(World Event arc, Player ECs)

Death is everywhere. It is all encompassing; a concept none can escape from. It can come without consideration, it can come well before one’s time - simply due to illness, or the whims of mankind.

But Mortyl herself cannot be everywhere.
Familiars, big and small, gifted of free will, yet through them can she see.

Each familiar contains a portion of Death that follows after those who die.
The ones who are slain on the battlefield are oft heralded by Salem, a solemn and curious figure.
The ones who die in a fit of rage and violence are heralded by <Morana>, who may give unto them a violent end.
Those who pass with grief in their hearts find themselves witnessing <Bronach> upon their death, crying for them.

Meranthe has become drenched in blood, many dying to the battlefield and war, many dying to rage and violence, and many simply dying with regret and sadness in their heart. Often they overlap.

But the appearance of these three figureheads of Mortyl’s familiars oft heralds consequence, simply due to their nature.

Salem arrives, curious about why it is that in the recent years, many experienced a series of death upon the battlefield. An event announce telling of random trees suddenly finding themselves devoid of life will indicate the beginning of something.

Salem exists, currently, to give some story and roleplay to others and set the stage.

Morana will be the first EC fight, large-scale, although having the player EC appear and cause some chaos beforehand I think would be ideal for the type of character that Morana is.

That, and I would like these ECs to have a large scale impact.

Regardless, their big, battlefield type of fight will take place in a spot where hatred grew most apparent:

Grimhjoll, where Bartholomew had upset the world.
Where Mankinds hatred and call for violence seeped within the land itself.

Upon defeat/banishment, Morana will drop grade B materials, all related to Mortyl/death/anger.
Amount depends on how many were in attendance, but if there is too many, the default will be 5.
[ Blood Spilled, Free of Purpose and Meaning [SHIELD]
Legends spoke of these brave, female warriors; the army to a nation who's name has been lost to time. Adorned in gold-plate and wielding spears and halberds, they rode into battle atop great beasts, tearing their less-developed enemies to shreds. Amidst this army existed one great commander, who stood alongside her people in every conflict. Stories spoke of her glory and bravery in combat- the honor with which she lead her people to great victories, and carved her personage into history.
The woman who would become Morana was no such heroic warrior. The limits of her bloodlust seemed not to exist. She was a monster who burned village after village in the hopes of satiating the deep, unquenchable hunger within her. Until this desire for violence was satiated, she would continue to fight and kill, and kill. Endlessly, violence would rain.
One day, at the eve of a great battle, the Valkyrie turned their spears on their commander. Ran through with golden spears, their commander did not fall. Instead, she smiled as crimson ichor spilled and stained the poppy-fields of her kingdom.
<b>"Ah... finally. My children. My beautiful children.
You've given me the most precious gift of all.
Blood worth spilling."</b>
The battle between the Commander of the Valkyrie and the Valkyrie Army lasted 3 days and 3 nights. The land around them was reduced to ash, the blood spilled hardening and being made dense with mana. Of this battle, there were no survivors, and no one left to claim victory.
In a similar way that Sinka sprouts from the ground after a battle between two magi, so too do these chunks of crimson ore. Metal in smell, they radiate a certain heat that could not possibly be feasible to maintain without an external energy source. This seems to indicate that a finer, more powerful energy remains hidden within-- protected by the hardened shell of ore. Pure, concentrated anger- the ultimate conduit, and the sister of wrath itself.
Formed from your battle with Morana, it serves as a reminder of your triumph. And as your blood and her's mix, you can perhaps even empathize with the high reached on the battlefield. Perhaps, in another life, you too would seek validation through bloodshed.]
Bronach will soon appear, wailing and walking across Meranthe. The fauna and land will die in her wake, making it clear that despite her sorrow upon the death that comes, if they do not stop her wailing and traversal across the land, it will only get worse.
Upon defeat/banishment, Bronach will drop grade B materials, all related to Mortyl/Death/Sorrow. The amount given is dependent on how many attended, but if there are too many, the default will be 5.

[ **A Once-Warm Heart, Turned Cold** [SHIELD]
<i>I will wait for you. So, please, come back to me."</i>
A promise, left unfulfiled.
The woman who would eventually become Bronach knows grief all too well. Though far too much time has passed, and she stopped keeping track after a millennia, the image of a ruby-red locket in the shape of a heart always remained in her head. She has long since forgotten the name, face, and voice of the one she made the promise to. And, yet, those words linger in her head. <i>"I will wait for you. So please, come back to me."</i> A promise made, and a gift given to commemorate.
The locket itself consists of a metal casing, protecting a naturally-occurring gem that shaped itself into something vaguely resembling a heart. Thin, metal chains are intertwined from both ends, creating a necklace upon which the ruby gem hangs on. Within the ruby itself, upon closer inspection, small veins of magic seem to expand outwards, connecting to the outer edges of the crystal.
These veins react to magic in the air, as well as any magic that is applied directly to the pendant itself. Any mana that comes in contact with the ruby causes it to pulse with a crimson glow, as it moves from the outer shell to within, reaching the center and gathering in a finer point, condensing any source of mana that comes in contact with it to a finer point.
Inscribed on the back of the pendant is a series of numbers, though the evolution of the numerical system has rendered these illegible without a historian that specializes in decyphering ancient text. A word remains, though, one that is easy enough to translate.
As you touch the pendant, you receive momentary flashes of a life that isn't yours. Stepping towards the harbor of a village that seems almost ancient, you're stopped by the sound of a voice. And, yet, you can not make out exactly what she is saying, as the words and her voice have been lost to time. Your head turns, and though your eyes can't fixate on the finer details of her face, you recognize the stinging weight that sits in your chest.
She hands you something. A rare trinket, passed down through her family. And, as you step foot on this boat, you hold it to your chest, and listen to the only words that break through the waning memories, lost to time.
<b>"I will wait for you. So, please, come back to me."</b>
The woman who would eventually become Bronach never fulfilled this promise. ]
Salem will be the finale.
Her weapon will detach itself from her being, and take on a rusted, old form.

Upon defeat, Salem will become bound unto the sword, and those who were part of the finale are meant to decide who takes the blade.

Either way, those who were victorious will end up needing to fight amongst themselves or come to an agreement on who takes the weapon.

Grade B dev item. 4 max.

[ Remnant of a Meaningless Treasury [SHIELD]
<b>Before there was time-- before there was anything.
There was nothing.</b>
The cobaltine crystal you hold before you is unnatural in shape and make. A language you could not possibly understand decorates it's sides and back, and the material that settles in the center is not any kind of crystal nor ore. Instead, it is similar to a mirror, different in that the glossy, almost-reflective surface that holds back the darkness is not solid. If you were to reach a hand forward, it would push past the reflective surface, engulfing the extremity in cold, limitless darkness.
What this darkness is can only be theorized. Another realm? The beginning of time? A direct connection to Salem herself? It's impossible to tell. Though, as you hold the crystal, you feel a deep connection to the agent of apathy, Salem. And, yet, this connection does not serve to deepen your understanding. Instead, melancholy and misery fall over you, like a great pressure. The depths of Salem's indifference are enough to render you whole.
<b>And before there was nothing--
There were monsters.</b>
Holding this crystal deep to your heart, you can recall a time before anything existed. Pure darkness, where the only thing that shattered the quiet was the sound of a hammer descending on an anvil. Creation, made manifest through a process that would, eventually, become known as artificery.
Salem was a creator of many things. Life. Weaponry. Worlds.  Small, condensed items which, inevitably, seemed to collapse unto themselves, burdened with her lack of faith. After all, Salem did not believe in anything. The endless darkness was a place to which all returned. It was a place that she, too, would return-- even if it should take a million lifecycles for it to happen.
Death came for all. Anything she made, be it metal or flesh, would return to dust sooner or later. And though she crafted staves that amplified magic to the extent that it could reach the sun, blades that could kill a God, and worlds that experienced lives just as complex and messy as our own, none were ever given the opportunity to thrive- stashed amidst a vault that would come to be known as <b>the Treasury of Babylon.</b>
You empathize in some way. After all, if nothing persists forever, why bother? Why expend so much effort? Just holding this thing is heavy... why don't you just---
You snap to your senses, and you quickly realize just how dangerous even a fragment of Salem's apathy is. ]

35 POW, 20 PHYS, 20 WEIGHT, 2 ETHER POW/DEF (unenchanted)
If bound, Salem can be summoned, and exists inextricably linked to who wields the cutting blade. However:
She can only be summoned in fights in which the wielder is close to death.

EC strength grows depending on the user of the blades strength, and how much they grow it.
[ Description will be written the closer it gets to the finale…
The sword will have a fraction of it’s original strength, and it is meant to grow with the user. ]
Requesting Player ECs to have: Death Aura, Mortyl Wings, to showcase their connection to Mortyl as her familiars. A small request for Bronach to have dreamwalk to set her stage, but not necessary.
No Neph Racials.

Those playing the ECs will be handpicked with a penchant for storywriting, and with a small guide on associated elements for Bronach and Morana to base their spells on.

Their goal first is to set the stage to lead up to huge, final EC fights beyond little skirmishes and conflict meant to gauge interest.
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