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And in the wake of such horrid tragedy ...
... there is humanity and opportunity.. Convoys clad in the colors of the Republic leave quickly, carrying aid to a wounded and gutted city.
Within the Republic, a new poster finds its way upon walls.
[Image: londobleeds.png]
Silence ruptured long enough for a certain individual, one poster from the republicans' propaganda would be torn and turned to cinders and ashes. Replaced by a message with one with a tainted taste of fury behind it.

[Image: d0cddada68550dcfaa80a3ef1fb76c97.jpg?ex=...3bbca909f&]


There's a harsh limit to how much of this I can take.
I will not sit here and allow you to disrespect the countless lost and wounded innocents and soldiers who lives lost that day.
All of this today was unrecoverable damage.
How it does to a person who lived through it.
The mere agony
And you think this is a good idea?

This act disgusts me than it does adding salt to injury.
I'm way too old to be losing my temper, but if you like, I could drag you by the hair to show you what unrepairable damage is done this day and have you suggest whether that was a grand idea or not. I am more than willing.

Watch your step.
[Image: 2f7012cee24449cc649651dc69a6110b.gif]
[Image: Bonface.png]

After some time speaking with certain individuals, it seems some of the convoys go out once more, but instead of putting up more propaganda, they seem to be taking the most recent Londo centered ones down, before replacing them with a flyer! Written by a Astra Knight of the Bastion reading the following:

Quote:"By decree of Lirael Equisol, of the Republic of Paritas, we actually highly encourage you to remove the posters involved with the current happenings of Londo, as they were not done by us and were put up in a poorly timed manner. Truth be told, some of the current ones in support of the Republic have been done by an individual we're not exactly sure of currently, but we didn't mind as they weren't anything we saw as needing to be addressed until now.

The warriors and people of Serenity and Londo who fought and lost their lives upon that day are to be respected for their deeds and actions, fighting off a menace to our lands who wishes to see us crumble and fall, but brave warriors like Raikami and Seryn did their best to stand against the darkness of the cruel and wicked.

We extend a hand in support to Londo should they wish for it, and we give our condolences to the people of Serenity as well for their losses.

We ask that whoever is working on the Republic propaganda posters please get in contact with myself or a Republic official about your work, as we find it very good, but we'd rather such an incident not happen again. Thank you." - Bonbon.

Posters find itself to immediately burned off. Even without it's arrival to cities of west, not even a singular one presented left. Which followed by the papers that is been given, by king of Serenity.

[Image: ZqF0g3t.png]

"I see.  I see..  You.. Whoever made this fool of a poster..
Even a primordial connection have been lost today. Many died and many got hurt. YET. Worse. 
You can't even spell the name, 'MESTRA' as by it's definition. You brainless monkey.

If I see you, If any of us see you even attempting on putting these posters as if you even achieved something. I would be happy to remove your skull out of your head. As you seems have a no need for it. Today you truly pull the string to a point of no return. Even Final Frontier hadn't and you did it. 

Watch yourself out there."
An official statement is printed out, and put across the billboards of the Western Front.
Quote:We are announcing that the Dryden Industries' presses will cease to function for the period of a year - or longer - in order to direct resources for the recovery of Londo. While we know that this does not recover the lives taken, for no hero ever truly returns, we do know that those who still live on have an immense burden to carry; And so, we offer our hands and shoulders to help raise it back.

We must, also, express repudiation to the latest publication of the Republic's propaganda. While they seemed to be lacking in their good sense - Given the plethora of sexual comments in their posters and in the comments voiced by the Vice Chancellor in the latest summit towards the Founder (transcript excerpt attached) - their latest installment baffled even the least conservative of ours. We have reason to believe that the minds behind former comments made in poor taste are behind the latest ones as well, despite comments retroactively disowning their own former propaganda.

In light of this tragedy, may the Western Front remain united.

Ever towards a better future.
Noticeboards across the Western Front soon resume to be the subjects of relentless propaganda, given no respite by the powers that be. Despite earnest attempts to rectify individual errors, the Frontier seizes the opportunity to voice yet another statement in opposition to the Republic.
Thus, those without a face mobilize--effectively and without mercy.

[Image: facelessman-resized.png]

Pinned beneath every printed statement to be availed is one of the Republic's own, including a complete transcript (since those are allowed) from the stenographers present during the Summit.

The only thing that supersedes the Frontier's capacity to lie is its ability to play the victim. Exchanges pulled out of context to suit the Frontier's twisted narrative are an excellent means to paint the victors of their aggressive war in a negative light, while acting no less the opportunists.

Did we not warn you to focus on Atrellya?

Did we not warn you that the invasion was imminent?

Acantho has been withholding from you a titanic war machine that could have turned the tides of your fate. It could have saved hundreds of thousands more during the First Crusade. Do you want to know the only time it was ever deployed? It was not to protect Solais. It was not to secure the safety of humanity.

It was to commit genocide against the Enclave and kill Azalea Aubreen's son and grandchildren in an act of petty, selfish revenge.

The Frontier does not care about you.

It never has.

The Truth is ineluctable to those that open their eyes. It stands right before you.
Do not blind yourself to the liars.
a simple poster was posted on many boards
"CAN YOU ALL SHUT IT WITH THE PICTURES AND TRYING TO BE BETTER THEN EACH OTHER CAUSE YOUR NOT. your all the same. BICKERING AT EACH OTHER. Rubbing stuff into each other noes and causeing tennsions. bad shame"
No name was given or any city would take claim for this
[Image: image_5.png?ex=66b153ff&is=66b0027f&hm=4...53301043e&]
you find this poster on the side of the road.
[Leave these exchanges to in game interactions rather than using this forum thread to justify speech posts, or make a new thread. The Propaganda memes have died out. Let the thread rest. It is getting out of hand with the amount of speech exchanges that should be handled in-game.

There is also a rule about it here. Last one.]
This thread is officially closed. Please see the above reply as to why.

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