that a whole lot of effort went into the writing and the story.
Fairness: 10/10. It was fair and square, and the items were very good for all of us; The injuries were also dealt very fairly at that. I also rolled seduction and kissed one of the bosses.

Overall: 10/10 i love ludikun now

Any other comments: 0/10 if i remember i couldn't roll seduction for the last boss
Character: Blank
Which Event: The New Forgemaster

Responsiveness: Extremely responsive to every little thing. Kinda surprised, normally in events I start to get a bit of 'third party' vibes or 'I'm here as a number'. I'm sure a lot of people can vouch that in most events I've taken apart of I don't really RP much but I found myself actually compelled to let my creativity flow!... So much so that I got 199 RPL at the start of the event, and 200 RPL at the midway point. (25/25)

Balance: Two fights, one wasn't really a fight but I'll get to that in a moment. The first fight was extremely balanced, the fact that we almost squeaked out a clutch win during one of the rounds where everyone was downed but one person! Which was a very satisfying and cool thing to feel in general. Normally when everyone but one person gets down I see bosses with 25-50% health leftover, here it was VERY, VERY close. The second 'fight' was a dance, which focused entirely around dodging attacks from the EC rather than fighting it in a 'dance'. I went in with my aura off, my stance off, and only true flight on. I got to bar TACKLE of all things to help me dodge out of the way. I got to use shadow walk to run into some of the attacks to emphasize the 'dance' aspect of it. (25/25)

Storytelling: Amazing, the mountain portion really gave off the vibe of an ancient being annoyingly and barely tolerating the tiny gnats on its hide, the magma portion placed an emphasis on an ancient being that felt overconfident and passionate, seeking a worthy challenge to entertain it. The ice portion put emphasis on this graceful, calm and polite creature that sought only a dance within the frozen winds... I loved every moment of it. (25/25)

Fairness: Things were taken into account that I didn't expect and only mentioned jokingly in looc. Such as Blank's mining skill being 18 with the 'haha 69% exp funneh number' bit, and then that coming up as 'intuition' in a whispers. The lodestone potion I used during it as one of my 1/2 potions I could use (Alchemists get 2 charges which is neat! If they came prepared!). Extremely balanced in terms of pain and suffering! I even got a reward that fits with a project I've been meaning to do, which is wild! (25/25)

Overall: 100/100

Any other comments:

I've come to a daunting realization that I've become extremely picky when it comes to eventmins. Ludi has easily taken a spot in my top three eventmins. What an absolute experience of an event!

Also? Got to slow dance with a dragon while singing Baka Mitai's english version. Blank shall never love again....
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Character: Emerson
Which Event: The New Forgemaster

Responsiveness: Ludi volunteered to do this thusly why I piggy backed off how Noel became Forgemaster. I thought the premise was cool and we immediately found a date to do it. They were responsive in LOOC and even took into account our mining level when doing one of the trials!

Balance: The bosses were capable of being scary, especially if you didn't pay attention to what it was doing / how it was moving. Several times I went down because I got overconfident. But none of the fights were impossible to win or on the other side of the scale, stupid easy to win against either.

Storytelling: The story of it was what attracted me. Being able to make an item on the fly in front of a council of elder dragons just SOUNDS cool, and each narrate was great as it provided good environmental details. Also Ludi made each dragon feel like their own person.

Fairness: Very fair, for the rewards we got. Not too punishing, but also not too lenient. I nearly got a perm - which I would have been fine with, tbh.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: got to make a unique in front of some dragons might to their delight. would do so again if need be.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Character: Matthias Grimmore
Which Event: Cube Squared

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Incredibly fast, never waiting more then a few minutes for a good narrate. 10/10
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?):  I WAS SCREAMING SO MUCH WHY WERE THERE SO MANY VINES GOOD GOD MAKE THE TREES STOP. 10/10
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): I absolutely loved it. It was like Resident Evil met Eternia. Capcom should take notes. Especially when we were running from Mr. X the entire time. 10/10
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) Absolutely. We were always at risk, and we accepted that coming into the event.

Overall: 10/10, completely loved the event. It had an overwhelming feeling of dread and fear as an unkillable monster continued to hunt us down.

Any other comments: PLEASE MAKE THE VINES STOP
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Character: Marie pyr Docro

Which Event: Cube Squared

Responsiveness: Narrates were often very quick, and if they weren't they were worth it! All of our posts were read and responded to thoroughly enough, I never felt ignored or skimmed over at any point during the event, and experimental, out of the box solutions to problems were quickly adapted to. I have absolutely no complaints here.

Balance: Despite each EC being the same one repeated (a la a recurring resident evil villain who just keeps showing up, very thematic for the event), each fight allowed the enemy to expand and differentiate itself, getting progressively more difficult as it went on, but never reaching a point of unfairness. You made us sweat and work for our victories in the last two encounters, it very fun.

Storytelling: Absolutely on point with this one. Narrates, items, and injuries were all vivid and flavorful, full of rich detail. Each of our character's pursuits and histories were taken into consideration, not just in the items handed out, but in the narrations and way the event played out itself. Very atmospheric and very fun.

The addition of an optional extension to the end of the event with increased risk and increased reward was very neat and I'm glad we decided to take the extra risk because it was the needed cherry on top to the resident evil through-line. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

Fairness: This was a really good event for showcasing that very big and very noteworthy rewards don't always need a statline, even when at the HCoD tier. The injury tables and difficulty were both fair in comparison to the risk.

Any other comments:

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just to avoid confusion, since ive gotten a lot of questions about it: at this moment, i am not accepting events to be dmed in the near future due to not having as much time to set them up. the only exception being events i personally want to run (in which i will message you about it) or events relating to something that i would likely be the best candidate to be the dm of (e.x. stuff related to project ADAM, the almia cube, blank space, primordial of wealth, the spire of naysien, etc.).
ill make a post when i start openly dming other events again.
[Image: 6VjQGd5.png]
Character: Reynaud Agana
Which EventLiber Transvectio
Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Fairly quick and with quite the fun dramatic flair that any long waits we had were well worth it.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): We had only 3 members in our group but they still managed to find that fine line between fighting a striking dummy and playing Dante must die. A good meaty challenge.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): Matched the vibes I was going for quite well. The plot twist at the end was also a nice touch in comparison to what i expected.
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) For a COD event it may have been slightly easy, but decisions made by the PCs also influenced the danger (Like selling a piece of ones soul for a power boost, for example)

Overall: 9/10

Any other comments:

10/10 would sell my soul to totally not satan again

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