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A Song's Landing Place
[Image: ycNdmbu.png]
It all starts with a young princess' imagination. But the more it is thought about, the more she sure she is that is exists. Be it a realm of Mestra, a creation of Kraus or simply the design of long last magi. A place so grand, it can exist only by the will of the divine.
When all music is played, all songs sang, they come to leave from the wind but are carried by those who enjoyed their notes. But this alone, it leaves out something most important. In the world of magi, words have power. Magic is carried on them. And this magic, even when it is no longer heard, it still exists.

 [Image: tB78s5n.png]

When all music is played, all songs sang, they come to leave from the wind.. but here, they exist. In this realm, this space, every piece of theatre ever performed continues on. Every lullaby loving shared with the youth flutters on the wind. An applause exists still for every concert and their uproar brings never-ending encore.
This, this is where the imagination of Miyumi takes her with flute in hand as she looks for its song.

Attendees: Miyumi S. Irontail, Yin + However many others the DM is comfortable with ( Xuefeng & Melionette Meandersong available)
RISK: CoD+ ( Willing to go higher to meet the objectives of the event. )
Reward: Find a specific song within ( Will be discussed with the DM )
Themes: Music, Epic Quest, Theatre
DM: This could be you.
If interested in running this event please DM me @yeahimanalt
i kynim will DM this if we can get ten likes
bedivere || discord: cornelius.treat

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