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The Refueling Station
[Image: FcpJQrj.png]
Situated on the top floor of a building in Osrona, in the last door on the left, a new tavern is opened for business. Looking out on the once great city of Osrona, and all its incredibly patriotic new inhabitants, the Refueling Station invites all those both in service to The Machine and otherwise, to come in, relax, and have a good meal with a stiff drink. Owned and run by the matronly Sanna Soleis, its doors are always open to any and every potential patron. Not like she could turn away the one she would anyway.
[Image: a5h4maM.png]
So stop on by, get your food, some pleasant conversation and don't forget to tip!
[Image: g2IyYtm.png]
The Refueling Station, Osrona's favorite bar has quickly become a bustle of faces, food and coinage. Within a few years of opening a notice has been posted to the front door.
Quote:Distinguished Patrons!
You have completely floored me with your generosity, kindness, and coinpurses. Originally I'd intended to do this as a past time, make just enough to cover the costs of the space and my own home. In these past few months however you've all shown me that your hunger for quality food and quality service runs much deeper. So deep in fact I'm rapidly approaching a problem.
My farm cannot keep up with your hunger.
This is not to say that prices will be increasing or anything of the sort. I instead offer a request to all of you. Should you own a farm or have access to one and can put it to use, I could very much use some of your produce! Stop in and see me to setup a pricing and delivery deal!
Thank you for all your support and I look forward to serving you more in the coming years!
-Sanna Soleis
A new notice has been posted to the door of the Refueling Station. Lacking the flair of the previous notice and in heavy ink, as if the pen had been pressed extremely firmly into the paper for every last stroke.

Quote:To my Valued Patrons,
Due to circumstances outside of my control it seems that a tax has been levied on all people crossing the Baleford Bridge. Despite a supplier of produce, my own daughter, and despite explaining that she supplied me, those guarding the bridge demanded she pay a toll to cross. When she didn't have the money, I understand, she tried to explain the circumstances more and still it was demanded. Due to this unreasonable demand upon my supply line and the unwillingness to work with my daughter on the issue, or come to me to resolve it, Sandwich prices have been increased by four hundred crowns.
However! Those of you who I know and trust can still buy them for their old price from myself or Ewald. Those of you who I know to be responsible? I demand a thousand coins, and for you to beg the forgiveness of not only me but my daughter, along with guaranteed passage for her. Only upon such terms being met will prices return to normal across the board.
I apologize to those who are disrupted by this change and hope it is resolved as soon as possible.
-Sanna Soleis
P.S. I also now offer most aritificing services, stop on in and inquire if you need something made or some work done.

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