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Entering a City as an Enemy
i think the game, politically, is very fun at the moment. i think everything going on with the war, with the brewing civil war, with all the little conflicts is fun. 

what i do not think is fun is how soft and forgiving the rules are to people who display the ugly IC of strolling into an enemy city for one reason or another.

these people should not be afforded 1v1s. they shouldn’t be afforded the same fair treatment as everyone else. if this is an action you chose to take, the consequences should be severe. 

the fact someone can walk into a city with the knowledge they’ll be fine, because they have a busted teraphim build, or busted DR build, and they’ll be able to 1v1 their way back out is insane. we should not stifle conflict, but we should be realistic about it -

in my eyes, this habit of people being allowed to walk into enemy territory without consequences because they’re strong and the rules force 1v1s unless an admin intervenes is not realistic. it’s poor roleplay. i really think there needs to be a rule adjustment to accommodate this. back in the day you would be 6 man ganked with war summons and would have to pass the /flee role or fight - as it should be, because this is enemy territory and you are not afforded the luxury of a series of 1 on 1 brawls. it just makes the entire overarching war feel really tiny and pointless when you have Shadow Teraphim #27 or DR Drakanite #7 waltz in to cause shit and get out without consequence.

this is happening frequently (across every area, not just osrona) and it’s really lousy.

tl;dr adjust the rules so there’s real penalty to just strutting into enemy walls
nothing takes you out of the idea that there's an active armed conflict faster than the idea that your hated enemy is chilling on the benches eating a hotdog

i am not saying you shouldn’t be able to infiltrate. what i’m saying is that if you infiltrate and do a bad job and you are caught, you should have to /flee (with penalty) against the /pursues of those you are caught by, and fight every single person who pursues higher than you, or surrender.

none of this 1v1 garbage. you’re in an enemy city.

i have spoken
I agree with this, gives more value to other locations that'll actually afford the risk of harboring enemies to other nations as well. After-all, nobody likes complete isolation from the world. There has to be some place people can chill from constant harassing.

It's a game, sure being a villain comes with large risk. But who enjoys sitting around all day alone, knowing the next encounter will likely involve a fight. Sure its' cool at first, but then you realize it gets boring quick and you wanna do more with your story.

So yes... Higher penalty. Enforce a mindset of fearing going into enemy terrority. Unless you're quite literally prepared with something. A disguise, a way out, people inside. Etc, this way. Life can flourish in other locations.
agreed, rule addition: "Being deep in enemy territory (without a valid, built up reason) means you may be subject to fight a 1v2 instead of a series of 1v1s. This isn't always the case if the IC has been built up and grounded well, but moreso applies to people just 'strolling in' to the middle of a city, which is heavily manned."
Eh. This will just lead to people being utterly isolated and refusing to leave their home turf. Disagree.

EDIT: Eh, 1v2s aren't that bad. Better than full on ganks.
also as the rule makes clear (i hope) this doesn't apply to every single battle within a city. only the ones that are a little frustrating and cheap, like someone idling in your dojo because they feel as if no one in the city can 1v1 them, etc etc

if you aren't there just to flex but have solid purpose IC, then you shouldn't be given an automatic cap
Cities being 'safe zones' obviously isn't great, but you know what's worse?

Seeing thirty Teraphim casual inside of Osrona in the midst of a severe, armed conflict that potentially threatens to cripple and break Osrona itself, hanging out in the dojo or walking around the castle.

That's much worse, in my opinion.
Seems good, but maybe some of these powerful builds could use tuning down.

Still waiting on the removal of DR auras, here.
"Being deep in enemy territory (without a valid reason) means you may be subject to fight a 1v2 instead of a series of 1v1s, unless there's someone present who's comfortable in handling you. This isn't always the case if the IC has been built up and grounded well, but moreso applies to people just 'strolling in' to enemy territory. Additionally, in this scenario, there is no limit to the number of interventions allowed on a capture if deep within an enemy city."

edited a bit

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