12-26-2024, 10:18 AM
Pictured: Bogart Wart, Ha'kass, Melionette Meandersong, Jelloba, Sphrodite Riverlance
Quote:Suladari, the Tide's Lance!The Suladari is the force which protects the Realm of Delphina, possessing a central focus on sea operations but are otherwise also charged with the duty of ensuring law is abided on both Land and Sea. It's founding stems back to the Atrellyan invasion headed by Demon King Indras where the Northern Seas were drowned in the peril of the demonspawn horde. Taking advantage of Nereides' Sirenia, much of the force is comprised of sirenians given their natural advantages in water.The Suladari are currently stationed within the Duchy of Nereides, headed by Duchess Melionette Alinteau Meandersong.The leadership is headquartered in their Flagship, The HLS Navy One (Her Lumin King's Navy One)
Pictured: Bogart Wart, son of Bogartha and Frogbert Wart
Quote:Mission Set of the Tide's Lance!
The Tide's Lance is a highly trained, and specialized force who primarily function as sailors and law enforcement officers who are expected to perform at a high proficiency across all levels of conflict on the battlefield, however, the Tide's Lance is trained to achieve success across a specific mission set. In addition to this, the Tide's Lance has its own specific strategies, and tactics whilst engaging with their specific mission set.
Maritime and Amphibious operationsAs long as there is water involved, the Suladari are expected to achieve their objectives, however they can also be deployed in costal regions, or on land. As of 2150AC, the Suladari have been forced to adapt to the demands presented by those who seek to threaten the Lumin King's wondrous Realms, which primarily includes land based operations.
Intelligence gathering & Long Range Reconnaissance PatrolsThe Suladari can be deployed to gather intelligence, or conduct reconnaissance operations on enemy forces, in friendly, denied, dangerous, or enemy territory. For this reason, the Suladari have developed their own specific tactics to engage in reconnaissance, and patrol operations.
Target Acquisition, and Access DenialThe Tide's Lance can be deployed to ascertain high value targets, which includes personnel, structures, and even assets, such as boats or otherwise. Additionally, they can be tasked with destroying them. In tandem with this, the Suladri often conduct asset or area denial operations, specifically preventing enemies of the realm from encroaching into the Realm's Borders, and posing a threat to non-combatant civilians.
Rescue OperationsThe Suladari if directed or authorized, will engage in rescue operations to retrieve Delphinian citizens from captivity. Typically these operations are highly secretive endeavors, so nothing is known on the tactics, or strategies of the Tide's Lance concerning this particular type of operation.
Law EnforcementOn land, the Suladari are tasked with enforcing the laws of the Realms of Delphina by the letter of the word.
Pictured: Bogart Wart, son of Bogartha and Frogbert Wart
Quote:Suladari Rank Structure!The Crown
The Crown wields executive authority concerning the Suladari's primary objectives, strategic decisions, and priorities, the Crown retains the authority to veto or change any decision, or judgement levied by Suladari Leadership.
Gull WhistleSailseerSailseers decide upon the primary objectives, strategic decisions, general priorities and intentions of the Suladari, these decisions are typically delegated to the Wavesteerer, who is tasked with ensuring these objectives, decisions, priorities and so on are met in a time efficient manner.They can promote anyone, understandably!Whale WhistleWavesteererThe Wavesteerer plans strategies, and operations in line with the Sailseer's objectives, intentions, and priorities. Additional duties include hosting training sessions, managing discipline, and promoting the lower ranks of the wider Suladari organization.They can promote Tidewatchers and Tidewardens.Dolphin WhistleWaveseerThe Waveseer is tasked with leading and organizing the Oktostirrers, Oktotinkers, Tidenwardens, and Tidewatchers when no other authority is present, when the Wavesteerer is present, however, they are tasked with ensuring the tactical objectives of the Tide's Lance are met, through personnel management, and maintaining discipline within the ranks on the battlefield.They can promote Tidewatchers.OktostirrerThe Oktostirrer are the chiefs of logistics, there can be more than one, however they are typically tasked with ensuring the Tide Lance has the necessary equipment, rations, and otherwise necessary apparatus to wage war against the Lumin King's enemies.OktotinkerA Suladari tasked with a specific duty within the wider logistics section of the Suladari organization.Seal WhistleTidewardenA reactive role, responsible for their own personal conduct and discipline. They are primarily expected to follow orders, and have been promoted due to completion of Suladari Basic Training**, OR judged to be worthy of the rank.** Understandably, there's not always time for training, so when this isn't feasibly possible judgement can be used instead!Coral WhistleTidewatcherA Suladari in training, can be deployed on the field, especially within the second year of basic training**** Understandably, there's not always time for training, so when this isn't feasibly possible judgement can be used instead!
Pictured: What the Suladari must protect.
Quote:Suladari Chain of Command!
1. The Crown2. The Duke, and Duchess of Nereides/Sailseer(s)3. Any title, or person assigned command and oversight over the Delphinian Military4. The Wavesteerers5. The Waveseers6. Oktostirrer7. Oktotinker8. Tidewardens9. Tidewatchers
Members of the Elzara are not part of the Suladari chain of command, and neither is expected to follow the orders of the other, unless the circumstances are truly dire. However, equivalent ranks are permitted engagement, especially in reference to disciplinary infractions by lower ranks of either organization.
Quote:Suladari Hierarchy as of 2150ACSailseer
The Duke, and Duchess of Nereides, Kakku Alinteau and Melionette Alinteau Meandersong
WavesteererSphrodite Riverlance
WaveseerBogart Wart, first of his name
Pictured: The Fish.
Quote:Suladari Basic Training
Intake Requirements:A citizen of the Realms of Delphina, Sirenian and residing within Nereides.Completed the Suladari intake form.Of good moral standing (not a criminal).Phase one of Suladari Basic Training:When sufficient interest has been garnered in joining the Suladari, phase one commences, and it lasts a period of one year.Lessons, and personal training on discipline, protocol, and ceremonial duties. Failure to excel at these factors may warrant immediate dismissal,espescially in the case of a lack of discipline, or resistance to following protocol, as well as field training exercises.Field action in a limited capacity, to observe and exclusively follow the orders of higher ranking Suladari, especially those in positions of authority.Phase two of Suladari Basic Training:Phase two lasts a period of one year, it is a probationary period where the fledgling Suladari is observed with higher scrutiny,but are allowed to function as a full Suladari would.Failure to live up to the standards set by the Tide's Lance may warrant immediate dismissal.Graduation:Suladari must also show a level of combat capability to graduate fully.[Sufficient combat ability in tandem with a good performance to graduate!]