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Drakanspire Temple
[Image: 7ogcbgx23zy.webp]
In the coming years, there has been great efforts overseen on the mountain. A spire soon erected that sat proudly on such soil, the sight of an Onyx Dragon resting amidst its peak as soon news started to spread around.

Quote:"The time has finally arrived for the construction of what will be the new temple of worship of the Divine Four!"

-Mio Kazana

Quote:"With our temple restored, we can finally focus on serving dragonkind. Our attention now turns toward the future. We invite any who have felt the spark of determination to grow, any that have felt the call to overcome challenges, any who find joy in the details of living, and any who love life to join us."

-Saige Stormheart, Herald of the Divine Four

Quote:"And where dragonkind shall be served, their ideals must also be protected. Our pyres shall burn bright where our fire was called to reduce our enemies to cinders now it shall light the skies in the celebration of the life earned from such.  Join us, dance with us, worship with us. Though know if you seek to hinder us, our fire can serve its righteous purpose once more."

-Suzuka Kazana, Priest of Saewylm

All are invited to come to the opening, to learn more about the Divine Four! It will prove to be a wondrous event for all involved, and there will even be news of an event to come later to celebrate such!

January 28th, 2025 at 5pm EST at Mt. Grimhjall
[Image: huOLca9.png]
Deep in the Mountains, pen hits paper and soon after a missive is sent out to the faithful and to those who stand with the Inquisition. 
The handwriting and seal of the Inquisitor distinct on each. 
Brothers and Sisters of The Faith, Kin of my Kin, Blood of my Blood. 
With our temple standing tall, and our people settled  after a time of great unease and uncertainty, we must look to the future to ensure it is a bright as Fyr above. 
For a long time this encroaching darkness has looked to strangle us, and has stolen many both living and dead from us. But now is when we shall stem the tide, and now is when we give a reminder that the might and the will of the Dragons are not to be taken as a suggestion but instead as the way things WILL be. 

At the temple we will meet. Both those of the Inquisition and Faith and those who seek simply to see our kin prosper. 
I seek to hear your words, your plights, your dreams. 
And so too shall mine be shared with you all. 
Under Their Wings May It Be So.

-Inquisitor Suzuka Kazana

A meeting will be held at the newly opened Drakanspire Temple. Within the Shrine room of Saewlym. 
All those already memebers of the Church or Inquisition are encouraged to show.
Those interested in either are also urged to come to seek prayers and proselytization alike. 

5:30/6:00 PM EST 

[Image: p58e9JH.png]
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[Image: E0DFbKv.png]
The intended sermon is spoken as the faithful and the curious flocked to Drakanspire Temple in order to hear the words of The Herald. 
But one guest seemed to steal the attention of most present. 
Despite being allowed to sit in for the length of the sermon itself without threat of physical violence it is said that shortly after such concluded a brawl broke out. 

Ideals and opposing magics clashed atop the mountain. Foul magics invading the holy grounds of the temple as The Inquisitor aimed to strike at the Atrellyan Supreme Aisen . And though they were eventually cast down from the mountain by Herald Saige Stormheart, that was not before they managed to strike unfortunate blows to Inquisitor Kazana and Ashigaru Samurai Ren Kurosawa

Later, after wounds are tended and the night grows quiet once more, a missive is sent out from The Inquisitor's office specifically.

As if I needed to make it any more clear, the likes of those who openly align themselves with the Fel or serve dark powers themselves will not be tolerated on holy grounds. It was a mistake to allow them to even sit in as long as they had under some notion that they may seek redemption. And while that option is extended towards those who truly seek it, expect that those who abuse such offer will be dealt with in an unrelenting manner. 

Expect to be collared.
Expect to be beaten. 
Expect Violence.

-Suzuka Kazana

[Needless to say, the Fel are not to come to the mountain without expectation to be redeemed willingly or beaten, captured, cleansed and/or killed depending on the crimes of the unrepentant. Those that approach during later events at the temple can expect the same hostilities they would if they wandered into the center of Xuefeng itself.]
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