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Construction & Conquest
^ Coffee shop approved for 25k, +3 lots inside (500c/30c)

[Image: 41tiosW.png]
Name of Establishment: Stalls

Building Purpose: I need a stall outside Moxtli Warper! (Someone stole mine.)

Area Description: 
[Image: 22e5bdb0d99f231667b961dfce3914c4.png]

Characters Involved: Talacael Meztin, and any Moxtli supporters

Map Progress / Plans: Just please add another two carpets, and two stalls to the right. I will beg missperson to add them in, please.
[Image: WFIabT9.jpg]
Name of Establishment: The Reef

Building Purpose: A multi-functional base of operations for the Sirenian pirate crew. A proper meeting area for the various dealings, a place to arrange shipping contracts, and a generally rough and tumble pirate tavern.

Area Description: "Built atop packed sand on the beach the Deep Company have claimed as their own, the Reef is your typical sailors drinking establishment. A shabby-looking tavern -wholly for aesthetic purposes, naturally- the Reef's interior boasts decoration from all over the known world, from the Reimara Concordant in Agartha to the nation of Jianghu in Sheng. The liquor is well stocked, with kegs fondly named after members of the crew of the Pauper's Bride. Advertisements announce it as 'the only tavern in the region run by real pirates, rather than second rate sailors', surely a jab at the Simple Seahorse Resort, the proprietors of whom the Deep Company have been feuding with."

Characters Involved: Maertock Reave, Murtock Reave, Caddock Reave, Leibos, Anne orn Salis, Katja, If, Yana, Bahs, Ceres

Map Progress / Plans: We're looking for a relatively standard tavern with a distinctly nautical theme, preferably with wooden floor on the exterior merging into a short dock. Inside, so long as we can decorate it and there's a long bar we should be good. As a suggestion, a noticeboard sans the two legs on a wall so people can actually post jobs and the like could be really cool, if possible!

Edit: If approved Avee has offered to map this in with the Osrona remap.
[Image: Tila.jpg?1539814466]

Name of Establishment: Wisteria Estate

Building Purpose: Serving somewhat as a show of wealth from the Merchant and Knight, Bell. Planning on using this as a guild house of sorts for his group where they can meet and discuss their plans and ideas. Would also be nice to host gatherings in it for Osrona itself to get people together sometimes and have everyone RP, like at the beginning of E3 when there were some noble parties.

Area Description: A manor located on the south east of Osrona, at a small piece of land connected to  Messaris through a bridge. It reminds people of the old noble estates that existed more than a century ago.

Characters Involved: Bell, Ares, Belle Waren, Oulifern Vega, Imogen Oshikawa, Akumu Oshikawa

Map Progress / Plans: Planning on just having a standard manor with a fence like those at the beginning of E3, it could just be a copy paste of it, the one's with a wide interior and a second floor, but with a few rentable rooms so my group can have their own privacy and a rather big farm that I can make use of. Plan to make use of it IC to hire more people under me and giving them a place to live.
Name of Establishment: Loadstar Observatory

Building Purpose: A research facility designed to study the cosmos. As well as studying the storms that happen to pass by, particularly the lightning in said tempests. Also functions as a home / meeting place for various researchers!

Area Description:

[Image: ttqhfUd.jpeg]
A mountainside observatory with plenty of amenities built in, to provide a comfortable if not tight living space. A few production facilities likely built into a basement. As well as a walled pool of lava nearby, that provides enough heat in the cold snowy area to grow whatever one might desire.

The main centerpiece of the building of course being the telescope, with plenty of auxiliary research equipment, designed specifically for researching the stars and storms. When the telescope is being used, a shutter rolls over the walled section of lava, cutting off most light form interfering in the observers studies.

Characters Involved:
  1. Rohmalock
  2. Guangbo T.Hintze
  3. Anastasia Taiyang
  4. Akna
  5. Blyth
  6. Ares

Map Progress / Plans: I'd personally love to take the time to learn how to map, but I'm a bad solo learner. So I'd either need someone to help me build it, or have someone assist me throughout the process doing the mapping myself!
[Image: 4c5fe3654bcd566385ada3144fe32e6f.png]

Name of Establishment: Mechanicus Spire

Building PurposeA new more official and cool looking citadel for the Technomancers of Achyon, providing more lab space and a central HQ that is easily identifiable. It will also serve as a tool of defense and empower magitech within it's transmission radius.

Area Description: A massive spire of magitech, clockwork, and steel, crafted entirely and intentionally to serve both as surveillance and defense. This spire offers wide-scale ritual-like protection to those within Achyon, and is able to transmit mana across long distances to fuel and empower the mechs and golems they craft. The secondary function of this spire is surveillance, in which any magi who may use or transmit mana in the city is ‘logged’, and is able to be tracked based on that singular mana signature.

Characters Involved: 
Freda Von Bohm
Nathaniel Deckard
Arken Mychanimus
Amelia Lock pyr Aertas
Luca pyr Docro
Ryker pyr Docro

Map Progress / Plans: Ludi will be helping with mapping.
[Image: c603523eebb1995b6af75201658c5a0c.gif]
[Image: 1395934_by_slimetoosaucy_de2849w-pre.jpg...cOk_fWOh7Q]

Name of Establishment: Snow Fang Springs
Building Purpose: (Business/Guildhall) To make coin, provide a good home for Kirk Simmons and his Family, and will be used as a base for the Golden-Reavers.
Area Description: A desolate spot in the mountainous wastes. In a sizable crevice near the island's edge. Unused land between Achyon and the Garljing Coat. With rocky terrain encasing a naturally heated spring. With a moderate waterfall pouring water from the forefront. Wrapping around the ruins beneath. (Somewhere in this picture. Of course this is before Avee's map updates.)

[Image: unknown.png]
Characters Involved
Kirk Simmons
Nena Denalia
All the Golden-Reavers (16 total members currently)
Map Progress / Plans: I was going to have Avee help make it, if it gets approved! --As for my plans. I'll need a proper building (With or without outdoor seating.). Within I'll need a main room, with three side rooms on the same floor. One will be a garden, the other two will be a split dwelling of men and women's bathing. A upstairs area will be needed for housing. Whatever amount works on the floor. Course It can't be all that many; But I would like a decent amount if possible. --Lastly for my guild, a way to a underground section, with a large arena and small bar. Additional side rooms for more housing and such.
[Image: Anime-School-Wallpapers-Wallpaper-Cave.jpg]

Name of Establishment: Starfall Academy

Building Purpose: This building will be used to house students (dormitories), and teachers will often frequent it to teach classes on various kinds of magic. It will be a relatively big gathering of people at certain times.

Area Description: DRAFT: "Starfall Academy is a school for young Magi to come and hone their magic while also making new friends. Various classes are offered here ranging from Spiritmancy to Martial Arts. The highly competitive nature of the academy pushes every student to their limits, and this benchmark project should last for generations to come under new Headmasters, etc. There are various spiritual markings on the walls- decorating its exterior in a theme befitting Moxtli. Furthermore, traditional statues decorate the entrance of the school, only out-shined by the beautiful Yoshiko Taiyang statue in the middle of the courtyard." (Feel free to design it any way you like, as long as it has strong Moxtli elements in its decorations.)

Characters Involved: A large population of Moxtli and most of the youth on Esshar.

Map Progress / Plans: We freshly conquered Starfall, and we don't want to limit the mapper's creativity too much. We already have the Irradiated Shrine on Starfall which shouldn't be touched. We also have the UFC Arena which could use a little revamp. The plans are to eventually grow this building into a larger settlement with a research center and expanded arena, along with other minor projects. How this can be done? All up to the mapper.
[Image: 1Ir9ndp.png]

"A depiction of Eos, the Blind Goddess, casting a firm grip around the neck of the serpent Achlys in one of his many attempts at taking her life."

Name: The Celestial Ruins - Temple of Eos
Intentions: Clean the building of debris and bone, maintaining much of the current structure, with the addition of 2 new lots (can be slight edits of the existing ones). Paying 10,000c. After taking the celestial ruins, and personally meeting with the goddess, the Osronans now regularly make tribute with the Archmagi himself worshipping several of the primordials as celestial spirits.
Characters Involved: Alistair ven Pelleaux. Osrona.
Name of Establishment: Shenlong Shrine

Building Purpose: Area to worship Shenlong high up in the mountains, close to the sky as is proper. His aspect is not in fire, but the skies of Eternia, thus the main Fireblooded temple is not proper, no open skies and too much magma and flames

Area Description: Area around the mountains is fairly empty, the spawns got removed so no purpose there anymore

[Image: 8f37b6bd27bdc78d64d9f051d0916a04.png]

Characters Involved: Eadmod Hilyard and Mort Graves
Map Progress / Plans: Map is done
[Image: f43a471523e0c019897c9b5e21a14bb5.png]

simple 12x10 small shrine, where some characters can go up and listen to lectures/worship the Divine five as lead by Shenlong. No interiors or anything else. Should be fairly easy to just plop it in place. Since nothing demanding should not be too expensive as well.
Founder and only member of the epic hat club
Remember, if the plan makes you lose your hat, then it is a bad plan.

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