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House of Wonders
[Image: pJ4MyOP.png]

News of a new cafe opening by Baleford Bridge travel across Esshar: The House of Wonders. An establishment built, owned, and mostly staffed by an old man who's glory days are long gone. In an attempt to remain outside of the current politics of the world the owner welcomes all and any within his establishment. Much to his dismay this also includes the less reputable individuals.

Rumor has it that those who seek not a wonder but need one will depart the establishment far more wealthy than they used to be or in possession of rather unique artifacts. Who can tell whether such is true or not? One thing is certain, however, and that is the quality of the drinks and food served at the establishment and their never-changing price of one hundred and fifty coins for an item on the menu.

[Image: 41tiosW.png]

[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
"Some legacies should be preserved. Where is the harm in keeping the name?"
News of a humble yet exclusive cafe reopening by the Baleford Bridge travel to the far corners of Esshar.

The House of Wonders is back.

Originally built and owned by a Rhoynish elder by the name of Kofe as a place to temporarily escape the politics of the region at large, it has since been refined and remodeled to appeal to the modern eye. A hole in the wall joint ran by a staff from all walks of life, yet the aesthetic of the establishment has been agreed upon and solidified under the guidance and direction of its new owner - Vanessa Sova.
She had this to say as reporters crowded the ribbon-laced entrance, pleading for a statement:
"An escape from your stars and your machines,
from your woes and your worries.
Find your lust for life again at the House of Wonders."
[Image: bbedc6f276726759f5e493d2279b7c18.png]
Rumor has it that those who seek not a wonder but need one may find it within - or just a steaming cup of assorted imported brews. Public events will be somewhat frequent along with talented musicians and artists from across the land using the interior as a venue. But above all, the House of Wonders is the place to go to find the piece of yourself that you did not know you were missing.

[ Normally open and active during the hours of 4pm EST until Midnight, maybe later. ]
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[Image: unknown.png]

On a fateful evening after a series of letters were exchanged and suspicions had, a 'pleasant' meeting ended in violence.
The former Stellus, Geztelle ven Pelleux could be spotted fleeing from the House of Wonders with the templar Dallan shortly before the building burst into flames.
The staff have relocated and are commonly seen within the walls of Achyon where talks of some new deals and a new venue have been made.

To her new neighbors, Lady Sova says,

My little family enjoys the sites and sounds of true progress over the boring stagnation of the Shimmering City.
We do hope we can show everyone the same hospitality we put on in our old cafe here for the good Achyonites in their time of war.
Our show is certainly not over.

If one cared to sift through the ashes and debris, they might find the remains of Ariadne ven Pelleux.
Large amounts of dried blood have coated any bits that weren't incinerated,

And the House of Wonders closes for business.

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