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The Khanate of Óir
[Image: 8f410488298457.5dd2874f6e29b.jpg?width=828&height=671]

"You have no choice, Chieftain. Fight Crash. Or Crash killz where standz"
"Iz always been about gobz! But youz?! Thiz selfishness! Thiz poor state of mind! I'z erase you, and find better chief than youz, or me"
The fields near the mountain of the goblins, undervein were home to a clash between kin. A lone goblin clad in dark armour, wielding a heavy blade and covered in blood challenged the Chieftan of the Oir clan for the right to rule. Their clash was mighty, and as the dust settled from several goblins attempting to fight the former exile. As the dust settled - A single goblin stood, and two goblins were unconcious on the ground. The proud shaman of the tribe was beaten back, while the dark warrior made his declaration.

The dark warrior removed his helmet and hood, revealing ancestral war tattoos. A gash in his forehead poured down his face as one red eye stared at the rest of the tribe. He drew his blood slickened blade to the skies, and roared out triumphantly as he made his declaration. A declaration that would change the tribe of the goblins.

"I am the Khan
and a new golden age will reign upon us. We are no longer The Oir Clan.
We are the Khanate of Oir. The Golden Horde of Goblinkind. And beginning today, we will rise above all."
"What say you?!"

Following this event, diplomats from other nations are temporarily turned away - It seems the tribe is going through some change. What will be the end of this change?

A new path for gob kind.


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