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Beget from Fate and Shadows
[Image: BxeyZvp.png]
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[Image: R8zvHFu.png]
[Image: imjlyFp.png]
Expert Medic/Duelcrafter/Spectral Sight/Telepathy/Cooking Mama/Memoria Radiant
  • Mystic of Memories and Seer of Sands, your mother has enchanted many in the past with dances of destiny. Even more were drawn as she connected with them through telepathy in order to divine their futures with memories from their past.
  • You are used to moving around from place to place via her caravan but remember your early childhood to be coddled by your mother and kept safe in a particular spot. Perhaps out of safety, given the climate of Meranthe.
  • Was deeply empathetic and sensitive to your feelings, and quick to comfort you during growing pains.
  • Is a worshiper of Memoria, the Constant of Time- though not avidly so as some of her more religious peers. She will teach you to passively respect time and what it gives or takes.
  • Would make sure you were immersed in mysticism and fate, learning the rich stories and practices of the maternal side of your family. Oral traditions were especially emphasized.
  • Protective, but encouraged independence as you grew older, allowing you to explore while ensuring you were safe.
  • Through her own experiences with loss, would teach you the impermanence of life and cherishing every moment.
  • Has received a lasting injury during an expedition to a Memoria site and has raw aether in her body. Her eyes had a peculiar, fragmented shape with clock hands- something that may be potentially passed onto one of you, with time and effort.
[Image: rfmIieI.png]
[Image: nHqGEZ8.png]
[Image: 4T9PqXS.png]
[Image: XNtcWMe.png]
Duelcrafter/Necromancy/Telepathy/Cooking Papa/Riftmancy/Spectral Sight
  • A master swordsman and of everything spooky and dark. He'd tried his best to ensure you've grown up with an open mind, for it is the actions of one that should be judged upon, not their magic. He'd also note that any damage to the Lifestream that may occur from the use of said magics was just propaganda spouted by those less learned.
  • Due to the nomadic nature of your mother, you'd have gone without seeing your father for months at a time but whenever he visited he'd make sure to spend as much time as he could, connecting and teaching you. He'd also have given you a puppy that would've grown up with you, not only to serve as companionship but to impart upon the importance of life.
  • Was the stricter of the two parents and most likely the source of your childhood fears and traumas.
  • Is a servant of [REDACTED] and would've tried to gently push you to the same path as he, but never forced you towards it.
  • Would've made sure that you grew up with an appreciation for fine craftsmanship. He'd have made your first weapons, armor - even clothing. When asked about his side of the family, he'd be far more guarded, offering only bits and pieces until you were older.
  • Somewhat more hands-off, especially as you grew older. He made it abundantly clear that if one cannot suffer the consequences of their actions, they'd need to not make such mistakes in the first place. Would still defend you if your life was in danger, however.
[Image: 5egtM9P.png] [Image: XFaeKxR.png] [Image: Ohufcc1.png]

Two slots. One will be 13 while the other is 15. The latter slot has that sweet Memoria juice swirling inside of them. Yum.
You will be human. Skin color can vary from pale white to chestnut brown.
Can be either gender.
Will have either pinkish-purple or dark (debatably indigo) hair. Though your eyes will definitely lean towards the rust-colored to red side.
You parents would provide you with equipment, lessons, or protection while ensuring your needs are satisfied.
Accepted applicants will be given more information should they desire.
Can spawn NOW.
Apply here
Any questions can be directed to spookydulcet
The 13 year old slot has been taken. This leaves the 15 year old one opened!
The 15 year old slot has been taken, and the applicant has been notified! Thank you all for applying!

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