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Shelpies DM
Character: Ela
Which Event: Like Falling Stars

Responsiveness: It's a public event, as responsive as quick as one can be!

Balance: I like Freeter EC fights, they punish me if I get greedy, and aren't unfair imo.

Storytelling: Where's Alice where's Alice where's Alice where's Alice. (I like that there's an implication that there may be more events like this to come)

Fairness: Didn't get KO'd, got a 24 day unhealable temp due to icly eating it in my win post. Got nothing but RP from it, which is good enough for me

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments:

I may be miffed about a 24 day unhealable temp, but even if I had known that it'd nerf me, it wouldn't have stopped me from making that post. I'm rping a character that's supposed to, in combat situations (which this is the first), get overzealous in her feasting.


It's a 10/10 cos it was a fun experience and my character has to deal with the consequences of her actions.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Character: Gunther

Responsiveness: 10/10 Got the flow going even with so many people. Amazing and beautiful time. 
Balance : 10/10 very very well balanced and handled in a manner where even the big bois were sweating to not fall. Good good.
Storytelling : Kept it insane and reasonable within the wicked world of Alice. 10/10
Fairness: 10/10 You did a fantastic job. I appreciate the temp as well. 10/10

Overall: 10/10 Wild event and good time. Very worth. Very worth. You are a big impact in the community we appreciate you for this fun event. Great way to get a holiday flow going.

[Image: tenor.gif]

Any other comments: I enjoyed the meal
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
Character: Diavol
Which Event: Alice in wonderland

Responsiveness: Amazing, we didn't wait long, beside the last stage, but even then? It only made the chills exist more.
Balance: Generally? Even when I used to play the role of Dm. These were the types of boss's i'd make. Ones that don't exactly kill you instantly, but survive for a long time. Was fun!
Storytelling: Given I have some history with this events background? It was awesome to see it come to life for the rest of the island.
Fairness: While I only went down, once? I typically try to fall regardless, for that juicy dev. This time around? The fight was v.balanced. Outside of my dc'ing constantly...

Overall: I enjoyed it all! Even without getting an item, the injury? Is such a powerful dev tool. HOWEVER!

Any other comments: It was raining cosmic fantasia... I rp'd sipping on that nectar! I demand, a fantasia addiction be met from offerings of the vial!!! Besides that? Fun event. Love that the island feels so alive. So much going on. 
Character: Fist
Which Event: The beach one

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Amazing, I loved how fast we could move through things and everyone understood the assignment
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): we're against each other it was enough
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): beautiful, the games were perfect with the story
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) duno about rewards given but the event itself was enough

Overall: I had fun, i'd love for another sometime 

Any other comments: go shelpie!
[Image: image.png]

Had a blast, and I got turned into sushi at the end  10/10 go to a shelpie event again be there or be square
Character: ----
Which Event: Lights, Camera, SPLASH!

Responsiveness: It was neatly timed, good stuff.

Balance: The balance hinged upon each other and that added a level of chaos that made it funny.

Storytelling: It's a public event which involved tournaments, so there was less of story and more of competition.

Fairness: Hinged entirely upon the characters fucking around, funny as hell.

Overall: 10/10 would wake up at 5 am to slowly descend into a homosexual rage again

Any other comments: im going to act like this shit never happened
[Image: p7bwcz69587.gif]
Character: Zohloh

Which Event: Lights, Camera, SPLASH!

Responsiveness: For as chaotic as it was the event went pretty fast.

Balance: It was mostly silly fun.

Storytelling: It was fun to unwind and not take things so seriously, let the whole community relax a bit.

Fairness: Hard to tell but I didn't feel like it was hopeless or anything.

Overall: 10/10 Wonderful excuse to see some of my favorite characters in skimpy clothes.

Any other comments: I kept my pool noodle and a couple beach blankets.
amazing beach event 10/10 something about them always rouses my inner shitposter and they end up feeling like a fever dream. Let it be known that Bosses of the Gym mightve not won the noodle fight but we won in terms of our raging homosexuality.
[Image: b6bWoga.png]
Character: Perkalas
Which Event: The Men in my Dreams

Responsiveness: 10/10, very quick narrations! My replies were slow (Woops sorry)
Balance: We could have likely beaten the first boss, and yet the option to flee was one that I think worked better story-wise and for the characters involved. The other boss was nightmarish and yet winnable. Plus getting cursed so hard that my game crashed was hilarious (And surprisingly I didn't feel like it was unfair. Blocking actually negated a LOT of the curse damage).
Storytelling: You told me to temper my expectations, but you aced it for me. It gave a lot of fear and hunger vibes, where sometimes the solution was right in front of you, and where running from a boss was a preferred outcome, to the constant little unsettling horror bits sprinkled throughout the moment of 'respite'. It was bloody, it was traumatizing. It bought up a backstory that Perkalas rarely ever speaks on and tends to avoid unless pressed, and used it against her. Plus, a lead into a part 2 someday.
Fairness: Flavor items that felt like they were personal to every character involved, and injuries that felt tailor made to the PCs involved too.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments:

You always do fun little unique spins on events. Like the hide and seek portion, I wish my rolls had been less BEANS so that we coulda done that a few more times cos with the right music, seeing that monster wobble around, was surprisingly tense for a lil RP game.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Character: Atreus
Which Event: The Men in my Dreams

Responsiveness: 10/10, quick narrations, quick responses.
Balance: First boss was pretty good. Felt like a 'winnable but at what cost' fight for it, which was the point. It was something we weren't meant to fight, and we would have taken injuries for fighting. Second boss... There is something terrifying about running from two to three concurrent firestorms, or getting hit with multiple Curse spells at once. At points it felt comically hard, and as one of the main healers, I definitely felt targeted. It fucking -hurt-. That said, my build is also literally cancer, so I understand the need to knock me the fuck down...
Fairness: Flavor items that felt like they were personal to every character involved, and injuries that felt tailor made to the PCs involved too.

Overall: 9.5/10

Any other comments: You pass out. You wake up. You pass out. You wake up. You pass out.

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