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$$$ Carbon's Drip Pack $$$
[Image: 4cb67189917ee137b31f64819b033a11.png]

Quote:Sup gang. So the horror of being conscripted into a military for a country I don't live in has been looming over my head. I need to make some consistent dollar over the next while to save up to get an Irish passport (Which is about 1000 euro yay me). While I was thinking about opening up commissions, I honestly can't deal with them. So! Instead I'm just going to make whatever I like and sell it onto you guys! Each pack will contain 10-20 items, and will be priced accordingly at roughly 1-3$ per item depending on quality and work put into sprite. 

On Sharing:
Quote:Look, I am well aware that sprite sharing is an inevitability! You do you, just don't be a dick about it and credit your artists! If it gets out of hand, I'll just have to stop making these. 

Release Timeline
Quote:I won't promise anything, but I'd say I will try to make about a pack a month. I will be more so focusing on quality over quantity so that these sprites have longevity and nice circulation from people that do purchase them.

[Image: a99fc46ac000be55ef2cc2a58f0bcc29.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: mirror.gif]

[Image: unknown.png]

So you can pay me any amount you think is worthy with a MINIMUM of 25$... Tipping culture and what not...

Help support local starving artists
After you've paid the amount you've chosen send me a message on discord and I'll get you sorted:
[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: unknown.png]
Since this is my 1st one and I wanna build some momentum, I will be giving away 1 subscription to one lucky buyer at the end of August. 
[Image: sparklegif.gif]
Big fan of the froggy hat.
Paypal has been set up with the Ko-Fi <3 now even BRs can support me
[Image: sparklegif.gif]

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