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I love this game, but...
I don't know about you guys on this whole demon thing, but the second I got on Seir, I ran out there /by myself/, and I ran around attacking people. Yes, this doesn't attribute to 'good roleplay', but I had a lot of fun roleplaying the adventure of a stupid mutt that couldn't even talk all the way to a wizened, battle-scarred wolf that philosophizes on life. I had faction leaders attack me(that wasn't much fun), and risked getting killed by them all the same, but that didn't make it any less of a thrill. I made enemies and rivals in the form of Aeolus and Atlas, the latter of which I can actually talk to without it ending up in some life-or-death battle. Rivalries are a powerful mechanic that I think people can, and should learn to make more use of. There will come a day where your character dies, but until then, it doesn't hurt to try and make a cool plot with their enemies.
(06-27-2020, 04:52 PM)Lloyd Durages Wrote: I don't know about you guys on this whole demon thing, but the second I got on Seir, I ran out there /by myself/, and I ran around attacking people. Yes, this doesn't attribute to 'good roleplay', but I had a lot of fun roleplaying the adventure of a stupid mutt that couldn't even talk all the way to a wizened, battle-scarred wolf that philosophizes on life. I had faction leaders attack me(that wasn't much fun), and risked getting killed by them all the same, but that didn't make it any less of a thrill. I made enemies and rivals in the form of Aeolus and Atlas, the latter of which I can actually talk to without it ending up in some life-or-death battle. Rivalries are a powerful mechanic that I think people can, and should learn to make more use of. There will come a day where your character dies, but until then, it doesn't hurt to try and make a cool plot with their enemies.

I felt very badly when I encountered you as a baby demon on Judeau. Sad
I feel as if there is a level of roleplaying you must take yourself towards when playing a demon. Because once you reach a certain level of rebirth you have to understand the amount of effort it takes to put life into a story and push the plot on a level of antagonism. Like If I played a demon there is the obvious go around attacking people while keeping in my mind you want to reach your final form.

That shouldn't just be it however, goals, even though you're a demon, goals should be slightly different from one demon to another. I remember there were a few yokais once they reached imperfect they aimed for a certain city, they branched out there allies, they weren't just walking around solo and if they were it was for a known reason. They had structural goals. I feel like it isn't easy, because it shouldn't be but your life as a demon is dangerous. The very existence you take to reach 200+ rpl with everything your demon has been through in life should be a telling story of development for reaching the final form.

This post isn't aimed at anyone really I just thought I'd put my 2 cents in on the topic of demons cause although I don't see myself playing one I think the time and effort put into playing one is respectable.
I've liked the Demons so far. The encounters I've had with them have always been fun and interesting, but at least for me, they've slowed down as of late.

I haven't killed any demons even when I had the opportunity to. And it does make for some fun rivalries to just see demons out in the wild multiple times over. Eventide and Seir are probably the ones I have the most connection with. Eventide is more of a classical rivalry, we're pretty much even combat wise and we use similar magic so when we fight it's always interesting and tense. Made of a good scene when they beat me after I beat them, pushes for growth in either direction. Seir's was more about revenge for an 'embarrassing' injury.

Though the parties can get a bit extreme, on both ends to be honest. Roaming with 5 niggas and ganking the first person you see isn't too fun, but being encountered by 4 demons and a witch waiting there to intervene does put a sour taste in your mouth when you know there's nothing you could do even in the chance that you win.

What I don't understand is why demons don't RP with each other more. I've just never heard about it. Roaming is cool and all but getting together with another demon to just...RP is a perfectly fine way to get a check pre-200. After that, it won't amount to much check wise but there's plenty of room for dev and growth regardless. Maybe even demons can have rivalries with each other if this happens more often, hopefully, it does with the dreadwood addition. But I do hope Demons start becoming real threats at large. If they're not together then most of the time people treat it as a free check, danger and dip off to ask. If they rose to be real threats then maybe people would have a reason to stop more petty conflicts to attend to them. But right now that's not the case, one person can easily handle most Demons without many issues.

But that's just my view on it based on what's happened to me. But generally, again, I've liked the Demons and what they've brought.
When it comes to demons, I just have one thing to say..

Don't kill them off until they're Kaor FFS. Let the monsters try to ascend for some actual FUN RP. PLS? Ty?

I don't play demons, but I like to see some general antags that aren't just hunted to hunt or killed on first encounter with 'LOL I blast you with magic and you die'

Make a DIALOG between you two before going for a kill. Goes for just about anything. Demon hurt your boy? Hurt it back. Demon kill your boy? Hurt it, wound it, force it to it's lair and have a final showdown. Never just pull cap 1 'you rolled low so you die now'. It's bad juju.
(06-27-2020, 10:54 AM)chance Wrote:
(06-27-2020, 10:38 AM)BrahmsFrost Wrote: sed that EC to help otyher people Dev because well my own arc just got killed. I lost desire to DM, and all I had was that character left. And Im like I cant even use this so I might treat it like som mentor type that inevitably teaches or protects someone long enough.

i'm really not sure how this is contributing to anyone's development, but that's beside the point. setting up an EC with 600 in stats and sniffing random people then dropping 6k flees is obviously not permitted 

Quote:Counter grapples her arm delivering the blow to her throat! (Lars 'Sliver' Commoragh) Lars 'Sliver' Commoragh is attempting to flee! They have scored 6520

please don't try and justify it. we entrust players not to do things like this when we grant them DM privileges, and our system is purposely open to allow almost anyone to run an event, so when you do something like that it isn't cool at all

if you disagree with the ban or would like to make your case, you can post an appeal and it will be processed. if you believe someone is metagaming, a report is the way to go. we confirmed that there was no metagame involved after handling the previous reports, and that was it. comparing the two is poorly deflecting

I know. I already apologized.

And no. I didn't make him. He was the only thing made. And like I said I should have just deleted Lars while thinking what to roll. But it was wrong anyway you cut it, and I know it is. I should have walked out and taken a break after the character died. So nope. No excuses. You don't make them up in the army, you don't make them up now. Fucked it up. Plain and simple.

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