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I am fuming with RAGE
> Play a demon
> Be given 30MD / 15 vit so early on, *raise an eyebrow* "huh, this is curious. Such a big boost early on, oh well! Demon's life is hard, I'll need it!"
> RP constantly
> Fight for your life everyday single day against people who outmatch you by 50 RPL
> Win some, lose some
> Tryhard to survive.
> Oh shit, oh wow, I can see Kaor.. *says while bleeding out*
> One check, away, yes.. please.. come on!
> Your 30 MD / 15 vit is stripped away
> Congratulations for surviving until now little demon, now get +10 vit / +10 power instead of your initial, better boost!
> Also, you thought we would give you cute sprites if you pick a form? Aha, this not a MMO, fuck you, just RP you're stupid bat, ahaha

so, meme aside. when you reach kaor as a demon, you get nerfed. poking around, I was told that the boost of +30 md / +15 vit is given for lesser demons to have an easier time early game.. so they can survive..

To that I say.. "you're dumb, you're a dummy dumb, and I hate you and I hope you fucking jump off a bridge."

Here, you're given the chance to be play a highly antagonistic character. To survive 90% of the server who's going to go after you, get +10 vit / +10 power. Holy, crap.

This will get downvoted because it's biased me who's pointing this out. But holy shit, I'm 100% sure that I'm not the only one who's disappointed about this. Heck, demons are supposed to be... demons, hello? YOU'RE THE APEX PREDATOR, YOU HAVE NO EMPATHY, YOU'RE A RACE STANDING ABOVE HUMANS...! YOU CAN NOT MAKE FRIENDS ANYWHERE! YOU MAY DIE ANYTIME! Here's your +10 vit / +10 <3

I know I'm giving the stick for you guys to beat me, but demon race as it stands now is a joke. a sad one.

Honestly, MIMICs can hide anywhere / everywhere / are so cool. They are SNEAKY creatures. A demon? It faces the world's hate head on. It can not hide, it can not do shit.

And what you give to the demon? +10 vit / +10 power.


If you think this is okay, you're just a fucking retard. Sayonara.
[Image: b0fd9185e7.png]
any point you could have made, even if i do agree with what you're saying, has been lost in a sea of cursing and has become an explosive, unreadable mess. i think you have a point, somewhere in this mess. somewhere. somewhere.
I'll actually make less of a shitpost and address this as a real point.

Demons, despite their AP boost, aren't inherently a race that is meant to be aggro against everyone. You will find very quickly that you will die. If you want to run through the grinder, so be it, but that is to help you out when you are inevitably confronted, not to be your main means of growth. It's a side benefit, but not the perk. As a demon you are persecuted, you are shunned, and you need to be creative to not instantly die. It is not a test of strength but a bit of luck and a lot of strategy. I'm not saying 'avoid the world' but I'm also not saying 'roam and eat endless dangers until your potato-nerfed body can no longer roll across the map'.

It's a difficult race, but you shouldn't expect the world for going it. It's a challenge, but it's not one that needs a massive boost to go with it.

It sounds like you wish you would have played a mimic instead--why not app for one?
didnt Tragedy just camp people till she was 200 and only then she started to actually rp :/
The question is, why do you get punished for becoming a kaor?

the initial boost throughout the whole playthrough of a demon would have been fine. but instead, you lose it for something weaker, stupid, and stupid, and weak.

you're literally stripped away your boost, for a 10 vit / 10 power passive. 

you're like.. devolving?

you should be rewarded for surviving this far, 'applauded' for it. a +10 vit / +10 at the start for then the toggle when you reach kaor would have been perfectly fine.

but it's the opposite.

a lesser demon who is RPL 179, will beat a Kaor.

it doesn't make sense in any way, shape, or form.

When I made into a demon, I knew it would be the equivalent of terraria master mode. it will be hard. you don't have to remind that- I play a demon, I know how it goes.

being forced to fight people who's 60 RPL over you because you walked out and accidently walked into this.. I know the drill.

What I don't understand is, why do I get punished for surviving? why do I get punished for RPing?

It's like you're given exalibur from the get go, and as you're about to fight the final boss- it is stripped away.

I was excited to reach Kaor, I was actively seeking out for it. Now? Well. I know that I'll lose power for going Kaor and I know people will be less likely to be merciful because they see 'oh, big demon, time to kill' instead of 'baby demon future antagonist, lets spare it to see how it goes'.

Kaor is supposed to be the 'final form' for most demons. Archons, human forms are an elite that not everyone will reach, achieve. Now imagine that Kaor form, is weaker than lesser demon..

it's plain stupid.
Kaor evolution being the demon equivalent of age nerfs is kind of funny conceptually but pretty weird game design, I don't see a reason for it if it's a decrease in base stats rather than just a small boost to what the base form already gives you (which it doesn't seem to be?)
The toggle buff is 30 md / 15 vit
You are given that when you make a demon.

When you reach Kaor? This toggle buff is stripped away, and you're given +10 vit / +10 power
(sorry if I was unclear with my massive rage earlier)

What would have been fine : s when you make a demon, you're given 10 vit / 10 power AND THEN, when you reach Kaor, that is replaced with the toggle buff.

but instead yyou're getting nerfed for reaching Kaor
rod5 did it better
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh

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