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Child of the Raven
Your... Father???

Oliver 'Olivia' Heartwarden
A Nephilim of Mestra, and a known associate of Sheol, Olivia, better known as her alias during hunting, Nevermore, was a performer who focused on telling stories of 'heroism'... Specifically, she would terrorize up and coming youths, attempting to give them motivation to rise up and become heroes. A bane to many, a rival to some, and inspiration to others, Olivia's story seemed to fade away after her death...

But she was remembered all the same. A traveling troupe spoke of her origins. An actor who took their gifts too far. An actor obsessed with 'perfection' to the point of forcing illusions on the audience to bring them more fully into the show. And into that troupe... A child was given. A child with rainbows in their eyes.

Your mother
Unknown. Or, rather, those that would know are either dead or scattered away. Perhaps she is still out there, waiting for her child. But she gave up her child to the Troupe of Shimmer, to be raised in an environment far from Olivia and Sheol.

The only thing that remains from those days, from your parents, is a raven-mask and a black feather. Supposedly, from 'one of the productions'...

You may spawn in... NOW! That's right! I lost track of the years with the 7 days and everything else, and you are now 13 as of this post!
Message me at Zetchryn for details and to apply.
There is ONE slot for this!
The spot has been taken now! Gasp!

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