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A Full Moon
[Image: d1kcQfy.gif]

The Night Creatures have persisted in their relentlessness. Humanity's influence in the west has diminished by 28% in just a few months.

Callitidas the Blade-Wolf.
Skyrixa the Wraith.
Ryn'lyx the Phantom. (Slain)

(They unlocked the [New Path] and should be considered standard Demon PCs.)

These three have been elevated to B-Grade Level threats by the Archmage Association. They are flee-on-sight unless faced in a coordinated group or by an equally powerful magi. They are often followed by a centurion of ghastly ghouls, given direct command by the Demon Sage. Should one manage to defeat and slay one of these Champions of Atrellya, then they will be elevated to Local Hero status and be granted a Relic of Power by the Archmage Association [ticket if you do so.]
[Image: Ohifofc.png]

"Gather, my Creatures of the Night, my Noble Demons and my Moonfallen."
"Send word to the Scorned that they may be present at their own risk."
"Bring the treasures with you that have been taken as trophies."

The Lord Sage, Ilysander, has called for a Summons. All magical objects taken from Meranthe are to be gathered and put to purpose; to strengthen the Magi, and the Atrellyan forces. The forge yearns.

Additionally, those outside of Atrellya may be present if they so wish. Although let's not forget the last time 'potential allies' were invited into the fortress, and subsequently devoured. Maybe the whims of fate will be kind to you if you play your cards right.

(04-04-2024, 12:55 PM)Chasing Daybreak Wrote:
Callitidas the Blade-Wolf.

Skyrixa the Wraith. (Slain by Miyuhiko Shinjitsu. Archemage Reward: Titan Armguards)

Ryn'lyx the Phantom. (Slain by Fantasy Kasca. Archemage Reward: Airweaver's Circlet)

Rising A-Tier threats now include Mazchna and the Echo of Loss

Of the original Three Thousand Night Creatures, the horde has been reduced to roughly five hundred. Hurrah! The loss of human life is estimated to be in the tens of thousands, if not more, however. Oh.
The recent battle revealed a terrible consequence of invading with a large army: The corpses can be transformed into Night Creatures, as was seen. While the Ash Tower burned, your howl of unlife roused you into being; summoned from the underworld, your wings spread and you took flight, only just escaping Eivor's command of slaughter...

You are not particularly refined. Hastily made, yet you have potential.

(Similar to the last batch except you spawn at Level 150 and unlock a !secret reward! instead if you reach Level 210. No tokens/rebirth. You're far more likely to die before then, too...)

If interested, fill this out and you'll be contacted.
The Union of Guilds has recently released bounties across the quest boards of Meranthe. Additionally it has sponsored the Quill Chronicle for a 250,000c grant, to feature in their back pages.

Callitidas the Blade-Wolf: A-Grade Threat
Lykon the Wretched: A-Grade Threat
Equinox the Harpy: B-Grade Threat
Scarlet King the Abomination: B-Grade Threat
Mazcha: B-Grade Threat
Echo of Loss: B-Grade Threat
Hubris the Fox: C-Grade Threat

The following are not kill-on-sight; the reward will be granted so long as the target is delivered to one of the following highly regarded, recognized authorities, to be judged as they see fit: The Realm of Delphina, Gloomlight, Xuefeng, or the Empire of Aegis.
Raithe the Unworthy King: B-Grade Threat
Wicked the Mori Spider: B-Grade Threat
Libertato the Fool: B-Grade Threat
Bael'rath the Mindflayer: C-Grade Threat
Scarlet Haze the Mad Dog: C-Grade Threat
Adrian the Zombie: C-Grade Threat

Skyrixa the Wraith. (Slain by Miyuhiko Shinjitsu. Archmage Reward: Titan Armguards)
Ryn'lyx the Phantom. (Slain by Fantasy Kasca. Archmage Reward: Airweaver's Circlet)

This year's Rising Hero has been designated as the Wolken Lancer Magnolia. (Ticket for your Armament reward!)
For almost an entire year after the Primordial's heart was stolen from the Hollow World (2121 AC), there is no answer of where it went, at least in Meranthe. Only the question of 'what next' that comes after any victory high or defeat low. Some magi regretful, Aphros and beyond mourns their Oracle's valiant sacrifice. 

Then, the Crescent Fortress receives word, a missive sent to Supreme Etriath. It is jarring and sudden but there is no warm belonging in demon hierarchy like there was with humans. It was time to meet up with Lord Ilysander and return to the crude fortresses Atrellyans call home; rifted over after offerings are gathered.

[Fill this out if you are one of the Atrellyans making the journey.
Keep in mind, there is a possibility that what is offered may not get a reward if it doesn't make sense.]

Some time earlier...

[Image: 2cabc63e620db08bd66bb0290116afe9.png]

A black-haired man covered in burns and ruined clothing kneels before the impassive Ilysander. "The 'treasure like no other', Lord Ilysander," he says dryly, a misty blue crystal hovers up to the Demon Sage.

The secret of why Atrellya arrived on Meranthe uncovered as the heart of Vdali is secured by the Demon-King's forces.
[Image: xuz9WfV.jpeg]

The Demons of Atrellya and their chosen Moonfallen have achieved their original objective. What this might entail in the future is uncertain but will impact future events.

All that embarked on this expedition are offered a place within the high courts of Atrellya. The Demon Sage Ilysander has also returned to the homeland; an unforgettable journey and new scars to tell the tale.

 [Level 200 Rebirth - Character Retirement. Must ticket before the end of the month] 

Or they may choose to continue their work in Meranthe; perhaps there is unfinished business. Yet this honor will not be offered a second time. 

Lykon offers the Heart of Vdali, a Tome of Leonaus, and the promise of a [???]. 
+ Grimoire of [???]
+ Unusual Urn

Etriath offers the Heart of Vdali and a Chiron Starstone.
+ he returns as an Ascended Cambion with a reforged Demonblade

Elena offers the Heart of Vdali.
+ Band of Everlasting Winter

Felice offers the Blood of a Valykrie.
+ Orb of Demonification

[ All other requests were non-material; feel free to flavor up your visit. Please ticket if you're one of the above. ]

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