NzothofVoidChildren of the Deep, the Condemned Wretches of K'thul
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[Image: Kthul1.png]


-Servant of the Mori, Prophet of the Deep One's Covenant within Abendrot

-An accomplished necromancer and warlock

-Cambion of the First Kaor in Meranthe

-Likely hated by most, if not all of Meranthe outside of Abendrot

What you are:

 Cambions that will have access to the Swim racial, both children of K'thul that'll spawn in 2044 and 2045 at age 11.

-Grey or dark skinned with fish-like features, lending credence to your father's prior state as an Anguill before his ascendance into a Cambion.

-Rigorously indoctrinated and instructed into the Deep One's faith by your zealot of a father, you have been guided to sign the black tome of the Mori at a young age.

-Watched over by an overbearing and protective father, whose harshness and discipline only came in the interest of your well-being.

-Taught the importance of blood and family.  Although he'd never speak of your noticeably absent mother, whose origins would remain a mystery to you.
-Offered the opportunity to learn Necromancy under your father, though it is encouraged at-least one of you learn it.

Application form

Should you have any questions, DM #Nzoth6644

Those who are accepted have been contacted on Discord.

Thank you to those who showed their interest.
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