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Heshan Lodge, Home of the Hunt
High up
Way beyond the clouds
My diamond waits
Shining down
[Image: thelodge.png]
The Heshan Lodge
Up upon the mountain within the snow-covered village of Xuefeng, rests the undisturbed Lodge of Heshan. Of recent an abandoned abode from residents long since passed, it is now once more lit with the dim lanterns that pepper the quiet town's streets. Burning incense can be seen and smelled wafting from its open doors- now a place for hunters to commune and exchange.
An Open Invitation
For all those who consider themselves hunters of the fel, the night, and monsters most inhuman- an invitation is extended. The Heavenly General, Chouko, offers for all foreigners and residents of Xuefeng alike to convene with her in the lodge, and with one another. A Commune for like-minded individuals who hunt wild beasts for sport or zealous cause alike, all who cherish the hunt are welcomed here. Where trophies can be bartered, shown off, and the joy of the hunt can be shared.
[Image: a5a7674640e76777d8d472f4889510bd.png]
All are welcome to the Heshan Lodge! The doors shall remain open to all who desire respite, and stoke the flame of the hunt in their hearts.
(For any questions or interest, please DM @quatral on discord!)

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