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Medical School
[Image: QOqCRh4G_400x400.png]

With the days coming by as more and more trivial with both the world and its people coming along the fact of war and troublesome times, there comes a point where doctors are needed to treat those that are harmed. Though, its unknown how many medics are out and about in the land of Esshar. Though its posted around the city of Osrona that a certain Doctor by the name of Xyth is hosting a class for those who are interested in becoming Medics. Or, even learning more about the art of healing and rejuvenation. 

It is unknown what the details of the class will be, but it will hold no prejudice to religion or standing so long as Osrona is fine with it. The class itself will be held in the next few weeks as the posting is put up (Likely Saturday or Sunday this week). Those who find these posters or carriers who have them are welcome to attend the class itself. Whether it be from Theria, Myllenoris, or anywhere else. Medicine shouldn't be restricted. 

The class will be held in Osrona, but likely within an enclosed area for the class.

There is an extra note at the bottom at the note: 
Quote:RSVP ahead to ensure spots or confirmation.
Date is going to be Sunday about 5pm EST. Meeting place is in front of the Dojo, Look out for Xyth.
With the first class a Success and the students learning more about the Medical field to a degree, Xyth will hold another class on July 2nd At 1pm EST. Same meeting place as before (Outside Osrona's Dojo) Any person willing to come from any city are welcome to attend the class
(06-30-2020, 07:29 PM)MutesToCry Wrote: With the first class a Success and the students learning more about the Medical field to a degree, Xyth will hold another class on July 2nd At 1pm EST. Same meeting place as before (Outside Osrona's Dojo) Any person willing to come from any city are welcome to attend the class
Atilus gets news of his dear friend Xyth opening a school for medicine. A letter is sent in return.

Dear Xyth,

Tis been far too long my friend. Pray I hope you are most well, I'll be attending your second class to both learn and exchange any aid I can provide. I hope despite the war I will be allowed attendance, I seek no quarrel with those of New Osrona. Hopefully the reunion will grant us both greater insight to treating our patients and aid future generations with their paths to becoming healers.

Best regard old friend-

-Atilus Rosier

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