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Final Frontier : Wayfinding Lessons
[Image: qImqHRB.jpg]
A new century peaks at the horizon, and after years of hiatus the billboard of the Final Frontier holds a new announcement about classes teaching about the art of Wayfinding, a very specific kind of magic not easily available for the average magi.
The letters are written in black ink, the cursive handwritting is tilted to the left. The tailed characters have an unusual curl towards the right


After a moment of recovering from sickness, someone inquired me to teach the arts of Wayfinding once again. As public medical classes are behind held at the Citadel, I will resume my teaching duties directly towards Wayfinding then.
Despite the Djinn Dyaus Prithvi preparing some classes soon at Dal'Thala, I was specifically asked to hold such. Considering our different schedules, you are free to join any of the classes, or even both if you would like to broaden your horizons if you can. Dyaus is also a very skillfull mentor.

What is Wayfinding you may ask ? It is an art of magic based upon the Primordial of Travels : Chireus, that helped them to travel in between places to deliver messages to the Pantheon. Very simply : it is teleportation magic.

This art can be achieved by any certified magi. Being able to runecast or runewrite is a plus. You do not need to be an artificier either to join us.
Younger than adults may be struggling with such art as it requires a huge consumption of mana, in which their circuits are not entirely developped yet. But the knowledge and theory can still be helpfull in due time.

The classes will be divided in third parts :

  1. Understanding Wayfinding and how it works. Lifestream lesson. Safety and precautions.
  2. Practical exercice in runewriting and first trainings.
  3. Practical supervised exercice.
While there is more to learn from it, these classes will only be about creating portals. I also expect personnal trainings and experimentation will be needed to achieve a comfortable level of practice.

Be sure to note the marked dates if your interest is cought !

Kind regards,

Svengalf Sandsker.
[Following under the signature, a seal of fern green is placed. Inside the seal, there a sigil depicting a tree growing on a mountain. It feels magical, enchanted with earthen ennergies to reinforce the paper]

First lesson : Monday 8th January at 6 PM EST

Messages In This Thread
Final Frontier : Wayfinding Lessons - by Tristam - 10-07-2023, 03:26 AM
RE: Final Frontier : Wayfinding Lessons - by Tristam - 01-05-2024, 10:33 PM

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