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(RAID) I'll never forgive you for saving my life
[Image: daria-malahova-piraty-final2.jpg?1545760346]

"They've stolen, our ships..."

After some time has passed to do a headcount of what has been missing, more news are spread by criers to both Pantheon, Dal'thala, and Aphros:

Hear hear, thy words of Captain 'Stede Vane!':
Imagine my surprise, learning not only that some of our ships were stolen,
but to find them all the way at Pantheon's shore, still carrying Port Fortune's flags on their masts.
I don't know whatever kind of insanity, buffoonery, or leap in logic caused you to think such theft was a good idea.

To Pantheon: Return all three ships to Port Fortune at once, and we can all leave this incident behind us.
If you won't, however?
Then I'll realize my folly in protecting the island Pantheon now stands on years ago against the coven, and come to correct that mistake.

Port Fortune has dealt with troublesome pirates once before, and it shall do so again.

Following the criers' message, more ships are now being built in Port Fortune to be modeled for battle.

A naval force is formed to reclaim what's taken by force, should it not be brought back willingly.

Port Fortune joins in V.S PANTHEON

Raid Goals:
Priority 1#: Reclaim the three ships on Pantheon's shore.
Priority 2#: Cause as much havoc upon the island as possible.
[Image: 1a948b48a0255619cf0be1b0c290c4c4.png]

There had been explosions great and small upon Pantheon, many years ago as two mighty Nephilim faced off against each other.
It left bits and pieces of the landscape stricken, from explosions of aether to the rifts of the occult which damaged the landscape.
The Kallis family had been served notice upon a golden platter from Mortyl's daughter and now?

She swears herself to the cause anew, willing and ready to cause untold destruction and death upon those who had harmed one loyal to Athelios.
Loyal to Aphros, as well.

You can thump upon your holy books following the blessings of Enarr, and the other Primordials within the Pantheon all you want.
You can say your prayers, but it hasn't gotten you anywhere.
I hold the authority of Enarr within my circuits, and harbor the power of the primal of Death itself.

You can't control me, much as Caius discovered he was unable to control Mortyl.

I will rid Meranthe of your backstabbing ways once and for all, and will ensure that Pantheon is erased not just from the history books but the map itself.

With the permission from the Oracle, Noctis Equisol, as well as the blessing of Enarr from her own father Hadrian Dominic -
Lydia Dominic sets to destroy Pantheon completely.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
With the ships returned back to their rightful place in the docks, Port Fortune has achieved its main priority and thus has no reason to participate in the raid.

Peace of mind has been restored in Port Fortune, now that the ships can be returned to their rightful owners.
[Image: Eye_Of_Noctis.png]
Tired am I, Oracle of Athelios. 6th of its name.

Tired am I of the sins of others.

No more.
Quote:"Oh my children, my darling students. How long have you gone, how far have you traveled? Never does a day go by that I cannot seem to think that you all will not make mistakes, fumble upon the sins of those around you. I wish my lesson would reach you... I pray that one day that it does. For fighting for revenge will lead to nothing good, revenge only harms the souls of those who cannot handle it's weight. For they lash out... for they hurt those all around. Answers cannot be given, words are not enough to some. Action must be taken to put the seeds of doubt to rest."

"While my time is nearing an end."

"My message shall be heard."

"For as the Will of Athelios my mark shall be made. My voice loud."

"Aphros shall not join in this war. For too long have we fought in matters that we have no need for. To harm ourselves, to help our allies. I cannot in good faith join in such a sad, sad time. If there are those of Aphros who wish to fight for either side, make it known that the punishments that come with it are all upon your shoulders. I will not stop you, I will not be the one to break the balance of the world. It is always our duty to remain the balance."

"The Twilight City."

"My children, My lovely children."

"Revenge is never the answer."

The Oracle has made his voice clear, that the people of Aphros. Will not go to war between a dispute of grief and pain. Through the years he had done all that he could, his people will not, and shall not go to war over a single death. There are those who shall mourn, there are those who shall feel the pain till the end of time. Not even he, with as much strength as he can - is able to muster such emotions away.

Points of Reason:
-If Citizens/Warriors of Aphros are to aid on either side. They must accept the punishments upon returning home.
-Aphros will not conduct nor allow the fleeing of either side. We do not harbor the hate that comes with such battles.
-Soon the mantel of leadership shall change, and their judgment will be law upon a new year. Mercy be on the souls that damn themselves in their wake of rage and vengeance.
-The Twilight City will not go to war
[Image: eye.png]

Statements from the Umbral Captain of Aphros are made, printed, and distributed to all those relevant to the ongoing raid preparations.

Quote:"Captain Sabriel Equisol urges all knights under her command to act in the defense of Pantheon. Her statement is as follows.

For Aphros to shirk its allies, friends and family in favor of flimsy appeal towards those who have let emotion and madness get the better to them is unheard of. The Oathmaker and her champions have long served us well, long aided us in serving the will of Athelios- and more.

Even for all their mistakes, we will not abandon them- and, for every knight, man-at-arms and squire that joins the upheaval. I will take blame, I will undertake each and every punishment that the Oracle wishes to deal out to my loyal soldiers.

However, as for Lydia, she will find no place in the Bastion henceforth.

This is not a war of vengeance. It is a war of taking a stand- come, Umbra and Astra alike."

With the announcement made, ships bearing Aphrosian flags, loaded with the battalions of Umbra, make haste to Pantheon to begin battle preparations. Seek out Sabriel Equisol for attunement potions, please.

No cost too great!
Clouds of black, spread amongst the skies of Meranthe. A bellowing flame from the southernmost face of the Continent.
But it was not Aphros. Even further beyond such, that seems to emit such a smog.

[Image: braunschweig-city-lower-saxony-historically.jpg]

"It was as I told a Faceless; the catalyst of this all.
There will be no Violence, upon the Pantheon. Such would be heresy.
The Pantheon shall be no more.
Land is Land. Blood, is blood.
Yet our Faith, is eternal."

"You do not need to forgive me, Fritz Caewynn. I only hope you can forget."
- Katrina Kallis

Rumors state that the Oathmaker; Katrina Kallis, fled the scene upon a sailboat manned by none but themselves. Travelling far southbound with sails and colors of pearlescent white.
In the direction of the far larger continent, Sheng.
Gone from Meranthe, without a trace, with none but the sustenance required to keep them alive through the voyage.

The Pantheon is destroyed by its maker's own hands. Before the tides of war could reach it.
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