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Cambion Racial changes
*Cursed Heritage (Passive)*: It’s fine.
*Black Claw*: The hitbox is currently broken and makes it really sad to use.
            Fix: Make the hitbox similar to Noxious Cloud or Sonar Cacophony; we just want it to be consistent.
*Adversity*: This one is pretty fine.
            Fix: Maybe lower the cost to 2000 instead of 2500 and we’d see some use out of it.
*Dirge of Humanity*: This one is the biggest offender and needs to be switched up a lot. Pure occult power is quite terrible for the current HP cost on the buff. 15 is a good number, but looking at the spells Occult has to offer it’s really not worth it.
The opener and curse are really the only spells that can benefit greatly from the buff. Desecrated Land (AoE) has a 40 second CD so you wont get much out of that. Drain Life has really low spell damage and most people dont bar it. Black binding isn’t reliable at all and is mostly used for a root than damage (and has a 36 second cooldown) and lastly Shadow Cannon can’t even be used in conjunction with this because it takes a MASTER TOKEN to learn.
                Fix: First one, remove the master token cost. Faeborn get wings at 200, Giants get Giant Form at 200, both of which are better racials.
Second one, you can keep the -HP cost on it but change pure occult power to either ether power for a little more diversity (energy beam, cosmic etc) or make it a -15 vit +7% AP toggle buff if you want that kind of sacrificial aesthetic. Or even make it pure stats like Giant form, -15 vit +15 agi +15 pow (the numbers can be worked around a little but you get what I mean).
All in all, the racials are bad and you’re just playing this race for the flavor while losing whatever racial you had before. Open to discussion so please, let’s talk about it

Update: Change Dirge to -100 HP per second, +5% AP and 10 Occult power while removing the mastery token cost. It’s currently -100 HP per second +15 Occult power and consumes a mastery token
This way it’s still 15 occult power (basically) but it also helps people that don’t try to bar every occult spell and retains the flavor or the original
I believe Racials should be somewhat similar to Neph racials, perhaps having a contrast to them?
It sounds interesting, as Cambions are the Hel version of Nephs.
(02-07-2023, 05:07 AM)MonkeyUngaUnga Wrote: I believe Racials should be somewhat similar to Neph racials, perhaps having a contrast to them?
It sounds interesting, as Cambions are the Hel version of Nephs.

It would be neat but at the same time it's sort of hard to do a Hel version of Nephs, at least as a Cambion.

Nephs come from some funky bloodline of the gods. Not all gods are goody-two-shoes. You got ones that are patrons of Necromancy, war, etc. Others that are patrons of more goodly things. Some that are neutralish etc.

Cambions come from Demons, demons aren't nearly as deific as a God, maybe an Imperfect one or a Perfect one could be considered to that degree. But they're also undeniably evil things, there is no leeway with demons they're bad news and always shall be. Ergo, the Cambions are twisted abominations, and most, even those that turn away from Demons or betray the demons, are equally messed up in some way, shape or form.

Be it self serving, seeking to grow beyond their own limitations, sadistic, nihilistic, or just battle hungry.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
I see, yet, a change in Cambions racials wouldn't hurt.
I believe they are quite bad.

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