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Character: Hela Vorraog

Which Event: Beyond the Frozen Veil

Responsiveness: Most of the narrates came out at a good pace. The flow was never disrupted, but could have used a little more interaction. 8.5/10

Balance: This was the only thing I'd say that was bad. The boss was underwhelming difficulty wise. Even though there was an attempt to fix that, we had so much healing going around that it didn't feel like we were in danger of going down. Overall, not a huge issue as this can be easily fixed. 6/10

Storytelling: It wasn't exactly what I had envisioned, but it was pretty close. In the end, it did fit the tone and had most of the aspects I was looking for. Otherwise, what was given to us was a solid, light story where we got to kill the baddie. Could have been more fleshed out, but it served its purpose. 8/10

Fairness: Vyn is great. 10/10

Overall: 7/10

Any other comments: Despite the hiccups, I'm looking forward to round two. There's potential for a really good story to be told here for a follow up.
Character: Solveig Vorraog

Which Event: A Sailor's First Expedition

Responsiveness: Most of the narrates came out at a good pace. Everything was in a fast pace, as it should be, we didnt have to wait too long for the narrates. 10/10

Balance: The bosses were quite alright, until we got to fight the last boss and holy that shit was wild, but expected, considering the high level of danger. 10/10

Storytelling: It was pretty awesome, I enjoyed it a lot, it was exactly what to expect from a sailor's adventure, and I had a lot of fun, especially with my great luck, which I never get. 10/10
Fairness: As fair as it could get. 10/10

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: I wasnt expecting to roll a 96 and then when I saw that starfish slap my face, it made my night, totally worth the perm and the two temps I came back with. And my teammates were awesome too since they let me keep something else as well. This was an awesome event. I fear Vyn DM but I will still attend events by him.
[Image: unknown.png][Image: unknown.png]
Character: Xena

Which Event: A Sailor's First Expedition

Responsiveness: The narrates came through pretty fast, allowing us to remain engaged in what was going on.

Balance: The bosses were alright, about the level of danger one would expect from a COD and perhaps a bit more.

Storytelling: About as Sailory as It gets, although would have loved to explore the island itself a bit more. I understand there's always the time factor although!

Fairness: Overall, despite being armed, it always felt like I had a chance to succeed no matter what.

Overall: 9/10
Character: Siwan

Which Event: A Sailor's First Expedition

Responsiveness: Fairly quick, I felt like it was even time between us responding and the time it took to narrate. 

Balance: This was my second event, I was surprised by the time we all went down- In a good way, it made it feel like the next round had a lot more weight, over all I felt like it was fair. I think our wide spread of rpl and experience would make this hard to balance anywho.

Storytelling: I enjoyed a lot of the ship ride, the small interactive bits made this feel much more of an adventure, I do think the island itself could've been more developed, I'm not sure if it was simply a shrine to the kracken, or if it was a base of operations for the cultist. 

Fairness: I felt it was pretty fair- although I'm not sure how I did in those fights, I was playing it pretty safe and more just dropping ponds whenever I could while trying to launch out my homings.
Overall: 9/10
Character: Sunny

Which EventBeyond the Frozen Veil Part Two - The Great Spirit of the North

Responsiveness: 10 - Man was good with it, no real waiting- kept us entertained.
Balance: 10/10 - Good fights! minus a mix up with a twister- BUT that didn't count against us! But like also- that was spooky lets not do that again Vyn!  
Storytelling: This was good, I loved the first fight that was 2 demons but 1 battle. Killing the first then the second one coming in bigger and stronger. Was a good way to bring in more ecs without bringing in more ecs. Seeing the aftermath that is Vdalion always sad, but we got to kill demons and cleanse spirits, what more could a girl want to do in the place she called home? 
Fairness: 10/10 no complaints 

Overall: 10/10 - Please let me kidnap you for more events! 

Any other commentsOur team ended up getting a perm- but another player snatched it up and the DM wrote it to help her with her dev - Solid DM move. We battled a spirit hat the DM used Ice Age for because I wanted to know what it was like. I am so thankful he took the time to put that in- even if ice age is bugged. Really, Vyn is a great DM
Character: Taglia Djulkorren

Which EventBeyond the Frozen Veil Part Two - The Great Spirit of the North

Responsiveness: Very quick to respond and if one of us was missed he would make sure to answer any questions that were asked.
Balance: 10/10, the fights didn't feel unfair and in fact felt like they were well thought out to correspond with the bosses.
Storytelling:  I was hooked, totally not because I love wolves or anything ahahaaaaa, but in all seriousness it was interesting and it kept me wanting to see more despite not being in the first one.
Fairness:  Yes/10 - There was a time where a spell was done and it dragged EVERYBODY to death at the start of one of the rounds, he looked at that and went "Whooops lemme just fix that" and then proceeded to play elevator music until it was solved. We got a redo of that round which was cool!

Overall: 100/10 would ask to DM again

Any other comments: I only wish I could have given the big wolf a hug.
Character: Eris Ze Dikaru

Which EventReturning Home

Responsiveness: 10/10 even if this man was trying to eat his food he pulled through for us! (Send me some of that food Vyn)
Balance: 10/10 Tre was running for his live VIVA LA RANGE BITCHES!!! (no but really I ran like a bitch, suck it brother!)
Storytelling: 100/10 As this was very much Eris back story as we went to her home I would like to say he did a good job given the little bit of information that I had given him. Got some new back story bits to add to who she is, ANNND some good character growth for her :) 
Fairness: 10/10 no complaints! 

Overall: 10/10 - Will kidnap more for events! but later- I have nothing to kidnap you for atm <3

Any other comments: I bullied him to show me the extra crystal spells- crystal goes brrrrrrr 

Thumbs Up 
Character: Vienna Ze Dikaru

Which Event: Returning Home

Responsiveness: 10/10 while eating food he was pumping out narrates rather fast.
Balance: 10/10 Very balance. one wrong move and you could get fucked up, but if you were smart you were fine.
Storytelling: 10/10 I like how there was a hint of betrayal embedded into the story.
Fairness: 10/10 

Overall: 10/10 -Look forward to working with you again

Any other comments
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