HatedStalwart Fist
30% Rpl to power Energy spec unarmed style
Fast Projectile on Q with 15 second CD that has 8 spell damage. Also Gcde.
Special guarantees a 3 second silence on hit

It's brand new yes, but we should be cautious of how overturned it is to begin with. Let's start the discussion.

I think the spell dmg and the silence be tuned back a bit and make it at least 30 sec cd to match the other hidden style specials there are until they all find reasonable balance changes or players will just flock to this specific style because of how much better it is.
Assassin's Fist E is still broken with a 60+ second cooldown (please fix, ty), and it's apparently being held to a higher standard than most stances when it comes to applications given what I was told from another denial and my own. This stance is inherently better than that, and I doubt it takes the same level of risks to attain it for more reward.

The Q isn't all that serious, anyone who's fought Oscuri knows that silences are annoying but are far from unbeatable. What I think should be done is the damage simply reduced and the projectile speed lowered to something akin to Shimmering Javelin if it is going to remain with a lower cooldown. I personally have 0 real issues with the stance other than when compared to AF and what it seems to take to get it.
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