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A Dune Dancer's Notebook
"I got to say goodbye properly."
Quote:When it came to Ilburg I thought I'd never live anywhere else. Staying so close to the roots of my people means the world to me, so why leave the spot we have the most history in? From the beginnings of our struggle in Esshar to a temple to Njorun there didn't seem to be any other proper place for me to go.

Then came Alabastre.

From the get-go I was offered to partake in a ritual and it was from there that I found my life really beginning. I got to meet people I'd later on call friends, if not more, and got to see where my blood came from. The Eryni began in Theria, as did my immediate family, and it was all shown through one spectacular ritual - One key moment.

My life began to take an upwards turn, and I don't think I ever really expected it.

Aspirations blossomed from mere dreams in the years to come even with the mess of emotions I became. It's such a funny word, isn't it? To think something can bring the logical to act illogically, the calm to act in a sudden rage. I never truly wanted to delve too deep into such a volatile sea.

Yet what's a story without a bit of heartache, a bit of wonder, a fit of laughter even?
"Yet I think... I'll go back for more."
Quote:Ilburg's either buried again or far off now. There's a project of mine that I need to finish up within Alabastre, but I need one little thing from Ilburg to complete it. I'll set out to gather it one of these days hopefully. If I do my calculations right - my runes right - then I might not even need it at all.

I'll admit, I'm a little homesick... But this new chapter of my life, this new tune is so intoxicating. I just wish I knew where to start upon the next dash of the pen.
- Bay

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