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Key: SimpleDM
Event Preferences: I'm open to anything really!
Contact Information: Simple#1593
Anything Else: N/A

Which Event:

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?):
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)


Any other comments:
Key/Character: Ry0un0suke/Del mer Joyau
Which Event: Coming of Dawn
Responsiveness: The event ran long but it truly was no issue. Considering the length of the posts, response times were reasonable and each post could be engaged with.
Balance: Zealot handled the ECs and the balance was fine. I was sweating every round.
Storytelling: By far my favorite and I think is the focus of Simple events. I enjoyed the story quite a bit and how it expanded on some smaller plot points of things that happened before the war. Considering the reward, it wasn't at all 'a ragtag group sets off to defeat some enemy'. There was depth and connection to the current overall IC. There was a twist, one I expected but didn't expect. Perhaps unintentional, but relations to certain characters like Sethon. It was was really great. 
Fairness: The Tattles system. Fun, fair. No complaints there.
Overall:  I love events with a heavy focus on lore and story rather than rewards, even if I'll bitch about things cause that's how I am... Truly, the event was very enjoyable though running eight hours? Again, it was no issue considering the quality of every post and the amount of engagement with the characters present and the IC of the state of Esshar. But, cuter injuries. That would be my sole compliant. After the ol Ryou crying it was cuter yeehaw. But still it didn't really take away from anything. From start to end I loved it.
Any other comments: Wonderful. DM more...
[Image: cb9dd72403b90bae3d8fc519b5bd7c95.png]
Key/Character: ilio#2422
Which Event: Coming of Dawn

Responsiveness: 10/10. Very fast and they did not use pre-typed emotes either, naturally a fast writer.
Balance: Zealot's a champ. Aside from the fire mechanic one, a little strong, prob had one or two more skills then needed, they were all pretty honed and required us to play fairly well to beat them. The event was written to be unbeatable since 2-parter, but it was good.
Storytelling: Simple has always been a player steeped in the storytelling and roleplay of the wipe but they outdid themselves here. I was extremely impressed. I have only been on a few events, theirs and Chances and they are both of extremely high quality, and engaging. Very fun.
Fairness: Very fair, we got numerous rewards all fitting the IC narrative when I did not expect us to get much at all.

Overall: A well-written DM. This was their first event and as far as I am aware it went off without a hitch. It went for a little while but that was because it was dialogue heavy and I took a bit longer to write. Some of our responses also relied on other people in our party, hence a bit more waiting.

Any other comments: thanks simple + zealot
I am potentially looking to run some events. Be it small, large, world, or faction scale just DM me with your ideas/threads and I'll see what I can do.

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