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Calling Card [s2e4]
The next heist for the Culdesac's Second Season isn't initiated by rumors in the black market or the crew throwing darts at a board. It comes in the form of a calling card, left behind by the catnappers of Dragonlord Rinn's precious kitten, Samantha. 


"Un-fur-tunate. tHiSs isS whaT haPPensS wHen you SsteP on the wrong toes.
Purr-hapsS thEre isS a way fOr thisS to end iN a furr-tunate maNNer.
Look, the Boss wanted me to do the entire card like that. But I think it'd just end as a cat-astrophy.
Hahaha. But seriously. 
If you want the cat back, bring all your CATNIP.
[that means the drugs you've been making.]
No funny stuff, or the Boss will goop the cat. You don't want that."

Hades Task // koden
++ The Culdesac + Walter

Objective: Rescue Samantha + investigate/beat up the Organization creating the GOOP [as seen in s1e6] + Find the Mysterious Man [from s2e3]

Tone: 20th Century Boys, Akira, Yakuza: Kiwami

Risk: CoD

Rewards: Will discuss with DM.
DM: Hoovy.

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