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How much would an Academy run me?
So IC I've been spending a lot of time at the abandoned tower east of Osrona as well as the local town just down the steps from it's grounds. I can only assume that this is the location of what was once the Academy? Basing this only on the Academies explanation on the wiki; though I'm slowly getting through the lore. Now my IC isn't old enough, or at a place that would warrant her to come into custody of the academy, but I'm sure it would be easy enough to find someone interested or wise and elegant enough to be said headmaster!
Opening this location and the small province near it would be perfect for an all encompassing academy meant to represent Osrona and House Pellaux, as well as the other houses and guilds within the city. It could even work as a great place for newcomers to learn the basics of playing(in an in lore fashion). It could be a fresh new place to rp, pvp, run events, or even create new lore and scene possibilities. I'm not sure what it would take to get it running- but I'd love to hear suggestions and of course I'd love to aid in any way. As such, here's my pitch!

The Academy of Osrona: Future of Orsona

While in Osrona, it would be considered an affiliated group of House Pellaux; with the soul goal of raising wise,respectful, and more importantly- powerful and skilled Knights meant to protect and serve their glorious home. Combining the studies of magic, combat, and tactical knowledge. Proud and legendary Knights patrol the halls of AoO during the day and during the fall of night students will be protected in their lodging by those in the Watch. The Academy of Osrona will ensure new-aspiring knights to discover their true strengths within it's hallowed halls- striving to create new legends, today!

Crafting young minds is a long and argues process- as such, AoO requires a yearly fee of 5000 gold from it's attendees. All funds go directly to Osrona tax's, Faculty Income, and *Special Activity Funds. An additional 50 gold is required per day by each of member of the student body as renters fee for *Student Housing. After paying said fees, students will be entitled to official faculties on AoO grounds. 

As decreed- AoO offers special Scholarship's to member's of royal families( up to 90%! ); affiliated parties limited to similar scholarship benefits( up to 75% ). As well, *official mentors can request a 'Privilege Clause'- ensuring a student tuition exception on the grounds that said mentor can create a solid reasoning for their entry into the Academy. 

Special Events Directory Department
SADD is a small group of official mentors and the Academy's Headmaster. They handle all matters related to Special Events. These actives could include guest speakers demonstrations for student body, school plays, field trips , and many other possible recreational activities involving the student body. As well they ensure budget for said Special Events

Student Housing
While during the day students will be entitled to full access to Academy grounds and faculties- seeing tuition is paid; as well, they can be permitted residence within AoO owned township Entia just to the southwest of the Academy grounds and down the rock incline. Any and all destruction of Entia grounds will result in immediate punishment or worse! As mentioned in Tuition; a 50 gold coin a day is required for maintenance. 

At the heart of our Academy is it's instructors. Each masters in their art and wise in their practice. Students are required to spend at least one hour per week at the Academy attending an instructors seminar. Seminars can last 20 to 60 minutes and can include spoken lessons, outside lessons, Special Events, PvP practice, or Special Speakers. Seminars schedules will be posted on the official school board for all students and are only eligible to students with paid tuition.


  • Headmaster 
    Spokesperson for AoO and mysterious scholar. The headmaster ensures all activity on Academy grounds fall under the regulations and rulings enforced upon them by House Pellaux. They are also tasked with a weekly meeting with the remainder of the staff to ensure scheduling and other duties are being performed. A headmaster must perform his/her duties to the upmost of her abilities. 
  • Mentor 
    Classes at AoO are varied and always expanding. Performing research and planning a lesson plan for a semester is key to their duties. A mentor can be hired on through contract for no longer than a year; though they may sign another year when said contract is expired. Anyone seeking to create a new class or fill a empty mentor role must do so through the Headmaster.
  • Cafeteria 
    AoO's cafeteria is sanctioned and sponsored by many of the reputable business owners withing Esshar- and is not covered by tuition. 
  • Librarian 
    AoO's Librarian must be reserved and duty-inclined. Thanks to our magical book sorting system; a librarian will only be tasked with the duty of ensuring the protection of their domain. As such, the librarian should possess great skill, even opening the position to those in other Osrona-affiliated groups. 
  • Groundskeeper 
    Similar to the librarian the Groundskeeper must be strong- though their attitude can vary. Groundskeepers are given the duty of protecting the grounds of AoO as well as student housing. 

Nice suggestion.

But, let's make it simpler.

1. Open main academy building;
1.1. Make there just a single large hall
1.2. Place there a Tome Vendor with wide selection of tomes
2. Bump up price on those advanced and special tomes (let's say, for example, 50 - 500 coins, depending on tome; more powerful and popular should cost more)
3. Make all other tome vendors in cities sell just elemental and armed/unarmed tomes, like it was before
4. Place there a special blackboard: when player clicks on it, it shows list with IC names of registered mentors in magic

What do we get after this:
1. Academy area will not be abandoned, people will come there
2. It gives a feel of two-step magical education: general and specialized.
3. Advanced and special tomes will get their value
4. It will be easier to locate mentor if someone is interested in getting personalized education.
From what I understand, the academy was the building in the top left corner of Osrona, just outside of the old Pelleaux manor. I do think it'd be cool to adopt a new place into an academy though, as I'm not sure if the old academy is still on the map anymore.
[Image: 6d3d8d59b8eb36f5efed8f646c018bc0.png]

its right there
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
hello, the academy is already planned out for a future arc. There's a lot of work that's going into the building. The lore for it has already been approved (see: approved lore threads)

And yes the Academy is the building southeast of Osrona. ICly it's been closed for renovations for an indeterminate time and is expected to re-open at some future time.
That in fact was the location I had been referring too. Either way I'm glad to hear it's not gone for good. It could be an extremely interesting place to rp in.

I got overzealous with my post- but hopefully the post reflects my excitement for the scenario.

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