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Luca pyr Docro - The Boss
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"Family business. None of your concern."

They say the metal city is never taciturn. Either working or talking, Achyon's luminescence shines through any dark night - however - there is a certain group of people the municipality is simply not allowed to gleam upon. Citizens who hoard money, power and political influence, ascending in society as a consequence of adumbral behaviour. It's precisely compared to a dark alley: you're aware of its location, but reluctant to trespass such dangerous area. And asking too much about it might do bad for you.

The Docro Dynasty's reputation still lives after many years, consolidating themselves as a noble family with eminence. Law's almost blind to their actions because as atrocious as they can be, everyone needs a group willing to do what others morally can't. Therefore, no investigations can reveal inner interactions of their hierarchy, only rumors. And those sprint the narrow streets similar to rain falling on a hill.

Esshar verbalizes that there's a man commonly found inside the Docro's manor known as Luca Docro, the current Head of the Family, but you must refer to him as Don Docro and kiss his hand if you plan on asking for anything. Hell, some even call this boss Godfather. This white-haired figure is also popular by virtue of granting favors to basically anyone, although you should invariably expect to return such generosity - be extremely careful when staying in debt with this family.

Not much apropos his temperament is not recondite, besides the immense care for his family. You must expect friendship, despite the eternally nonchalant countenance. He's always generous to those who are his friends, even if it does not mean the common use of the word.

Some also say the estate where Luca lives, whilst known as property of the Docros, is full of suited men with no blood relations to the descendants of Walter's dynasty. Who knows what they're doing, right?

With him, there's always time for business. Sylavanum, shady contracts - you can always find what you want in the Docro Manor. Mayhaps even becoming a part of this sick business.

If you want to arrange a scene for whatever reason, you can DM chelala#2721.
You can also DM if you want to create a mobster backstory and play with this group.
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Quote:"One of you has betrayed me. One of the drinks is poisoned. Savor the wine, my dear family."

Men seeking power, planning to overthrow me is as common as drinking water.
Fraudulence, honeyed words and coups. Ending them means nothing to me.
Those who dare to defy my birthright will meet their end.

Yet, behind all this unfathomable wealth, there's my family.
My tremendous, most important treasure.

Such inestimable gem can't leave me. Either my family, or nothing.
Yes, if I had the power to conquer everything without reaping from others... I would be as merciful as a benevolent god.
But such is not possible.
What isn't mine, simply can't -be-.

[Image: uUeI85T.png]
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Barsburg, Capital. 1817AC.
The disconsolated melody of a piano reverberates, coming from the Godfather's room.
No person is allowed inside - and those who dared to enter;
felt the dread of Luca's covetousness chilling their spine.

They will always remember what they did today,
because the consequences will be eternal.
Alfredo, prepare my ship to Esshar.

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