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The One That Seek The Truth Of Battle
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Toji Spawn
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Toji looks at his spawn feeling please seeing him. He wasn't sure he was truly a worthy demon to show the ropes. He would eventually put him through the ringer before raiding the settlement after all he didn't any allies so having a little spawn around would encourage him to prove his strength to. He was pleased to name his child Goki.

Goki vs Rosa Emberstrum
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Toji notice Rosa and would order his spawn Goki to fight against the mortals to see if he was worthy of calling himself his spawn. Toji wasn't going to raise no weaklin and made sure to put him against someone way stronger than itself at a lesser form. Seeing how strong the lesser demon was he nods giving his approval. Toji enjoy watching his spawn fights and was pleased to fight Rosa after.

Toji vs Rosa Emberstrum
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Toji fights against Rosa after seeing that this was the first time he see someone using sound magic and would quickly make small work Rosa. Toji would knock the down the person into the ground after seeing them using wind magic and shake his head thinking the person was worthy to give him a proper challenge.

Goki vs the Twin Starling
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Toji watch his underling entertaining him fighting twins which ended up one been wounded. He nods feeling please seeing how Goki first taste flesh of a mortal and seeing him push harder after losing his first two fights he nods and gave him prize by teaching Goki something which would assist him in growing stronger. Seeing Goki win back to back fights made him smiles before he got interupted.

Toji vs Alloces
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Toji getting struck with a move of the voice got quite upset would unleash his rage upon everyone around which seek to challenge him. He would first make quick work of the foolish human which cause harm to him without fighting. As he grew upset his death magic slowly starts to appear around his body as he not hold back. Even though it wasn't mastered he would make sure to finish the fight quickly showing Goki what it means to strike fear in his preys.

Toji vs koda
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Toji having enough would make quick work of Koda due to him been upset for been wounded without fight and start to reflect after defeating the friend of the person. Feeling pitty for the mortal he left as he fought and won against three of the foolish mortals. He return to his training ground to teach his offspring how to get stronger.
Toji vs Melionette
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Toji whilst resting on the bridge would notice an odd individual which seems to be an Seirn. Toji didn't care much about the person and after speaking with the person for some time Toji would ended up fighting an rather impressive person which seems knows the ins' and outs' of water magic. He didn't mind losing against the person but he was quite pleased knowing that he needed to work on his destructive force because the people which normally heal in fight were quite annoying to deal with. He march on toward spread his madness.

Toji Influence
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The sky blacken as Toji works on his destructive force. He thought about it for quite sometime an felt like its time for him to push toward acquiring the peak of occult magic. The lack of demonic activity and the recent loses Toji essence of battle spread throw out the land as he also work on his creation of making and powerful cambion. Travelers and creatures which pass through the Dreadwoods starts to feel influence of occult magic and wants to fight. The closer they get toward Toji the malice with there heart would hinger them from trying to attack him and attack each other.

Toji small circle of allies, tries to convince him to take the next step toward his evolution but Toji feel like there was more to do in his current state. In his unstable stage Toji starts to push himself to create the death magic martial style. Who shall be able to stop his soon to be new cambion and his expectational minion Goki.

Toji doesn't move the spot he meditate at and try to absorb the magic in the air from battle.
Toji Meditation and Training Arc
Years pass after some time of Toji inactivity due to him thinking more about focusing on improving his chi energy so that he could march upon his foes with enough energy that only feel fear when they see him. Been rusty and not having anyone around again he slowly got sloppy in how he was fighting. He manages to meet quite a few new people which transverse throughout the land which he rests and train.

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Jenks and Toji
Toji which forget about the little fae Jenks from Fel garden manage to speak with him after these manage years. After talking for some time, it seems like Jenks wanted some advice from the master of fist Toji. It seems like Jenk was doing poorly until Toji gave him some advice which made Jenks seen a major improvement in the way he fought. After parting ways toji manage to learn something and absorb some of the energy which was use in the training fights.

Nettlefoot and Toji
The odd little fae which seems to possess a rather unique quality and trait peck toji interest as it stops to speak to him. After some time talking to the little fae called Nettlefoot which have a death shroom servant which he travels on. Toji manage to convince the little fae to become a training subject of his which ended up benefiting them both. After for quite some time he didn't know what was happening to the little fae but he knew that the fae should be okay after learning a trick or two.
Atreius, Gravehound and Toji
Toji meditates in the dreadwoods as he works on his chi energy and notice that his murderous intent starts to increase the more he remained alone but he was bothered by two odd mortals which he stop what he was doing to speak with after learning about what their intention was it seems like they wanted to learn from their enemy so Toji pass on some meaningful advice by rifting away himself from the kids.

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Toji and Flown
An loyal subject to the martial arts which seems to travel the part of the murderous intent in his way of fighting. Toji continue to train and improve the young mortal skills to the point it was almost at his full power strikes. He felt please teaching the mortal. Quite some time pass and it seems like Flown was doing quite alot of damage in the world and return to the protective area of Toji which seems like an impossible feat for most people but Toji didn't care who arrive where he trains. Toji was the old one which will give the orders and he made it clear to the group of mortal which wanted to jump Flown after losing to him. Toji would made them leave after fighting an individual in a match which he lose on purpose to force Flown to travel a different part from himself.

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Loore Money vs Toji
Not much can be said about the the fire magic martial artist but toji believe there is must to learn from these mortal because of the skills they possess. Even though they sparred once Toji likes how Loore fights. Toji manage to learn a few things from the fire magic martial artist which he would carry one to defeat quite a lot of people.
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Zorodan and Toji
Toji teaches a mortal that seeks the powers of a demon even though he tired to make it clear to the young individual, he tried to improve on the way he use his skills and fights. Toji wanted nothing more than to see and impressive fight and see people pushing toward getting better. After some time training with Zorodan, Toji starts to practice his death magic and riftmancy control some more even though he knew the concept of both magic. Pushing himself to master the death magic he starts to radiate small essence of control which can be seen in his magic.
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Toji vs Emilia
Toji been challenge while he was roaming the woods. The leafblade user Emilia force a fight upon Toji, he didn't care the fight until he notice he was been hit quite hard with made him strike back with half his strength. They both clash for some time until Toji got fed up and use his full power to finish off the female damaging her soul while draining her life force leaving her pale. Toji notice that the friends wasn't going to allow it to end like that so he get ready to fight the next person.
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Melionette Meanderwalk vs Toji
eEmilia friend Melionette which fought with Toji before would step in protect from Toji wrath. Toji was happy for the rematch as he see this as an opportunity to see how much he improved facing off against an element he didn't know how to combat properly. As they both fought shockwave and destruction fall upon the land. The battle came to a end when toji rashed in only to be catch with an powerful tidal wave pushing him back quite badly leaving him with water in his lungs. It was fix after some time but toji continue to venture around training and accepting any random challenge which come his way.
On a night Toji carried his cambion on a stroll to look for some wonderful combat. He didn't care whom it was but once it wasn't child he would have no issue.
Voyager vs Toji
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Toji seeing an odd looking mortal would thinks its time to feast of the odd energy which the person possess. Seeing the person with Neries powers made him wondered what if happening in the world and would made sure to defeat the person quite soundly before they could realize what was happening Toji really didn't care if this person didn't want to fight once he get some energy of assist him in his growth he was quite fine. Toji left the person really weaken.
Toji and Talguth
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Toji would venture toward Groomlight to speak with the most unique demon of all time Talguth Why? Only Toji would know this. After reaching a few individual would see him wondering what is happening as he stood and wait for the person to arrived. After waiting for a few minute seeing the form which was been taken by Talguth thought it was imperfection but it seems like it something else. Speaking for quite some time Toji manage to learn a few stuff but it seems like the answers which was been stated to him bothered him quite abit. Taking it face value he made sure to use the information given to him to push himself some more.
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Toji vs Saige
Toji once again wondering around the land training his control over death magic and notice an direct challenge from Saige a old adversary of Abyssmal. Facing against the person which fight like Liberato he struggles due to the fast movement and magic output of the person. Toji feeling like after this fight his training with death magic needed to improve and so he did.
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Raikami P. Kasca vs Toji
Second face off Raikami would try to practice some children from Toji wrath which seems odd due to Toji not like fighting children. He tend to try an avoid children overall unless it was an dragon child which he deem to pet and use as an training tool. Lightning surge around Raikami before he strike Toji. Been on the defensive end due to him having quite an number of mortal attacking him Toji would use this opportunity to push his control over death magic once. Seeing how he damage the soul of Raikami once with his basic death magic technique. They continue to fight some time and Toji was cut down with an new technique which was infuse with holy magic. Toji manage to live but the wound which he receive linger in his body for some time.

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Toji vs Tira
Toji watching a distance the gathering of people notice that there was argument about a undead uncertain, he continue to watch. Tira catching sight of him boldly walks over to him talking about arresting him. Seeing how Toji fans off the individual he still continue to practice death magic mentally. Uncertain about how much control over it mentally he continue to watch Tira and Nirva wanting to put the weakest demon to his rest would come up with an fighting plan to kill him. Tira would face off again the incomplete death magic fighting style and life force was drain away as Toji damage the soul the person leaving them weak.
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Toji vs Nirva
Second battle started as Nirva been declared to be fast and stronger than the pervious person stating that his name was going be fallen upon deaf hear seeing how toji was about to die in this fight toji made sure to demonstrate his true strength whilst fighting after been weaken from fighting Tira. Blocking the sword strikes and evading the metal magic which was to restrain him Toji unleash on aggressive rush leaving no space for the person to catch a breathe. Nearing to the end Toji focus his death magic into a blast which damage the person external and internally leaving them weaken slightly due to incompletely mastery over death magic. Seeing how pale the look toji had one more fight to do and smirks knowing this was going to be like a revenge match.
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Toji vs Voyager
Chaos rain as Toji remains at the same place but unlike anything else Toji discard the emotion of fear. Acquiring something else which made his weakness stronger. His determination toward growth and mastery over fighting. Toji seeing the young Neries which seems to wanting to fight once again was acting as if it was some kind a golem which was working under orders. Toji feeling rather drained from the two fight before Tira and Nirva would continue prove to the mortal been the weakest around come with its perks indeed. Toji took on Voyager again for an revenge match and display nothing but an furry of strike weakening the person before ending it would an soul drain siphoning his life force energy and thinks about how much people would challenge him in an completely weaken state now.
Nothing happen as they fear the demon which stand alone even though his cambion was watching from a distance. Toji obeserve as Camino de Caewynn sweeps in and drag away the injured person and would use his medical techniques to speed up the recovery time of the mortal. Toji looks at the faebone wanting to square up but feeling the death magic which he think would be under his control needed more training as he does possess the power to use it to some degree needed more control before fighting someone that possess the aether energy. He left after creating an rift and return to train in the void.
Grand Tournament.
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Magic surge throughout the sky north of the Dreadwood which Toji rest. Feeling massive amount of energy been used he woke up and head toward the battle. Toji didn't want to miss out on the fights because he was meditation was reaching a point which he needed some more. Toji descend onto the tournament floor where the gathering of people was looking at everyone Toji body was fill with lines of cracks. Looking at all the individual he could they bring there best. Noone looked weak only thing missing was him fighting them.

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Toji vs Eivor
The king or host of the event Eivor Ualdirsson stepped forth with little to speech and took on Toji after Hina Lina juice him up with some off magic or medicine. Feeling quite please Toji spoke toward Hina Lina talking about not getting the invitation. Eivor displaying his overwhelming aether energy draw Toji attention, the air around Toji change as he was serious about perfecting the death magi which seems to be quite hard to control in his current state. Toji fight with the partially master death magic against the powerful lightning holy magic user. They battle was quite one sided as the punches werent been held back. Toji felt like rather bothered. seeing the person showing their overwelming strong which he wasn't able to do as yet seeing how he had massive amount of energy stored up within him. Toji lost but he manage to leave with something important. The knowledge of new technique which he could use for himself.

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Toji vs Flown
In the void Toji trained while he his body been destroyed trying to improve his healing capabilities. An letter of an challenge would fall on the ground as he left. Toji notice he was his mortal which he train with. Seeing how it quite odd toji think it might be time for them to take a serious fight seeing how much person improved. Flown arrived with an crowd, Toji looking a lot more serious than normal realize the darkness which he was working on to fuel the world with an powerful normal was no more. The rage which was within would be unleash, the tense air lightning from the blacken cloud in the sky. The stare off between them both stops as a leaf fell on the ground. Holy magic doing quite a lot damage to him as he notice Flown was not fighting aggressively but more defensively. Toji lost after his own strength was used against him. Been wounded with an powerful Holy martial strike. Toji jumps up healing the wound to the best of his abilities. Giving and making it know that his once student was now strong. Toji now having someone to look forward to killing all these strong individual would vanish.
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Toji completely vanish was he dead? No? Was he alive? No, Something happens to him as he went an met with an individual. The scar of death which resides on his back grow bright red as Toji behavior changes completely. Only a shell of weakest demon remained, what really happen? Toji was no more .The master of Unarmed which would teach anyone which deem to want training no longer exist.
Flown vs Toji part 2
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Toji the weakest known demon to mankin trained his body endlessly to the point his muscles were strong enough to destroy magic. Seeing his mortal student which now becoming an destructive force to face now take on the role of wanting to put his once master to rest. Toji once again face off against his student in a battle of combat creating nothing but destructive shockwave throughout the dreadwood. Now unable to beat his creation Toji now look toward pushing pass his limitation and push toward ascension as he meditate and prepare for his ritual(i dont wanna do this but i am force to).
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Material, Crystal and Stone that possess the elemental been collected to be uses as an catalyst toward his breakthrough point before the beginning of a new path which shall be taken was tiresome for the martial artist demon Toji. He destroy, kill and torn off from the other demon that live within the dreadwood and underdark. Toji thinking he been the only demon seeing how Goki wasn't around as much needed to acquire change. 
Traces of the past imperfect demon mana linger where he plans to start the marking of his end and beginning.
Toji Biggest Weakness
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The rage of Toji vanish as he focus on his ascension thinking about how would be able to do it. Babies and children of all races gather toward the dreadwood where he meditate. Having to face these types of individual was quite trouble as he tend to not wanting to fight something so fragile and weak. Been annoyed to the point he had to run away. Was Toji getting soft? Was humanity pity awaken within the raging demon? Who to tell.. 
(Stop forcing children on Toji)
Perviously on Toji Journey Pt 3 i think
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Toji and Goki
Toji would continue to mentor and give his wisdom toward his offspring which seems to be an rather unique and odd one. Training and doing his best to motive the young powerful demon to achieve a stage like himself seems possible as Toji was seeing near his end. Toji knew that the more time pass the more his sense we diminish but his strength will still remain untouched.
They speak quite often and encountered a few mortal which seek to fight them both in the dreadwoods. Toji loving the trill of a fight would take the passing mortals on with joy whilst Goki seems to be different as his resolve was much more unique than Toji which Toji loved about his little one. Toji witness the countless amount of fights and victories his boy achieve even when he was wounded teaching him how to heal himself Toji was proud.
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Toji vs Flown Pt 3
Toji resting notice a group of people now following a mortal which he touch would try to show off there strength. Hearing them speak about him been weak and unable to achieve nothing would be quite a statement which Flown warn them about, rage fill Toji as he vanish before them with top speed which was barely block by Flown. Thinking it would be very easy like last time Toji would push Flown toward finding new strength and technique when fighting. Toji eventually lost due to him not having enough time to recover. Seeing Flown with holy magic bother Toji which he plans to change.
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Toji and Nagini
Resting, an odd demon approach the malice of rage trying to seek its protection. Toji knew that he only seeks growth would calm himself down to allow the demon to get close. They starts to speak as Toji made it clear who he was and would try to assist the weak demon if possible. Sometime pass and Toji felt within himself that he needed to seriously work on his weakness after damaging and siphoning souls of the people with venture in the dreadwood. Seeing the monster been chase Toji would intervene and seeing the mortal scream in pain give him joy as he work toward his growth.
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Alloces dul Vique vs Toji
Toji been bother by a group of people while he continue to meditate in the dreadwood would nothing something was odd in his spiritual energy. The outside disturbance made Toji grow angry as he see it as been pitiful, unworthy and only deem death. The individual using witchcraft or some means to an end to chase damage to him before even fighting was something he feel like was bothersome. Toji dark toward the mortal in extreme rage without calculation of his techniques or observing what the movements of the individual would lose due to extreme pain which he felt. He makes the faces of the person and the next time they meet he plans to that something which the person would hold dear to them.
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Indarias and Nagini.
While Toji try to fend off the problem which was at hand he saw someone set there sights on the weak which made him quite concern on how these mortal operate. They had nothing to them no valves, no morals which made Toji mad that he couldn't do nothing as he watch the mortal strike down the creature which manage to escape and thinks to himself things needed to change while he was at his rest place.
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Bloodmaw vs Toji
Heavily wounded an magical beast werewolf on a hunt would approach Toji while he was teaching Goki something useful to combat against the mortals. The beast move way faster than Goki would strike at Toji as he thinks about it, he felt like this was an set up seeing the time frame between them attacks and having little to no time recovering. Losing the fight it seems like the beast wanted to challenge Toji quite a lot and would leave since it didn't feel like he fought Toji at his best condition.
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Aline Dominic vs Toji
Hours had pass as Toji was with Goki showing him his plan toward creating back a massive nation of demons when an individual would speak toward wanting to fight hearing that Toji strength was to be test. Toji unable to get some time to recuperate his energy so he could heal himself took on the challenge as his in his state. Fighting with nothing but rage. He manage to land some serious blow of his foe before losing to the magic combination of the person. Been knock down to the ground Toji watch Goki lunge at the person defeating them with the technique he was training him with and felt like he was getting too old to face off against these mortals and beast all at the same time in one day. 
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Toji and Zalor'Rath
Strolling in the night Toji met and strange demon roaming the land which was attacked by an mortal. As he witness what took place seeing the demon defeating the mortal he would reveal himself before anyone else would think about attacking. As they speak it seems like there was more to this demon than he expected as there was another demon lurking in the shadows watching which was Vana'rath. Toji was asked if he could give some protection toward the demon which he accepted but would make it known that he could only protect them while in the dreadwood where he draw his strength from.
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Toji watch L. Mooney and Libertato
Toji observes what taking place in the while as he slowly grow closer toward his ascension and witness Loore Mooney defeating Libertato which thinks that he could of died ages ago since he was a demon. Toji surviving throw the hardships of battle which he enjoyed would witness and outstanding performance by the fire magic and lightning faeborne. The clash with shock up the wildness would give strength to Toji as he absorb the mana which disperse into the air.
Gwyndolyn P. Kasca vs Toji
An odd individual with unique wings approaches to Toji while he was Goki. Insult thrown toward the weak demon didn't really phase him but what was important is the Aether energy which he needed to drain away from the person. They converse for quite some time before he march toward the person with the intention to fight and take what he need. The clash begin, both displaying there true strength not holding back. Toji leaving no gaps in the techniques. Strike connecting destroying magic as the dreadwoods starts to shake. Due to his age his movement was slightly slower than normal as he was hit and massive powerful Aether energy beam which did some serious damage to his body leaving him on his knees. Both of them talks about what and who is leaving fear in the world and turn their separate ways.
Ryoko vs Toji
A letter by magic was sent to Toji. Not understanding the concept of what was been stated Toji ignored it and send his minion to request and meeting with the mortal. Seeing the person arrived to speak with Toji, he remained silent for quite some time before making any moment. The magic hit Toji which shows that the person had no intention in leaving without a body part for some reason. Toji which had no time to really fully recover after a hard fight from before would venture in the fight wounded and got defeated once more by the younger person. Hearing the cries of the person not able to take a organ made Toji wanting to change his resolve not fighting the weak, as he starts to see them as annoyances.
Demon and Undead
An gathering of demons would appear in the dreadswood to meet and speak with Toji. Seeing an massive amount of undead, Toji was uncertain why and for what reason they were here. Assumption raise in Toji head that they were here to kill or capture him but this wasn't the case. They were only traveling in group and only came to speak about recent event and what would be coming of them and the other nation. Hearing the other demon speak about becoming allies Toji remained silent as he was been look upon to learn the demon toward growth by many.
Vana'Rath, Goki, Toji and Others
Toji felt occult magic drawing closer to his location, Terminus an elder demon, Empusa young promising demon and other march toward Toji seeking his advice, wisdom toward the future. Being all alone for quite some time trusting no one Toji didnt see himself as an leader or something of the sort. He embrace the thrill of a battle. Conversation arise about the revival of the last Imperfect and they wanted him to lead them into place which his weapon rest. Toji uncertain about the detail thinks about it and felt like focusing on creating a settlement. 
Was a fun run will post the rest later
An Upset Soul Linger
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In death Toji souls fall deep within the depth of purgatory. Seeing the others welcoming him he stand by himself upset that his death wasn't in his favor. Mashing his way through the rank trying to stand at the top he manage to reach a point that his souls still only stand at the gate between dimensions looking at the living he waits and his wrath an influence the humanity to continue to enjoy the chaos of battle. Only time will tell.. Will he return completely stronger or will he continue to climb to the top before leaving the NetherRealm.
Once a every ten year Toji spirit shall linger at the gates between realms wait for an suitable form to take. He stand with his red eyes enjoying the few battle he see trying to gather energy which seems hard. He now try to push himself toward pushing his rift mastery to the next level.
Even in death. Choas brings births as Toji little ones starts to slowly act which rest within the deadwoods which he rest. There might not be any offspring but the few that remained start to show themselves.

Ooc note
Did many applications for offspring but making it that only 2 regular demon hatch overall.

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