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Character Name: Miyumi S. Irontail
Event: A Song's Landing Place
Responsiveness: The responsiveness was great overall, especially considering each RP from the event characters or narrates were done in response to include the RPs from characters within the event.
Storytelling: This all started with a younger Miyumi's imagination and her chasing after a dream. Meeting with multiple people such as Melionette Meandersong and others who were adept in 'music' to find the place all songs go after they're sung. To have it fleshed out and come to life was enjoyable to see and I'm more than happy with how this blank slate turned itself out. Thank you Kynim for bringing life to the idea.
Fairness: Everyone walked away with rewards and due to the quadruple 6 rolls we walked away with minor injuries. the fights were decently hard and the rewards were very thematic to the realm.

I'm once again going to thank a DM for sacrificing their free time to help others tell a story together and build something that previously didn't exist. This isn't something required and it's an extra step in the process, especially when you're already doing things back to back days. Seven hours is no short time for everyone to sit down and write stuff together, this doesn't include the planning and other ideas.
So, thank you, to Kynim and all that joined me on this adventure. I hope you had fun with it as well.
Character Name: Svengalf Sandsker

Event: The Shattering

Responsiveness: Very fluent ! It was nice and pleasant to read. Alas the ending got extended too far to the point I had to sleep as it was past my EU schedule usually,.

Storytelling: At first I thought "heh this will be a casual ritual, it will be fine." I was wrong ! I have managed to fit and be involved in this event and be part of the story of those involved (except again at the end).

Fairness: Every issue encountered was fair and reasonable even if it didn't go as much we wanted. Battle was also alright. Except the lag spikes that put 9 black holes on the same spot and causing a catastrophe in casualities :^)

Overall, the DM'ing was good on this !
Event: A King's Legacy.

Responsiveness: 10/10 For a dude on three accounts or at least two and narrate it was so fast. Impressive really.

Balance: 10/10 Honestly, if I didn't have drak power up I'd gotten a perm. Lovely honestly, worth the challenge due to the reward. Not too hard but tough.

Storytelling: 10/10 Story was way better than I thought. I loved the story and theme, amazing. Then I had an oh shit moment at the end of the event. Top tier story telling.

Fairness: 10/10 Was really challenging but rewarding and well worth the time.
Event: A King's Legacy

Responsiveness: ★★★★★ - call him Speedy Gonzales. This guy is like doing everything at once, moving the NPC, replying to our questions (both IC and OOC), and juggling a ton of rp at once! No trouble here!

Balance: ★★★★★- Pretty solid! Sure, there were a few moments where targeting went a little crazy, but overall, you nailed it! All the EC fights were tough enough to keep us on our toes. I’ve got no complaints!

Storytelling: ★★★★★They brought to life one of the most amazing tales from the old lore! but with fairies, high-born drama, plot twists...oh my! I loved every bit of it! Very cuties.

Fairness: ★★★★★ - The rewards were awesome! Cute descriptions, and we got a ton of development even from the injuries. Everything felt fai
Character Name: Christophore Garijn

Event: A King's Legacy.

Responsiveness: 10/10 There were some delays but that is expected when you have to do a war and admin business at the same time as running an event. 

Balance: 9/10 I scream at the powerfull suction and AoE into the middle but one could work around it. 

Storytelling: 10/10 Was a very nice and cute story. 

Fairness: 10/10 I am somehow not dead despite having the potentialy worst setup and roll I could have gotten. Thus I'd say it was all fair.
Character Name: Sterling Montelione

Event: Returning What Was Lost

Responsiveness: Never left waiting for too long, some lulls that were natural but they did really well for a 13 hour length event and being there, attentive, with no major breaks or unwarranted/unwarned breaks. 

Balance: The black holes were hilarious and unironically were a pretty funny way to make speedups/invulns sort of equalized. I liked it - although I think, personally, PERSONALLY, we could've done with less checkerboard-EC moves in hindsight, and more of the varying flashing kinds...! BUT, that's just personal moaning/groaning for VARIETY (and the checkerboard was a real gamble and felt... really ... hard to fight!) But it never unfairly downed (me, at least) and the damage felt just right.
HOWEVER, as per the injury table- we went through, what, four fights? There was no opportunity for us to reach 4+ injury rolls unless we incurred an extra perm and went down in every fight at least once; I would have rated this event as an LCOD with that in mind. (GRANTED, EVERYONE ROLLED REALLY WELL)

Storytelling: Leaps and bounds ahead most of the rest of the pack. The real focus. The real climactic stakes and setting; I felt like I REALLY DID see a new god born today. The cameo of all of life's new champions was INSANE to be, really S tier stuff, which took a lot of coordination/communication behind the scenes (so many people's schedules had to line up for this- I'm so impressed Kynim made it all work over such a long event). Fighting Misery made me feel Real Fear.

Fairness: Kynim pulled some punches I feel, but this might just be my hypermobility 4 speedups 2 cleanses 2 longest range autohits ass talking. I felt like the faith-toll was fair for the total-party-knockout, even it if it could have been higher, and the rewards felt befitting of the EC difficulty regularly. 

Overall this was a huge blast to be on, even the prelude event was cute as hell, whole thing was masterfully written and told. I feel like this is a genuinely interesting tale to have been on and feel richer for having gone. Bless up, looking forward to the KCU sequel...
Character Name: Svengalf Sandsker

Event: Returning what was once lost

Responsiveness: It was sailing smoothly. The response and narrations came in with a good flow. Everyone got their time to post between narrations. I sadly had to leave midway through (EU Agony)

Storytelling: So I jumped in blind. I was clearly missing some info from last event in the Kynim Universe. Still managed to catch some time to understand what was happening. The event felt dire and serious, and I am happy to have been part of it. I would even say that I would have loved to be more part of the event in the beginning and assist the end of this one ! I will have to order the Blu-ray DvD to catch up alas with my playtime schedules.
I feel like I have too involved from the hype ! I had a pleasant surprise at some point, but sadly it was 5h30 AM and I had to wake up at 7:00 AM, I had to leave in the middle otherwise I wouldn't be able to go through the day. (I am still recovering while typing it)

Balance : The fights were fun and kept my toes. There has been one perticular mechanic I liked less, it was the spam of blackholes (with 0 damage at least !) followed with the spam of Checkerboard Flash spell. Sometimes it was balanced, you could be pulled into the center, then dash escape. Sometimes there were too many blackholes that you had to use a defensive spell to mitigate damage. This mechanic can be used sparingly to force people out of their safety in the border of the battle for sure, to keep them on the toes ! But if used too often, I felt like I was trying to drive a plane in the middle of turbulances with how much control I was losing from my character. I even pressed my movevement keys harder in hope to go faster against the draw !
But overall enjoyable ! There were openings for people to strike, phases where safety was better to avoid waves of spells, and healing spells were not outright immediately denied.
Fairness: Narration wise, I feel like the stakes were high, but the difficulty, the challenges, and the damage were adjusted to be manageable by every attendee of every level, specially those of Arcadia and the Aerodynes. Which is great, it gave them the chance to interract with the spotlight of the event and allowed them to impact the plot.
Please let me use mend and Yggdrassil to heal my whole team instead of my party only ! I couldn't save all the birdies from being hurt... Cry

Overall : I had fun ! I was invested, despite the recovering sickness and the late night. And I wish I could be part of it more ! Kynim is a good DM for when you want to do a serious but heartfull event.

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