Contrary to popular belief, I'll have the lot of you know that my opinions are completely (un)Warranted. If you have anything to say...Don't say it. Because I'm more important than you, so bye. So, the first thing we'll be discussing is:
Now, with the most important part of this (un)Warranted discussion out of the way, let's talk about of Malicee's QoL changes.
1. Rhoynish War Cry: Give me back my heheheh's. It's cute and adds a nice little juxtaposition to the bloody race. GIVE IT BACK. NOW.
2. Reduce the cooldowns on AoEs. They no longer double tick and feel less satisfying to do 2.3k damage on a 30 second cd. Help me. There are times when I'm sitting in a verb for +10 seconds running around hoping that someone doesn't realize that I'm not taunting them...I just have no CDs. Homings out dps me with way less cd.
3. Meteor is trash, sear is the better counterpart.
4. Jab CD is still dumb.
5. Contrary to popular belief - Melee is still dummy thicc in comparison to mages. Nerf advance stances imo.
6. Stop asking for unarmed stances. It's not a thing. It won't be here. You don't deserve it. (You get better stances when you app anyway.)
7. Add proper coloration to the different cosmic specs. Blue is the only one that has it's full recolors.
8. Blood has way too much to offer and she needs to choose. Does she want to do more damage when people bleed or does she want to lifesteal? Currently, there is way too much utility placed in a tree. (It has a ton of vit, lifesteal, damage, and homings.) It also eats hot chip.
9. Let's stop giving homings/projectiles/beams(like blood and prism beam) these ridiculously long ranges. It's kind of wild...Needs adjustments.
10. Poison seems a little hasty...Probably would have made this app-only to keep a closer eye on it's performance before bringing this to the public. Atleast, that way, you wouldn't have a disaster on your hands. Or perhaps, a few test runs would've been cute.
11. Unarmed needs cuter spells, I like to think. Something other than your constant weighted punch and flying kick would make it less boring to play and fight against. (I think there's something in the works)
12. Crystal is still too powerful. I suggest targeting the sustain portion of crystal(slightly).
13. I like the idea of the fireblooded tree...Although, I think the Garjiling(permanent/injury thing) should be mostly reduced to one battle to stop non-consequential chain verbing.
14. Add in more beast-kin spells. Just having Feral Nature is decent, but sometimes, I wanna be a little more catty. ( for ookamis?)
15. Introduce another lengthy, worldly antagonist...The nethradin under Ilburg was a really cute idea and generated tons of rp. Let's keep going while it's hot.
16. Connor says nerf Volcano. But on the other hand...I think it should be buffed. tuh~
17. Riptide is actually...kinda scary. Why is the whip 5x5?
18. Jumpy says wind is weak...I disagree. Maybe, you should just dodge eviscerate. Tuh. It's easy.
19. Why are we still buffing water?
20. The agility nerf was cute and all...But what about dr, sis? Something not right.
21. Nerf poison..
22. Teraphim still
- Trent isn't shit. He might smell like it and might, quite literally, in a physical sense, be a shit. But he is not the shit. Thank you.
Now, with the most important part of this (un)Warranted discussion out of the way, let's talk about of Malicee's QoL changes.
1. Rhoynish War Cry: Give me back my heheheh's. It's cute and adds a nice little juxtaposition to the bloody race. GIVE IT BACK. NOW.
2. Reduce the cooldowns on AoEs. They no longer double tick and feel less satisfying to do 2.3k damage on a 30 second cd. Help me. There are times when I'm sitting in a verb for +10 seconds running around hoping that someone doesn't realize that I'm not taunting them...I just have no CDs. Homings out dps me with way less cd.
3. Meteor is trash, sear is the better counterpart.
4. Jab CD is still dumb.
5. Contrary to popular belief - Melee is still dummy thicc in comparison to mages. Nerf advance stances imo.
6. Stop asking for unarmed stances. It's not a thing. It won't be here. You don't deserve it. (You get better stances when you app anyway.)
7. Add proper coloration to the different cosmic specs. Blue is the only one that has it's full recolors.
8. Blood has way too much to offer and she needs to choose. Does she want to do more damage when people bleed or does she want to lifesteal? Currently, there is way too much utility placed in a tree. (It has a ton of vit, lifesteal, damage, and homings.) It also eats hot chip.
9. Let's stop giving homings/projectiles/beams(like blood and prism beam) these ridiculously long ranges. It's kind of wild...Needs adjustments.
10. Poison seems a little hasty...Probably would have made this app-only to keep a closer eye on it's performance before bringing this to the public. Atleast, that way, you wouldn't have a disaster on your hands. Or perhaps, a few test runs would've been cute.
11. Unarmed needs cuter spells, I like to think. Something other than your constant weighted punch and flying kick would make it less boring to play and fight against. (I think there's something in the works)
12. Crystal is still too powerful. I suggest targeting the sustain portion of crystal(slightly).
13. I like the idea of the fireblooded tree...Although, I think the Garjiling(permanent/injury thing) should be mostly reduced to one battle to stop non-consequential chain verbing.
14. Add in more beast-kin spells. Just having Feral Nature is decent, but sometimes, I wanna be a little more catty. ( for ookamis?)
15. Introduce another lengthy, worldly antagonist...The nethradin under Ilburg was a really cute idea and generated tons of rp. Let's keep going while it's hot.
16. Connor says nerf Volcano. But on the other hand...I think it should be buffed. tuh~
17. Riptide is actually...kinda scary. Why is the whip 5x5?
18. Jumpy says wind is weak...I disagree. Maybe, you should just dodge eviscerate. Tuh. It's easy.
19. Why are we still buffing water?
20. The agility nerf was cute and all...But what about dr, sis? Something not right.
21. Nerf poison..
22. Teraphim still