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No more games.
[Image: 3ddd22e205c3fa06c1d880fcd929ad37.jpg]

Under the guise of night, a thumping could be heard a few yards out from Moxtli's entrance. As quickly as they appeared,  the cloaked figures also vanished. Into the dirt they planted a pole with the head of Teraphim Demon-Slayer Finley Ghede spiked through it. The pale-skinned Teraphim bleached further of colour, crimson ichor being the only thing that decorated his visage.

No body was present, but a simple note under the display.

"Keep taking what is mine, and I shall start taking yours. A gift to my beloved Aunt, Amaranthis the Betrayer. Kin of Nanzo Tyranny.

This is for Heinrik." 
[Image: unknown.png]

The outskirts to the South stir. Figures gather around the display.

It took not until the morning until Amaranthis appeared, sitting to a crouch to gaze over the message.

Her expression remained unbroken throughout.

", oh. Is this one of the Slayers? I remember, yes."

"No, no. Don't take it down. Keep it. I want all to yet see."

"How petty the Dreadwoods have fallen, to think of this as revenge. Poor Heinrik."

"And of course- for you to remember your fate, lest you fall to the enemy."

The spike remained, and as did the message beneath.

Lest none other removed it amidst her gaze's absence.

No more games. Yet to toss such a provocative letter and to flee was not far from a child's play.

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