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Transmutation - A metal spell
So the idea is simple. Metal should get a spell called transmutation that works kind of like the spell for Nature that grows plants.

Casting it costs X amount of energy. If no metal ore is in front of you/targeted, it creates a lump of copper ore.

If an ore is in front of you, it transmutes it to the next highest tier, up to Nyeshk. So Copper > Iron > Steel > Adamantite > Orichalcum > Mythril > Nyeshk.

I'm thinking 300 - 500 energy is a good place to set it. Since it means to get to Nyeshk from copper takes multiple sessions eating up all your energy for one lump of Nyeshk. Maybe even have each 'level' of transmutation cost more than the last. So Mythril to Nyeshk is 1000 energy, but making copper from nothing is only 300.

Maybe have an exalted version that costs RPP that can turn Nyeshk into Arcanium called Grand Transmutation.
I feel like making the 'quality' of the ore a step higher is slightly overpowered. Growth doesn't give you more/less of the resource you planted it just makes it grow faster.

Perhaps a different type of spell could be looked at? Say for example:

"Seismic sense"
-Costs 100 energy.
-Summons around you 3 random ore nodes.
-45% Copper. 25% Iron. 15% Adamantite. 5% Orichalcum. 3% mythril. 2% Nyeshk.
(Has a 12 hour cd)

I'm not good with numbers so this is just a suggestion. This sort of thing should never give you anything overpowering or too much. It's a skill in a base tree. Growth doesn't REALLY give any sort of advantages so neither should this!

(07-16-2020, 08:33 PM)Alex Wrote: I feel like making the 'quality' of the ore a step higher is slightly overpowered. Growth doesn't give you more/less of the resource you planted it just makes it grow faster.

Perhaps a different type of spell could be looked at? Say for example:

"Seismic sense"
-Costs 100 energy.
-Summons around you 3 random ore nodes.
-45% Copper. 25% Iron. 15% Adamantite. 5% Orichalcum. 3% mythril. 2% Nyeshk.
(Has a 12 hour cd)

I'm not good with numbers so this is just a suggestion. This sort of thing should never give you anything overpowering or too much. It's a skill in a base tree. Growth doesn't REALLY give any sort of advantages so neither should this!


I agree with this, but I would suggest a slight alteration to the idea.
Allow the spell to be used on stone nodes, which currently have no real use.
Make it a little more energy intensive, maybe like 250, random ore, rare less % chance, no cooldown.
I like that, perhaps it could even be used on the 'stone' item. It sells for 0 in the marketplace, and seems like a very wasted resource. At least wood can be converted to 1 gold.
I'm not sure about it being metal, but I do like the idea. I had a plan to dev something similar on my last hardcore alchemist, because Alchemy and Transmutation typically go hand in hand. Maybe as a Master (copper up to adamantine) and exalted (adamantine up to nysehk) alchemy recipe?
(07-16-2020, 08:33 PM)Alex Wrote: I feel like making the 'quality' of the ore a step higher is slightly overpowered. Growth doesn't give you more/less of the resource you planted it just makes it grow faster.

Perhaps a different type of spell could be looked at? Say for example:

"Seismic sense"
-Costs 100 energy.
-Summons around you 3 random ore nodes.
-45% Copper. 25% Iron. 15% Adamantite. 5% Orichalcum. 3% mythril. 2% Nyeshk.
(Has a 12 hour cd)

I'm not good with numbers so this is just a suggestion. This sort of thing should never give you anything overpowering or too much. It's a skill in a base tree. Growth doesn't REALLY give any sort of advantages so neither should this!


That's actually more ore overall than with my suggestion. I do kind of like the idea of instead of just spawning copper from nothing you can reconstitute stone into copper? Maybe make it like steel. To get 1 of the next tier you need three of the previous? So you can turn 3 stone into one copper. 3 copper into 1 iron, etc etc.

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