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Down Among The Dead Men
[Image: 3yrgcprz3n4.png]

"Speaking ill of the dead has repercussions."
With recent news of the cancelling of auctions from the Deathwind Fleet, so too did rumor spread of just what had caused such a drastic change from the coin-chasing pirates. By chance spread by the Fleet themselves, or by those who had witnessed such acts. Stories spread of a group of five, but most notably Aline Dominic and Mnemosyne Montelione leading a subtle infiltration of the Fleet's claimed island. Their fleeting success of saving the captive Majora Malibu from the hands of the pirates ending swiftly after their group was defeated by the hands of the Fleet; word of one of their members missing an arm was softly spoken of in their hasty retreat.

An array of rumors spread, and with it an official declaration from the Deathwind Fleet was spread throughout establishments across Meranthe.

"Lavenza Malibu is to be brought to the Fleet. In chains or without, it does not matter. Their insults thrown in the name of their master, Aaliyah Tal, have been heard. T'is a message to the Malibu family, alongside the group known as Morningstar. We expect them delivered by either one of you; in the meantime any of your ilk will be actively hunted and hung. There will be no ransoms, no auctions, only death."

[Image: wye3cqgwle4.png]
After a surprisingly short amount of time, there is word of Morningstar's response, spreading through the worlds' ranks, by word of mouth and rumor and the occasional quiet posting searching for further information--

Confusion, primarily. Inquiries as to physical characteristics of the person of interested, alongside the very reason why such might be required, because, by all indication...

...They don't know who's being talked about, or why they're involved in this at all.

'Who in all the Hel is Lavenza Malibu? Why are they claiming to be a servant to Morningstar when Aaliyah does not seem to even know what they look like, let alone who they are? And why is the Tal being roped into this out of seemingly nowhere? Is this some play by Fortune to try to cause friction between the necromancers, or-- has one of Malibu's children really fallen that far?'

Only time will tell if they will acquiesce to the Dreadfleet's demands, but for now, it seems that... they have no idea who this person even is, let alone why they're getting hunted down for their words.

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