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The Captain's End
[Image: 1ace98b556776b33a89c3081edb8dab0.png]

“Stede was a grand soul, one who’d fought for the freedom we so enjoy within these seas. One who’d sacrificed everything in hopes of securing our future. And one who was taken from us long before his time. I tell you, my good people, the folk I’ve come to cherish that his death will not be a symbol of our failings. Nay, we shall stand upon the shoulders of our forefathers. And Vane is no different, he was a trusted confidant, and a valued friend.

One that will be deeply missed by the many among us, myself included.
Our waters will be poorer without his presence, nonetheless we will persevere. For ourselves, and for Vane's memory.

I can tell you, that a Statue is to be fashioned on Port Fortuna. One that represents the life we lost, but also the cherished memories we shared with our lost comrade.”


The Chamberlain had sent invitations throughout the archipelago and beyond, inviting the whole of the nation as well as any who may seek closure; to come in memory of the great captain they’d lost. To honor their treasured moments, to honor their hardships and resolutions. To celebrate the life that was, and understand that even with his passing there is purpose.
The body had been prepared weeks prior, embalmed and bound in fine linens preparation. Those present would come to find him lain to rest atop a pyre, one that was set to float along the oaken supports of a decorated raft. Painted with the colors of the nation, adorned with items that held significance within his life. As well as any offering that’d been placed in respects, words would be said, songs would be sung, and the body would be set to sea.
An old ritual, but one that would be practiced for generations to come. The dead to be burned, their form gifted back to the rolling waters. Left to dance away in salted winds, to drift until eventually fading into obscurity. The flickering orange glow of his pyre eventually quelled, snuffed out in the distant horizon. Lost to time, lost to the mortal plain. But far from forgotten, Vane’s actions his deeds in favor of the nation’s continued prosperity.
They’d never fade, the grand Captain of the Southern Seas company would live on in the mind’s of his people. As well as a monument placed in his honor, one forged of polished stone etched in his likeness to stand the ages.


(Event will be held on Thursday 18th at 7:00 PM EST, [Had to make a slight change to 7:00 PM, but no further issues!] it will be held at Port Fortuna. Coordinates at 77, 77, 1.)

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