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An Open Letter on Grave Concerns
The following missive is posted far and wide - on bulletin boards, plastered to the sides of taverns, directly mailed to faction leaders and other notables of Meranthe:

To the people of Meranthe:

I bring solemn and painful news.

There are powerful necromantic forces at work in the world, and they are assaulting both the living and the dead. Bones are being stolen all but instantly if they are not buried in sanctified ground, and even then, the ground may need to be re-sanctified on a periodic basis and physically guarded.

Prayers to Athelios have suggest that burning the corpses is not a fully reliable solution to this matter, for reasons we do not yet understand. In addition, the names of Caius and Mortyl should not be mentioned anywhere near corpses for the moment. 

The forces of the good and righteous are working to find and stop these necromancers, and also to identify solutions to these symptoms of necromancy in the meantime. 
For example, we are currently working on developing runic protections, and welcome any and all collaborators on this research. We will freely share any genuine solutions we come up with to all nations and factions, including those that have been recently at odds with our own. All individuals who come in peace are welcome to contact Gloomlight, either in person or by message. Reach out to Captain Ezra of the Bastion for thoughts about sanctification processes, or to Knight Tenacity de la Croix or Squire Loramelian for ideas about runic protections.

In hopes of a brighter tomorrow,
- Squire Loramelian of the Bastion

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