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Serenity Invites You To: The Age of Exploration!
[Image: 62ec66f82e1a4acdc8c640cca0260f25.png]
Rumors whisper all across Meranthe, of secret meetings between leaders of all nations.
Led by Serenity, its many leaders would whisper hushed words of the Tower of Aetius.
Eavesdroppers would hear, barely, the mention of the Inverse Floors and the Profane.
Of a meeting held within the watchtower just north of Serenity.
Then just as the whispers reached your ears, a loud announcement is made that is soon to arrive in all corners of Meranthe:

"Serenity invites you to join us in this momentous occasion! The Age of Exploration has arrived!
Meranthe will feel tremendous change, and we are excited to have you take part in this historical moment!
Those who seek adventure, or even riches are encouraged to join us! Even if you do not belong to a nation, you are invited!
Nations far and wide, from the snowy mountains to the sandy deserts, shall create guilds to represent their nation. Private Guilds are also welcomed!
For we shall show you the truest secrets of the tower, in delves untouched by mortal kind!
Leadership of all non-Fel nations are encouraged to join, and to take part in this joint project that will unify Meranthe.
More details will be available at the time of the meeting."

(OOC: March 1st, 2025
(The date of this event has been moved from March 1st, 2025...
To March 2nd, 2025
[Image: 05fcc4ee273600bda286af7af2bbeb47.png]
Quote:"Ya, okay. Hello. Ahem. Is this thing on? Ya, okay. Hellooooo, citizens ov' Serenity and beyond! It seems ta' me, that many have decided ta' participate in da creation ov' the Nexus. It was a pleasure meetin' you all here in Serenity. I'd like fer ya ta' send me a letter if ya are interested in participatin' in this joint proces-- Project... Joint project, that'll change da world. S'okay, I know it's scary, I know it's tough. But if ya an artificer wishin' ta take part, please send me a missive. If ya an adventurer wishin' ta delve inta' da Inverse Floors, feel free ta send me a missive wit' the guild ya want ta' form. Minimum five people, by da way. Appreciate ya. Love ya. If y'dunno what the Inverse Floors is? Feel free ta' send me a missive and I'll explain it in person.

Love ya.
Basili out."

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