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Visionaries of Granduer

Knights of Granduer

[Image: c5b8c329eef6e070281018e48306ded4.jpg]


Knights of the Shigenobu

[0/2]  There are two slots, you are any age above 15. 

You are part of the Emberheart Legion, or are joining soon. 
You are part of the Sacred Coalition

You have a few archetypes you can buy into due to how the Shigenobu Clan has operated over the years, such as:

The Knight Errant - You are a wandering Knight in search of chivalric adventure across the Republic of Paritas, but your travels aren't limited to just that. As you are Shengese, and Faeborne (Or either) you have an inherent connection to dominions of Sheng (and/or) Fae. 

Paladin - You are a paladin of justice, morality, and righteousness. Whether you are actually honorable or inherently moral could be up for debate, but you're definitely righteous, and probably even a bit of a Zealot if prompted, you've seen your family bleed, and tear itself apart when it comes to combatting or resisting the Fel. 

Machiavellian Conspirator - For whatever reason, you're a very shadowy and mysterious person. No one knows what you're really up to, until you do it. You might've developed this approach to your matters due to the way you (Specifically) were taught Religion by the Hime. 

Dominion of the Sheng-Fae 
Slots: [???]

You are actually not a Shigenobu. You are, however, a Shengese Faeborne, and the Shigenobu seem to be the most dominant clan within this particular ethnic group. You may have a clan yourself, or you may be a singular individual. Whatever the case, you are closely connected to the Shigenobu clan. You may be a servant of the clan, or perhaps just an observer who is afforded privillages within the clan itself. Whatever it may be, the creativity and decision to contribute to Sheng-Fae society is entirely on you!

You can choose to adopt the language Kumin, but really whatever you do is entirely up to you. 

You don't have to be within Londo. 

OOC Expectations: 
I am a very busy person, while I can give you RP, I cannot do everything for you. The onus will be on you to create your own story. 
The goal first and foremost is to have fun, if you're not having fun you reserve the full right to quit and do something else, you're under no obligation, nor are you being forced to continue playing on any of these slots if it's just not your cup of tea. 

I need time, and patience if there is a matter going on which requires my presence. As mentioned I'm busy, and sometimes I'm just not mentally up to Eternia, however I make an earnest effort to be involved in everything that happens/matters to the clan and its members. 

If you are interested, please contact me on discord at 7.62ar


[Image: d0c4b675622d0f5402385a9d6bbe1d90.jpg]

You: Are the biological child of The Vile Shiri Shi Shigenobu, 

You do not inherit the Shigenobu name, however it is something you can wear if you want in the future
You know barely anything about your mother's life,
beyond the fact that she was an aspiring faceless who did some very awful deeds for what she thought was right
Any information you find on her would likely come from others.
(It may
 be either negative, or profound)

Your mother is (or was) Meranthe's most wanted criminal. You are not forced into the life of being a criminal, however. It was ensured you will not suffer the burden of her sins. 
You receive nothing at all, except a letter that directs you to ask the primordial Vinaska for direction. (May or may not be an actual letter ingame signed by her, depends on alot of factors.)

You can pursue worship of Athelios, it is most likely for you to do so, in fact. Furthermore, you dawn a new understanding of the Athelite disposition through the doctrine of Mortal Jurisprudence, and it is called "Mortalism". It does not necessarily have to be observed through an Athelite lense.

They're many deities you can choose to pay tribute to which conform to what had been taught to you.

You may be able to find the "sacred" texts of your mother, however they have either been destroyed, or lost to time. You will have to actively search to find them, or find out if they still even exist. 

Your mother raised you to stand up for the underdog, to do what's right, to be smart, and cunning. Above all? Never to abandon those you truly deem allies (and the criteria to be determined an ally is very harsh.

Something along the lines of if they provide you purpose, and treat you respectfully).

But she stops short of telling you to do the things she has, such as lying, manipulating, and betraying for your ideals. In fact, she has explicitly discouraged you from doing so in your very short time with her.

You inherit a strange connection to the Equisols, it may be hatred, or you may find interest in their dealings, after all, the Shigenobu Clan's step into the world stage was directly a consequence of Melos dul Vique. 

You may inherit IC with the Emeraldi's. It can be either hatred or interest as well, your family rose to fame (or infamy) due to the Emeraldi household of Fortune, particularly the efforts of King Marfons, and Rio Emeraldi.

The Kascas, formerly nobility of the fallen Londo, you have an inherent connection to the family which your mother tried so hard to protect, which you would know was because of a flaw within her judgement she had made during pursuing her ideals. 

You likely will not receive any support from her, she doesn't acknowledge you as she desires to ensure you were not tarnished by her reputation. You would have a fair chance of success in life, if that is what you so desired. 

You may suffer from abandonment issues, as does(or did) your mother. Your mother frequently expressed feeling betrayed, and abandoned by those she served unquestioningly. You may not want to be in servitude of another person, or beholden to anyone. 

You are the legacy of Shiri Shi Shigenobu, and you are her (or his) the greatest gift onto this world. 
You are expected to strive to be what she could not, a bastion of hope who will never give up on your goals. 

Your heritage is a secret. Your hair is a darker shade of pink, you were instructed to dye your hair and maintain it that way for as long as you live. 
Being the child of Shiri Shi Shigenobu, in your mind, is something to fear. It brings consequences. Whether that is true or not, you will have to find out IC. 

You were told there were some people you should seek, and trust.
They are:
Justia - her former lover of over a decade
Sterling - (cant spell their last name but they're a bird) Seen as someone who had never given up on your mother, you likely hold respect and adoration for them.
Bonbon - Someone your mother considered a true friend. 
Loramelian - Although your mother did not get along with them, your mother respected them alot. 
Aedin Tanis - Your mother found him to be a really cool kid. 
Tab Blackdress - Your mother's best friend who she frequently spoke about. 
Aricles Alline - Another who had never given up on her, nor abandoned her. 
Grey - Perhaps the most dependable of them all in your particular case. You could trust him, and him alone with your secret. 
Gwyndolyn P. Kasca - Your mother cared alot for this person, the reason why is ultimately unknown. She was always guilty about something when mentioning her, but you were never told what it had been. This is distinct from that one time they had a fight in Gloomlight. You know about that one quite well. 

Your family was known across Meranthe negatively, or positively. You have Shengese, and Faeborne roots but you aren't bound to either.

You get alot of IC with absolutely nothing to help you traverse the world. But you could certainly reach out to everyone on this list, if they are still alive when it is your turn to take the stage.

You spawn in, in 6 weeks time at age 10. 
Message me on the forums if you are interested. Provide a character concept so I can provide guidance.
P.S Your mom was also your father, sometimes she'd raise you like a mother would, sometimes he'd raise you like a father would. You ultimately do not understand the gender identity of your mother, but she was generally a woman and you would call her "mother" unless she told you otherwise. 

You also never knew who your other parent was. (Maybe there's IC to that or not.)

Forgot to mention, you are a Drakanite.
[Extra Info I forgot to add:
Your last name upon spawn will be Shadecrest, your Grandmother is also a Corbin]

You can contact me on discord @ 7.62ar also
This slot has been taken.
We can't wait to see what you do with it!

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