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(11-19-2023, 09:32 PM)Astronomical Wrote: I am not sure if this is a bug or something intended, so I'm posting it here as a suggestion!

PLEASE make letters log when you send them rather than when players receive them after the five minute OOC timer.

If a player you send the letter to is offline, the letter will never log because it wasn't received. Even when that character logs in, uses /checkmail, and receives it, the letter still does not show up in logs.

I'm sure this could apply to a lot of the playerbase, but when I send letters and the player isn't offline (not allowing them to log)... sometimes I forget all or most of the context of my letter. Lmao. I don't want to rely on having to screenshot every single letter I send or receive either just to recall its contents.

So, please.. let letters log in /logs as soon as they are sent rather than logged when received.

it's been nearly 2 months and this still hasn't resolved. i hate dming people asking if they've gotten the letter i wrote them.
when you're rooted, make the direction you're facing change w/o needing to hold control, just by WASD alone
[Image: characters-2-smaller.png]
Please... add a scroll lock or something that could (maybe) be toggled.. like an automatic scroll or a manual scroll... It's so infuriating when I'm in a scene with people, trying to read red texts, and the entire chat gets pushed up or forced to the bottom by the sea of white texts from other characters around the victinity of the post. I constantly have to be inconvenienced for a moment just to scroll it back down to continue reading the RP. Holding the scroll bar doesn't help and can get very annoying at times.
Death is boring.
maybe let place or add some fix tranning dummie boxes on deathbox

[Image: image.png?ex=65dda2c8&is=65cb2dc8&hm=91c...a92514408&]
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
Too small suggestion to put on discord.

Idea : Clicking on the miniature portrait opens the whole profile, like if you click on the "profile" button.

I don't know why, I am often finding myself clicking on the small profiles to try opening a bigger picture. Unsure if that's a "me only" thing though !
Good idea.
Change the click = direction you turn to Ctrl + Click. I want to click on people and not embarrass myself when I miss. Also, I want to be able to click back into the game without spinning around when I am tabbed out.
A second deathbox on same layer of world, tiny enough, maybe the size of a rpb.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
Make fizzy pops Easier to get in mystery crates, not stupidly easily.. just give it a higher chance to roll in a crate unboxing, like an uncommon or such

or add them to the rush store

tired of blowing every coin i make and getting not even one single fizzy pop just to cap my energy

Its just energy, shouldn't really be a pretty hard drop to get from a crate, once you max your energy.. you don't need them anymore,

And if anyone else gets extras.. more players can sell them out to newer players and make the process easier.
put them in rush store for cheap
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]

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