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Quill Chronicle & Tavern

Magic Spiritual Awakening Ritual
----------========Outreach from the West========----------

/   I want to help protect all the settlements survive as best as I can- that means I need their help to make that a reality.
/   Near the end of year current, 2136 AC, I plan to attempt two rituals to awaken my Element Core in Nightview of the Northern Expanse. For those who are unaware of my work these last 40 years, I have sought to gather materials, information, base magical instruction and the 34 magics to imbue with my desire to protect that which I cherish the most- my home, Nightview.
/   Now that the Atrellyan horde has shown what it is capable of in the East- the power of the Void- I extend the desire to use my Element Core to aid in protecting your lands, your homes and your loved ones. To do that, however, my Element Core must be shown a need for protection to awaken- so see the wishes of the people in a time of crisis to come together and call for protection on high.
/   This is not meant to be demeaning, it is no ruse nor jest to make fun or silly of those who come to help. It is a true desire, true enough to call upon even our Deities- Pantheon, Constant, Divine Spirit, Divine Dragon- to form a connection to your faiths, if you wish, and give a powerful, heartfelt wish for protection to have my Element Core awaken and to provide protection as it can to those who need it.
/   For those who are not sure of the legitimacy of my shield, I do not blame you. If such a thing were conveniently offered to me in my time of need, I would also be skeptical. I do not ask for you to put all of your faith in me or my Element Core as if you are fools. You are not fools. That is why I ask, and have spent days trying to relay the message to all I could- far and wide, regardless of faith, faction or creed- to help awaken the spirit of protection and bestow upon it your hopes and desires to protect your people.
/   I implore you, speak to me, write to me, text me on my transceiver at the channel "Oliphr". I want to help, but I need your help to do that.
/   Oliphr Ishiko of Nightview
The Invasion of our homes!

Quote:"Methrane our land. of many Cultures, Biomes, nations, people, beats, wild life, fauna and flora is being Currently a Demon invasion from the Nation of Artyellea.

they first landed in the North East of our nation, where they have Faced one of Bastion`s of Metherane.      Aegis. a bastion of anti Fel, anti witchcraft and a strong culture in fighting

nera has a hard time wirting this to find the right words to make this sound Proper and nera will wirte in Neras owns words. i do appolgize towards the readers if confusion in my words arise,

The people of Ageis. Did Well, your Magi`s and your Non magi`s your armys, you all stood valiantly. against the invasion....i wasnt there so i cant report of the Deeds being done.

this also goes towards the Nation of Xuefeng, a nation of tradtions and the way of the warriors."

"My heart sank. as i was working outside, in the Dessert. Nera saw the Cloud of Dust, the Sky flashing red......the explosion of Aegis. Felt even in the furthest reaches of the nation i assume.
Nera will admit, it scared me. i panicked. nera had a flash back towards the day Ragnarock happend.....if you do not know what taht is. ask your elders. read the books in the libeary.
maybe this invaasion will be worse then Ragnarock. or will not be?!"

"The attack on Gloomlight, the Repel. a feat a succes. Yet a victory in a long lasting invasion."

"what Nera is trying to wirte is...."

"United metherane stands. divied. we fall. not just citys or nations..
the whole continent will."

Proud be the farmer taking arms to defend his farm and family, Proud be the solider wielding his sword to slay those who attack his home, Proud be the mages who stand and fight!, proud be our Medics and healers fixing our wounds, proud be our sholars documenting this for the generations after us

"Keep Fighting mages and people of methrane for your home!"
[Image: GJ9hrZiaIAA3XGy?format=png&name=360x360]
the Dessert war, the Fall of teh Frontier, the Battel of Nightview

"hello eryone. today nera is wirting about the last battel. the Invasion of the Dessert by the Arterlyan invansion.....the fights. and the truths what has happen there
it was a massive battel it was gruesome it was akin to Raganrock the Demonic forces coming form the North a horde  on the ground and in the skys. flying demons but the most dangerous were the imperfects wich....were leaidng the charge.

and the fake moon. a construct of Metal. runes. magic and death
Final frontiers had a plan a battel plan wich i have only heard form second hand...from surving non magis soilders  "frontier wanted to draw in the invaidng force and do something" not sure what the exact plan was. but
as a old saying goes "the First Plan never survive the Battel" a saying nera finds true...the plan fell apart since the Invasion forces did NOT....enter the frontiers no they stoped in the dessert so the Defending army meet them outside the city.......wich was porbaly therye goal...
the Fake moon. unleashed a Beam of Death....caved threw the defending forces, Magi and Non magi like butter. killing tousend if not tentousend....
and with taht the fighting beggan.........But then the Forces of the Frontiers. shouted to...fall back? to draw them into the city to hide in the vault....
The line broke.
The chaotic line of fighting broke. with gaps left open by the forntiers soliders. wich the demons took and flanked the other forces.......
i have to state i was watching it form Nightview. on the sidelines. i wasnt planing to fight now. but i stood on the wodden wall we built....Nera had hoped they came from the east or so but they came form the north.....nera also had hoped taht they would ignore us...but nera is old and a Imperfect came towards nightview a snake Demon lady, half snake body but....hard to say
Yet we stood and fought. Olipher. Regalus . Tatusya and Xiao. who were orginaly part of the Defending Forces. saw and came to Nightviews aid......
in my eyes ERYONE. magi or non magi.....who fought against the Demons are hero`s
Many have fought. Many have persihd. and nera saw people die....people i knew
may they Rest in peace,
Tatusya Amamiya, heroicly jumped in an attack to Protect his Wife Xiao, from certain death.
Regalus, Broke time. space and reality to Protect olipher from harm.
both consumed by the snake imperfect in the end.
thanks to all of them Nightview stand still...
Frontiers wanst as lucky...the Fake Moon has made it into a hole. yet. forntiers manged to damge it.
the smell of blood is still in the air. blades. and pices of armour in the sand......"
[Image: ?]
[Image: GJ9hrZiaIAA3XGy?format=png&name=360x360]
Crops, growing, and dying?, citys Rebuilidng and recovering!
[Image: ?]
"hello eryone its been a while since the last paper, but here we are again with a new one the year being 2146. Metherane surived the Demon invasion. and is Rebuilding. Land is healing from the Conflic of war, yet not all is well in the lands it seems!

Several fams threwout Metherane report of Fields with Crops. wich were tainted by foul magics?. necormancy? undeath?. crops being ruined.
heck even neras own farmland wasnt spared from this! And Nightview is hard to reach due to the chasm and no proper paths to it!
Do we have a idea on who is doing taht? Messing with the Fields?.  Nera says no. and nera doesnt wanna spout Rumors out into the wilds wich will get some one killed.
Aen in crisses?
many heard the news or rumors taht Aen got hit by a massive flood. the Dunsmarkt a local businnes of Metherane is gathering Donations, to send a carvaen of Relive goods, they so far have gather threw Donations 62.000 coins as stated by Dunsman himself!
The Community of Nightview. remains still cut off form any mayor Trading since no seaport or Proper routes exits acros the Chasm, but soon taht will change since construction of a Bridge is ongoing
New Settlments?
Several smaller Settlments have appeard! Near can confirm at least one new settlment near the Favolin cave!. or well close to where old Midpoint was once, a settlment with the folks who call them self Oscuri!, so far nera had nice talks with them

Nera also has heard of a Settlment futher East. on the Mountains vulcano where onc Aphros was. nera will soon Venture over there and see for myself!
got any stories wich maybe be intretsing to read?, send Nera a letter or meet Nera. and maybe get your stories featured on the paper!
[Image: GJ9hrZiaIAA3XGy?format=png&name=360x360]
[Image: battel_in_ruin_of_londo.png?ex=67600c07&...9cfc87252&]
In the Ruins of Londo the Forces gather. of Oscuir and Demon remant forces and the Imperfect Demon Varrach himself!, on the counter side the Elzera and a mixture of various City warriors, Even the Lumin king camino himself. and melionette and may other Notable faces and warriors from both sides. even a bunch of onlokkers curious on how this would go including Nera. Nera was live there for you....and cause Nera was bored.
The Demon Lord Varrach has open a Sort of Modedfied Riftmancy Portal. wich made a pathway towards the Realm of the gods. a path to strike Mestra.....
Both Forces went threw the Rifmancy portal only for both to Face off in the realmwich leads towards the realm of gods
[Image: image.png?ex=67600f0c&is=675ebd8c&hm=ca5...50cfde5ce&]
Both Forces Magi and Non magi. beginning to fight and brawl eachothers. the Imperfect Demon Varrach path towards Mestra was blocked by the Lumin King himself. while his allies were blocked by the Elzera and Serenity and Gloom and Goldlight and Xuefeang members!....the Rest of metherane came toghter to Fight to Protect the Deity of Metsra!
[Image: image.png?ex=67601466&is=675ec2e6&hm=6aa...33c706c68&]
Face off betwen king and Imperfect Demon!
a moment of words exchanged betwen the Two before Vilont Fighting broke out betwen the Two.
with the LUMIN king coming out victorious
a harsh battel ensuring. but even if it semmed the Rest of Metherane seemed to have the upper hands.
Heaven and Hell Descened. a Vanguard guardian! from heaven came down below to Fight off the Ad Astra forces? Astra?.........werid name anyways!
a being of Eldtrich abomination and Hate, forming and Festering form the Hate From Varrach. an Ambomination of Death magic and Necromancy
while the Vanguard of the heavens was busy with dealing the Remaing uhh Ad astra demon forces...
We dealt with this lovely being [Image: image.png?ex=67604806&is=675ef686&hm=dca...76c0c4709&]
Nera fought taht thing aswell so i cant really say who did what but know this. we prevailed and salying the abomination
*SEVERAL Blurry Pictures Mid battel attached to the Bottom*
After taht Battel was over. Mester was protcted for now. Yet a rift remains. a danger  still. if not closed!
[Image: GJ9hrZiaIAA3XGy?format=png&name=360x360]
A new article is posted on the vaunted front page of the Quill Chronicle - a gauzy watercolor painting superimposed with cheerful prose:

[Image: 4gdcx3o6op4.png]
 [Image: Screenshot%202025-02-24%20004206.png]
A quill reporter busies themselves this Winter season, putting something unique out in the middle of the boring headlines.
Threats to Meranthe: Blotting out the Sun

The highlight of the past few months has been the discourse surrounding Grey Aundeoth's
plan to obfuscate the sun so he might 'distill fragments from the dark' and bring a night that is 'calm and gentle.'
"B-Blub, blub, blub-- well! If you turned off turned off the sun, especially near the sea,
firstly all their plants are going to die!"
The anglerfish mermaid and fisherman Merlina Lighthook reveals.
"And then they're all going to starve, but the ones that aren't going to starve
are going to get exceptionally chilly, and lots of fish are going to freeze! You can't just knit them little scarves!"
Sailors report of mass casualties in the farer oceans, and observe mass migrations of schools of fish. One such vessel, donning the 'black sun' symbol, had sailors which confessed with dubious impartiality: "Yeeep. Everything died or moved, mate. It's tragic!"
In the country of Viritas it is said there has been a sudden influx of paintings depicting the eclipse,
some depicting apocalyptic events with others depicting serene nights and the sound of oblivion.
The highest selling painting so far is 'Don't turn off the sun', selling at a glorious 700,000c.
"Well, lots of animals are going to get confused when the day-night cycle turns into a night-night-night cycle. A bunch of classic predators like eagles and wolves are gonna struggle to get their fill, especially in the winter months," Joe Direwolf admits, chewing on a delicious leaf.
"Yeah, it's rough. But there's always cannibalism."
  [Image: Screenshot%202025-02-24%20200849.png]
A Quill writer quills away this holiday season.
Trouble in the Office: An Editor's Noble Retort

The sole editor responsible for this article, Thomas Fox Jr, steps up and announces a response to alleviate the troubles shared in this exchange. 
"I am so, so sorry for this horrible blunder on my end!
I absolutely forgot to take into account of your forty years of experience as a healer and mentor.
Your efforts in making donuts more affordable in this current economy is much appreciated, surely.
On behalf of Chronicle and Quill, I apologize for mistaking the size of your tiny island,
its capacity in hosting wildlife, as well as the fact that you're upset.
We will take more care to ignore the impact on the environment which
these strange rituals seem to have in favour of how respectable of an individual you are!
Thank you."

The Quill promises this is their first and last statement on the matter of the shadowed sun.
Goodness Gracious! Prince Franz's Princely Decree 

Franz Erbe Prithvi, Prince of Caethir, has voiced concerns about Grey Audenoth's recent public declaration.
I did not support the strange ritual!
I had elected to aid the family member of a friend and then proceeded to depart once I recognised we would be asked to defeat some sort of Spirit of Light!
I am particularly unhappy that I was name dropped in such a manner and feel as though I have been thrown under the carriage!  "
At the end of his letter, he said 'I hope you have a good day', and warned that a white-haired Ookami named Severin is on the loose, stealing crops all over the land.
A spokesperson for Carriage Accident Compensation said: "It hurts very much to be thrown beneath a carriage." 
The Quill promises this is their second and last statement on the matter of the shadowed sun.
Continent-wide Curiosities: An Artfully Decapitated Head 

Cerise Equisol, owner of mysterious mushroom Gerald and Knight of the Umbra
recently displayed a decapitated head at a Viritas Art Festival, as is typical of any Equisol.
This has caused much discourse, with some individuals cited to have said 'ewww' and 'why on Eternia?!'
Though reception was overall positive, with some saying 'that's hardcore' and 'well, they make a nice vase.'
Rumours have it the head belongs to Ys, an Ursidae, who recently tried to assassinate Heir Sunsets over Moonlight
at their 100th Birthday Celebration within Delphina's Capitol Building. 
[Image: Screenshot%202025-02-24%20195724.png]
Above is an artist's depiction of the event.

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