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College of Agriculture and Natural Science (CANS)
Did you want academy arc? Let's have one, in a small scale.

A thousands of flyers are flying over Esshar... Not this time, save paper 

Jack Kelsey, a guy who gained some capital on trading, alchemy, crafting, growing and selling crops spreads information about opening of training classes in Alabastre. Although it suffered from a disaster, with a lot of buildings going underwater, library still stands intact. 
 College of Agriculture and Natural Science (CANS) is established in library. Hey, here is a logo too.

[Image: Cans.png]
Jack Kelsey can teach you about:
- farming (OOC: Admins may increase your farming level on some value after completion of the course. Maybe...) (a farming area is in process of reconstruction and upgrading)

- cooking (OOC: Admins may increase your cooking level on some value after completion of the course. Maybe...)
- Nature: plants and animals (Do you like the Springs Bloom? Or maybe, Cruel Thesis? Let's have lecture about it)
- Earth: minerals, rocks, geology (They say, there are hidden Earth techniques. Let's study them, noone uses that, you'll be first)
- MMA course Mastery of Marketology and Administration
- Runescribing (I have a special approach)
- Other subjects you ask about (Except of Occult stuff)

Graduates will get a diploma with CANS logo. 

Check library in Alabastre, that room is always open for self-study.

[Image: unknown.png]
Find Jack in Alabastre or in Myllenoris
After Jack closed the shop in tower, Jane works now as college secretary.

A new publication is available for sale and review at Jane Kelsey.

"How to measure time" - an overview covering aspects of time, nature, astronomy and mechanics.
Two new publications are available in College:

A collection of Alchemy recipes
Copy of Celestial Codex (composed by Inante Salis)

More publications coming soon!
A publication about Sylvanum is available in library of CANS. Ask Jane Kelsey for a copy. Or Jack.
Here is a full text of publication about Sylvannum. This article is being published to foster alchemy research of Crimson Reed and Fairy Dust. Also it enumerates all positive and negative effects of substance. Consider purchasing it from CANS library, your coins will support a college.

Quote:Sylvannum is a very powerful substance, favored by militaries and combatants. It gives a POWER SPIKE to consumers, but the cost is tremendous.

This substance was designed in 1670s, and it immediately became illegal, according to fragments from Osronian archives. Originally it was designed for nobility, they needed something to boost up their courage. But the result became way more powerful than expected. Sylvanum is reported to have damaging effect on personality and was used by criminals to boost up their  strength right before combat.

According to book of medical reference, Sylvanum has the following effects:

While Sylvanum is active:
- A sense of manic euphoria
- Blood shot eyes, lack of desire and need to sleep
- Decreased appetite; the substance sustains the body
- SIGNIFICANTLY improved magical output
- Intense paranoia and mood swings

Sylvanum withdrawal:
- Constant hunger / thirst
- Rapid muscle decay
- Inability to sleep / insomnia
- Extreme desire for the drug (they will hurt people to get it)

Researchers from First Light measured absolute values of Sylvanum influence. Magical power is increased by value of 20 POW while Sylvanum is active, but it soon drops by 30 POW, compared with initial state of test subject. A report also contains information about extreme cravings. Some other sources mention mood swings and manic delirium.

Early alchemy manuals contain references to methods of making of this substance, but exact proportions were censored and data about technical process was removed. So, the ingredients are:
* Fairy Powder,
* Rope Root,
* Crimson Reed,
* Poppylus

Being a merchant, I managed to get to know that you need to have three Fairy Powders and three Crimson Reeds. I believe that those components make a core of this mystical substance. Fairy Powder is an essence of magic and power, it boosts living force of humans. Healing potions have only single dose of Fairy Powder, and it is quite reasonable that it should be tribled to go beyond simple healing effect. Crimson Reed is a herb which is used to increease person's speed. Poppylus is used in all Booster Potions (especially in PowerX) as a magical amplifier. I assume that Rope Root is used here to reduce overall toxicity. Another assumed components may include: fire crystals (they are used in PowX and in Rage potion) as well as Sinka (it is a core component of Rage potion). Probably, creators did not include them to original recipe due to increased risk of heart attack.

Proportions of Fairy powder and Crimson reed may be mathematically deduced from the following:  Price on Sylvanum was about 6000 coins on black market, and price on fairy powder was about 1000 coins (later dropped to 800c-900c); price on Crimson reed was about 200c-300c. 3 x 1000 + 3 x 300 = 3900c. This is a rough calculation of core components.

Sylvanum was not used by First Light as risky, unpredictable and potentially toxic. A hundred years later Walter Docro allowed usage of various combat stimulants in Osrona for City Watch (refer to official announcements of Osronian Republic). No information about usage of it in Barsburg is available.

Determining a composition of Sylvanum is a challenge for alchemy researcher. This substance uses properties of Fairy powder and Crimson Reed - one of the rarest and least explored components.

Jack Kelsey

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