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The GRANDEST all-in auction! Everything must go!!
[Image: rbDwvv7.jpeg]

Hark, the potential for wealth is UPON YOU!

But who's "you", I hear you ask?! Everyone and anyone that can read this and attend, of course! I'm moving! Meranthe's on fire! There's no way I can set up a workshop of legend here, and I got an offer from somewhere with ACTUAL STABILITY!

However, I'd COMPLETELY bankrupt myself moving all this shit there. Thus, I have a genius idea: I'm going to sell it off. My whole hoard! Everything at once, to the highest bidder! Nobody likes browsing a stall, after all, right? Everything's been stored away at a safe location, so don't go getting any ideas! You won't find it, and you certainly won't steal it!
For your reading pleasure, I've divided the hoard into sections to make it easier to get an at-a-glance understanding of what's in here. I'll list the high-value objects, the alchemical reagents, and the freely included trash miscellaneous objects separately.

[Image: xxrDWdD.png]
That's right! A 'resource', as they call it! You can fit this bad boy on basically any weapon! Plug and play, if you know what you're doing!

The rest of the list might not be able to compare, but it's all or nothing out here!

Objects of HIGH value:
1x Uncommon Arcanium Sword
1x Arcanium Watering Can
3x Arcanium Ore
2x Eternite
4x Prisminthium
14x Viridium

Alchemical Reagents:
145x Fire Crystals
117x Wind Crystals
91x Water Crystals
9x Lightning Crystals
49x Azilaena
1010x Poppylus
103x Soothing Reed
47x Scales
54x Sludge
134x Sugarcap
66x Cylion
46x Ky'iah
71x Fireflies
5x Fairy Powder
90x Saniskriti
14x Cobalthine
39x Crimson Reed
44x Marignolia
96x Glowing Mushrooms
137x Amber
113x Briarwood
1x Four Leaf Clover
56x Soothing Reed SEEDS
46x Rabbit's Foot
44x Luminite
3x Nightshade Root
223x Poppylus SEEDS
13x Perdegrine
22x Sinka
89x Herdaia

Included miscellaneous items:
35 Mythril
99x Blue Mercury
1x Master Staff (Hellstorm Bolt gem pre-installed!)
234x Adamantite
50x Auguria
37x Iron
104x Orichalcum
59x Copper
91x Leather
1x Mythril Blade (Warcry gem pre-installed! Artisanal work! Looks sick! SHADOWBANE'S EMBRACE!)
1x Normal, Boring Mythril Blade
3x Nyeshk
1x Fizzy Pop
22x Eggs
2x Dreamline Bomb
1x Magibane :)
2x Job Reset potions

Plus... This shit, whatever it is! I paid someone to draw the contents of my chests! Not too fond of artists! He deserved the 9 hours of boredom! Damn, I had that much food?! Is that a whole damn tent?!
[Image: U9OrrrW.png]

The catch, of course, is that you can't bid on any one thing. You bid for EVERYTHING!
Starting at a modest 100,000 coins! Wow!
For a resource like THAT?!
That's right! So start looking forward to it, because it's not far out!
No free drinks! No free food! No captured beasts to unleash for surprise drama! This is as plain as it gets! We go in, you bid, eventually someone wins, they pay up and I sign over everything! It could take 5 minutes! It could take 30 minutes! 30 hours?! Who knows?! What matters is that we're doing BUSINESS!
You're advised to not bring all your money just for the bidding, since no-good bandits might be eyeing up people attending, so let's make sure they waste their time like the wastes of space they are. Get a total of how much you have, bid up to that, and then we'll discreetly get it exchanged after you win. You know, responsibly. Safely.

517, 826, 1
Sunday the 5th, 4PM EST (21:00 CET, you're on WINTER TIME now!)

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