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State of Meranthe
[Image: 8X1N9aX.png]
In the years since the reformation of Dal'Thala into a Diarchy, many events and decisions have been made both within and without, along with steps in the right direction towards the advancement of technology and faith in the city.
  • After the sudden outbreak of Red Psychosis, King Lionel Avarion has swiftly become the leading expert in the disease- assisting in the treatment of and even managing to cure two individuals. 
  • Many of the refugees of Ryai'Sumar have moved to the city-state, with most of those displaced being welcomed warmly.
  • The Elzara were reinstated under a new commander and recruitment has been opened for all interested. Training regimens have begun being regularly hosted within the city grounds in preparation for the war to come.
  • A peace treaty with the Sacred State of Aphros was negotiated, and war was declared on Vdalion.
  • The eastern district of Amaryllis was constructed- a district that will be the station of the Elzara, as well as home to a public event room that is planned to be loaned out to those who wish to host sermons, gatherings, or events of that ilk.
  • A new Faeborne House is appointed as many names that used to be well-known within the city faded away. House Elythine, headed by Orlisarte Elythine, is the new Noble House that is to be one of the pillars of Dal'Thala. Discussions of further reforms and changes to the Nobility are pending.
  • An alliance with the Freeport of Fortune has been struck after the execution and joint sacrifice of the Cultist, Dauntless, and with it, Dal'Thala is officially in conflict with the Sunken Order.
  • Research on the runeoaks, and the creation of a religious sect that shall focus its sights on such task, have begun in full force.
  • Sounds have begun to be heard from the cave beneath the Whispering Oak. Many residents of Dal'Thala have noticed an increase in the number of Greathive drones skittering around the city. A new Queen has been found. Yet, notably, King Vessix Aonachd has not spoke much of such, and continues to serve in his position as one of the Kings of the Diarchy.

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Port Fortune - Allied
Aphros - Friendly
Menagerie - Friendly
Vdalion - Hostile
Necromancers/Witches - Hostile
The Sunken Order - Hostile
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The warhorns of the Kingsmoot were blown in earnest upon the battlefield of the Mootgrounds, freshly blooded by the conflict in which its defense was ensured. Here, the great voices of the north spoke in earnest, prophecies were made, and an order assembled not just amongst Vdalion’s succession, but also that of the Tal.

Offering these words as a speech to the gathered peoples of the north, the one eyed Hofgothi of the Zealots of Ymir would have this to say of the proceedings.

Quote:“My prophecy is certain; the flame prince will march upon the great tree and immolate himself in its tainted lumber. From the flame will rise the chosen one, the path of Prince Glufdor is certain. Surtyr claims the throne in the meantime beside Kane, and of the two great necromancers that could have become Tal, a pact was forged and the infamous felinae necromancer of Aphros made heir to the new Tal Samir. So begins the age of flame, and the great war that will turn Meranthe upon its head. Ymir’s heart shall beat again my brothers, this I swear on the blood of kings." - Shaggard DeGray

-Word has it that the damage of the Mootgrounds has largely been repaired, the ancient stones standing tall beside the fortress of Folkmoot for the coming future.
-Samir, gravekeeper of Ymir and nephilim of Caius, has claimed the title of Tal, having been the closest necromancer yet to the path of lichdom through the industry of his creations.
-Nekane has been made heir to the Tal in acknowledgement of her own might, rumor has it of an eldritch pact between the pair that spells misfortune for the future of the lands.
-Surtyr Folhammar has been made King of Vdalion beside his Queen Kane, Glufdor Vorraog made prince and heir apparent in respects to the prophecy delivered by the Hofgothi at the Kingsmoot.
-No longer mere rumors, the preparation of soldiers in the great clans of the north make clear the assembly of warbands. The march for Dal'thala has begun.

[Image: The_Kingsmoot.png]
Dal'thala - War Target
Port Fortune - Neutral
Aphros - Enemy
Menagerie - Neutral
Coven - Neutral with a side of violence
The Sunken Order - Enemy

[Image: 8X1N9aX.png]
The recent events have left Dal'Thala in a state of dimmed morale. The recent attack from Vdalion was warded off, though the cost was perhaps too great.
  • A memorial is due to be held for the late Orlisarte Elythine, complete with a recorded history of his efforts and a reading of his will.
  • A Tournament of Ascension is to be held by the Elzara. With the unfortunately now open positions in the military to be filled.
  • A Festival of Fire is to be held within the newest district of Dal'Thala, a celebration of victory and to commend the lives of those lost.
  • Due to talks established between the nations, Final Frontier and Dal'Thala are once more at peace, hence the former's absence at the recent skirmish.
  • Lady Aurona Caewynn has ascended to Vessix' position in the Diarchy however rumours circulate that King Lionel will be stepping down and returning Dal'Thala to the rules of Delphina with regards to leadership and Monarchy.
  • There are currently no announced plans for the nation to march on Vdalion. With a focus once more on internal growth. The pyrrhic victory being far too costly to try and push forwards despite it being a victory.

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Port Fortune - Allied
Aphros - Friendly
Menagerie - Friendly
Final Frontier - Neutral
Vdalion - War
Necromancers/Witches - Hostile
The Sunken Order - Hostile

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The final act of the Coven against the settlement of Ryai'sumar led to the destruction of all the structure of the settlement swept clear from the plains. The months and years after seeing the damned stalking within the shadows once more, a calm before the storm that was to erupt across Meranthe. Hearsay abound of what those within the Coven had been up to amidst the turning of time throughout the continent. It appeared that those heading for the darkness beneath Yggdrasil could never truly stay quiet.
  • The settlement of Ryai'sumar was fully razed by the final attack of the Coven. The land suffocated by the damned's actions. From past destruction of a simple district, to the entire settlement laid to waste; nothing but strewn remnants of a past civilization remained across the land. Another ritual commenced above the ruins that had been produced by the Coven's action.
  • Action against Aphros came in the form of a murder of one of Athelios's own; The Serpent of Aphros, Mei Dominic slain and left within the swamps to the western front of Aphros's territory. The beginning of a potential 'shadow war' between those who bear the black mark, and the city that worships the past Warden of Helheim.
  • An influx of blackened figures entering and departing from the Shadowlands spread along the villages and towns that were scattered across the borders of the expansive forest. A shady operation underway, the transportation of cages and other tools whispered of. An organized front looking to breach and explore the unexplored, expansive domain of the Shadowlands
  • The missing Oracle of Aphros, Solomon Equisol's presence was unexplained for a few weeks. Until the manipulation of information began- taverns spilling hearsay of the Godkin being slain by the Supreme of the Coven. A host of rumours that all grew out of proportion, but the one sole fact was that the Godkin had been slain by another, and his missing presence all but cementing the spreading of word. 
  • Predators of the night waited until their prey was already weakened to finish them off. The steady decline of harvests within Aphros's villages and towns in the domain's outskirts a reminiscent action in the past, a prelude to more to come. Lasting nightmares plaguing the common-folk, the abductions of men, woman, and children intermittently occurring within Athelios's domain.
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Aphros: Hostile
World: Unknown
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The news travels swiftly, not just through Aphros but throughout the entirety of Meranthe of distressing 
news: the death of the Oracle, Solomon Equisol.
Yet the sacred state of Athelios’ will does not falter and does not stop marching forward. Until the formal 
trials for the next Oracle are held, in the interim an interesting choice for leadership arises…

Hadrian Dominic’s successor within the Church, Logan Ackers, has been named as the interim leader of Aphros until the next trial is held.

“I did not set out to attain leadership, and even during the trial where the former Oracle, Hadrian, was attacked, 
I was honest in my answers. That I did not wish for it - that I was not suited for it. Many, even now, disagree with 
me. Perhaps they see things that I do not, biased as I am. But none of this matters: for Aphros is still a bastion against the wicked and vile.

The usurpers of His throne in Helheim shall tremble and they shall suffer not just for what they have committed 
against Aphros, but for their foolishness and eternal damnation of signing their souls away to the 
unnatural rulers of Helheim. To those who ousted Athelios from his rightful place.

Those who corrupt the cycle by calling the souls of the deceased back into decaying bodies, to control them like 
puppets. They too shall suffer not for their strikes and their smugness in the face of the Lord of Duality, but for their perpetuation of stagnating His cycle.

Whatever may come, will come. But in the end, Aphros carries on His will.”

҉The new interim leader until the Oracle trials are held is Logan Ackers.
҉There is news of Hayden’s retirement as Commander of the Bastion. The replacement has not yet been officially announced, though rumors persist as always.
҉Logan invites those interested in Athelios’ faith as well as the Church of Aspera to seek out himself, Irys Duclaire, or Gideon Equisol for more information.
҉The Bastion is, as always, still recruiting for capable members to flesh out the defense and security of the Holy State.
҉Alliances and treaties may be in flux given the sudden news which erupts outwards, though Logan insists on maintaining current relationships should anything change.

Dal’Thala: Friendly
Vdalion: Hostile
Menagerie: Neutral
Port Fortune: Neutral
Final Frontier: Neutral
Coven: War
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In recent days, activity has once resumed upon what was formerly known as the Isle of Icaria. Changes to the development of it's exterior, and more recent renovations to the church have been made to accomodate a differing audience than what was originally intended for the followers of Athelios.
From a place that were once under the complete hold of Aphros as a sub settlement, has become neutral ground for any and all who commit themselves to Faith in the Primordials. The ten of the Pantheon now have a place where all are welcome, to convene in matters of the betterment of Meranthe as a whole; a place of positive development.
Rumor states of a robed figure, roughly five and a half foot tall, talking on the matter of the subject. From settlement to settlement does the figure travel, speaking of a safehaven upon the former Isle. They have named themselves Oathmaker, the advent of Enarr, and the coordinator of the Pantheon.
Quote:"People of Meranthe,

I come to you this day, offering unity. Meranthe, the land we call our own... Falls to shambles before a threat beyond our realm. The darkest corner of the Cosmos, this threat arises from Hel itself.

Need I mention the names, that we all know?

I have seen firsthand the destruction before us, if we do not take this matter into our own hands. Thus, I call those of Faith forward in this time, to act. For where we do not, the oppression upon Meranthe will only continue to grow.

To you, children of Ymir, and those birthed of her therein... I offer you a haven. A place to grow amidst one another. Free of political strife, the Pantheon shall see no war that would tear this land apart more than it has become. A place where we may all become something better, as the Primordial's intended.

I invite you, o'faithful, to the Pantheon of Man."

Key Information:
  • Isle of Icaria is now known as Pantheon, a neutral settlement aimed to be devoid of conflict and strife politically.
  • Pantheon invites any and all who desire to learn of Faith, and that wish to work alongside the Acolytes, Priests, and Radiants upon Meranthe.
  • Worshippers of all Primordials, regardless of the patron, are welcomed within Pantheon.
  • While there is no established heirarchy to Pantheon, it is coordinated by an individual known as Oathmaker.
Port FortuneNeutral
Final FrontierNeutral
Coven: Sworn Enemy
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My council has sent their regards. Their warning and suggestions. Offered uplifting, safety under my banner and throne in all it's strength.
Your culture, and your legacies, will be preserved as they once were under the Great. Our conquest will not stop at Meranthe.
The very fabric of the realms is discordant. Beneath our feet lie untold powers, chained in sacrifice and unending vigil.
Children of Felfyraxes. Ancient civilizations. Primordial knowledge.'
 [Image: HFwb3Wo.png]
'So I extend my hand in offer a final time. Unshackle yourselves from splintered governments.
From fear of what Meranthe was once in a golden era. Rejoin the true empire of Meranthe and see the next era, or drown in pride.
The primordials will not deliver you as Ymir once did. Amier, in your young dialects. They themselves could not restore order to the realms.
Busy in the disconnected machinations of their thought godhood. Exalt your gods in their true form. Their aspects shining their brightest once more.
Or perish with them.'
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Vdalion's latest claim of glory is rumored to go past nations, tales of the great Eitr, the wise Hofgothi Degray, the young warriors Ivarr, Jokul, and Peleaus, even the Emperor himself conquering a child of Felfyraxes, spread like wildfire.
A final offer of peace through assimilation and preservation of culture is extended, those who wish to be uplifted as a people encouraged to set aside fear and take pilgrimage to Grimhjall.
Tales of the recovery of knowledge pertaining to the truth of the origin of Giants spread on caravans and in taverns, the exaltation of a Herald of Ymir growing nearer than ever in centuries.
An invitation from the Emperor himself to artisans around the continent is sent out, calling participation in a Great Forging, the finest craft to be exalted as a historical relic of Meranthe.
The blackened banners of the Mountain's legions pierce the skies as they prepare to descend to battle on the dawn of the new year.
Raithe issues a call for able warriors to take the mantle and honor of becoming the next wave of the Huskarl ranks. 
Furthermore, a trial will be hosted for a hero of Vdalion to become his Champion.
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Meranthe - Conquest
Port Fortune - Ambiguous
Final Frontier - Allied
Coven - Hostile
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[Image: 8X1N9aX.png]2023 AC

"The Time of our Rebirth has arrived.
I have had time needed to talk, to witness, to analyze and to assimilate. Through the efforts of our people I have witnessed our strengths, our weaknesses, our failings, and our place on the path.
It is time now to resume our trail, our hunt, and create our future by our own hands once more.
As for those who demand our fealty?
I stared down a worse tyrant than you when I was barely an adult and refused them. At least perform the courtesy of actually intimidating me first, or doing the bare minimum having a consistent reasoning for said threats.
I fear not fire, the dead, nor men so obsessed with the past they've forgotten the future."
-Queen Aurona Caewynn

  • The Stated Primary Goal of the Queen, is the further development of technology within Dal'Thala, by the seamless integration of Nature and Technology. The Magitech of the former Empire of Barsburg is the antithesis of her visions, and will be flatly denied support.
  • With the soon coming retirement of Suzuka Hino the search for a new Commander of the Elzara is already underway.
  • Additionally, the Hino family has been granted the title of nobility, for their faithful service to the Crown and People.
  • The Queen continues to keep an eye on the populace, for further nobility appointments, along with potential Court Positions.
  • She also insists that they are still a Diarchy, and watches for one who shows the qualities to be appointed her Equal.
  • A sermon for her burgeoning Faith to Nemea, The Arboreal Quiver, is to be hosted Friday the 2nd at 10 PM EST
  • Rumors indicate that the Queen's Rune Oak Grove has seen significant progress, and work continues unceasingly. Quite obviously, the Queen has been buying Saniskriti at an alarmingly rapid rate.
  • Lastly, the Queen has sent envoys to the cities that left Delphina after the coup, inviting them back to Faeborne rule once more. To restore the nation of Delphina under one banner.
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Port Fortune - Allied
Menagerie - Defensive Pact
Aphros - Friendly
Pantheon - Friendly
Final Frontier - Neutral
Vdalion - Hostile
The Coven - Hostile
[Image: aphros_state2.png]

Many changes have occurred within Aphros. Some of them are rather surprising whilst others? 
Not so much.
Yet regardless of any darkness which may loom over the horizon, Athelios’ Oracle continues to 
strive and promote a perfect harmony between the dark and the light.

  • After Logan Ackers achieved freedom due to the extraordinary measure one humble monk took to trade himself, he is now officially recognized as the Oracle of Athelios. He can usually be located within the market of Aphros if anyone requires him.
  • Gideon Equisol has been named the official successor to the Church of Aspera. If you wish to join the faith you can either speak with him or one of the faithful to be inducted properly.
  • Aphros offers its great thanks to former Commander Saveria on her early retirement! Peaceful days are ahead for her. With that announcement, Monica Moore has been announced as the new Commander of the Bastion. Already she has placed her eyes upon potential new Captains, so be on your guard.
  • As always, the Bastion continues to recruit. You can speak to any current Knight in order to become a squire and climb the ranks!
  • The joint project between Aphros and Port Fortune to construct a Runegate between Port Fortune and Dal’Thala continues unabated, with significant progress made thus far.
  • Rumors swirl that the Oracle is looking to begin a large project, something to replace the lost Crown of the Oracle for future generations.
  • For those looking to learn Wayfinding, Logan continues to share his knowledge to the people who wish to listen.

Dal’Thala - Friendly
Menagerie - Allied
Port Fortune - Allied
Pantheon - Allied
Final Frontier - Neutral
Vdalion - Hostile
The Coven - Hostile
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2024 AC

"Though the North has managed to strike a firm blow against us, this is not the end. In fact, this is the dawn of a new beginning for Menagerie and her people. 
Together we showed them we are no pushovers. 
Together we shall show them that this has not demotivated us, in fact it has filled us with renewed vigor. 
Next time things will stand in our favor. 
Next time, they will see that we do not fight to get even. We fight to win."

-Otto Gregoris, Vox Populi

  • With the conclusion of local elections, the Prismatic Triumvirate has been newly reinvigorated with the rise of Otto Gregoris and Lucien Valmonte to the stations of Vox Populi and Commander respectively. Alongside the still seated High Scintillate Hemera Valmonte, the new council seeks to bring prosperity and growth to the city.

  • Many of the homes once considered to be on the outskirts of Menagerie have had the area around them revitalized and further built up as the newly constructed Sinka District reaches the final stage of its construction. Even with the looming threats from outside the city still seems intent on growing and expanding without fear or hesitation. 

  • After a long planned expedition it is rumored that the High Scintillate has returned with a relic of Mestra herself. Though the fervor of the Iridescent Light has never waned, it certainly seen a spirited burst of activity in recent years. Those interested in learning more of the Mestran faith are encouraged to seek out the head of faith or one of the various bards around town for more information. 

  • In conjunction with Aphrosi allies, former Steward Rhue Brante has been captured and subsequently executed for the practice of Witchcraft. A point made by the council that no one is exempt from their laws, not even those who up until recently sat amongst them. House Gregoris has subsequently absolved all ties and connections to the man to avoid his past actions and beliefs from tarnishing their name further.

  • After a particularly unsightly 'auction' within the main square, the Triumvirate sets a firm reminder that the buying, selling and ownership of people as slaves or otherwise is strictly Illegal within Menagerie, no matter if the person involved is a witch or not. Due process will not be flaunted. Those of the Doragon Company, particularly their Chairwoman, responsible for such an event are urged to bring themselves before the council or face greater repercussions as a result of their actions. Should they not do so, any property they lay claim to within the city of Menagerie will be forfeit and confiscated by the Triumvirate.

  • With the recent narrow defeat at the hands of Vdallion, Menagerie still stands tall and ready to strike back harder. While one might expect a defeat to dampen the mood within the city, instead it seems as though a fire has been lit under the people of Menagerie, and not in the way that the north may have been intending. 

  • Skilled artificers are encouraged to approach the Vox Populi if they are interested in working with the city on various projects both personal and grand in scale. Rumor of an initiative to bolster both the strength of Menagerie and their allies through master level craft is said to be in the works. 
Aphros - Allied
Port Fortune - Allied
Dal'Thala - Defensive Pact
Pantheon - Neutral
Final Frontier - Non-Aggression
Vdalion - Hostile
The Coven - Hostile
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