JoeyMcspycrabThe rise from nothing to something in the eyes of a blind man
(The Second bite)
On one of Tipo's Various adventures, he comes across a familiar scent.... Edward!? Edward was a fellow Acolyte, that is all Edward knew about him. Edward was searching for medical herbs... alone. So, Tipo decided to protect him out of good faith.

Then, Quite suddenly the Prince of the Vampires emerged from the nearby greenery. He intended on attacking and possibly killing Edward, so Tipo stood in and refused to let the Vampire get what he wanted. So, combat was engaged.

As the Snow-Haired Teen fought the Vampire, Edward walked away and disregarded the entire situation. Tipo fought alone and valiantly against the Vampiric Being. But, even though all of his efforts... he was trounced.

In the end, he received a vampire bite and was left out to rot. As Edward searched for the Herb, he found Tipo laying out. He begrudgingly brought Tipo home. When he woke, he received no reward....not even thanks.

Tipo would remember this.

(Goodbye Osrona)
After a deep amount of thought and exploring, Tipo once again encountered one of the women that originally welcomed him into their town (Refer to the chapter "Meaningful Advice). The woman's name was Ragnhild Gunnr, she was also blind. Tipo told her his life story. She responded by inviting him into her hometown as a member of it.

Tipo returned home, thinking deeply about it all. He recalled the events that led him to where he was at that current moment. He realized that many people ignored him and found him to be just "That" blind person. He lastly went over the last topic. Ever since his last mental breakdown, his teacher refused to speak to him or even interact with him or her sibling. She had gotten way too invested in her political problems and left everyone behind excluding her boyfriend.

Tipo then came to a consensus. It was time to spread his wings and leave. So, Tipo said goodbye to his only friend there that went by the name Malacai. He then talked to the high priestess about leaving the faith. He expected a bad response, but to his surprise, she was very kind. All she wanted was a reason. So, Tipo led her to a table and they had a chat over some tea. The Teen explained his life and why he wanted to leave Osrona, surprisingly she was very kind and understanding about it. So, after the chat was over, they parted ways and Tipo headed over to Aesirheim.

(A New Story)
When Tipo headed over to Aesirheim, he coincidentally became 18. To be an official adult in Vanirhallan culture, Tipo needed to obtain the blood of a Ghoul, Orc, Goblin, Demon, or Mutant. Tipo Opted for the easiest and most local option which was the blood of a mutant. He offered practice matches with many different mutants. If he won, he would get some of their blood. If he lost, they would get some money. After a few weeks, Tipo lost many matches but finally won one. He got their blood and he contained the blood in an old bottle. He then handed the bottle into Ragnhild. She began the ritual of initiation into the town as a full adult... someone who was blood bonded with the gods and everyone in the town.

He was asked.. what god fit him the most? What called out to him? After deep thought, he made his decision. He picked the god of honor, protection, oath, power, and rage. Tipo fit all of these qualitys excluding rage. Who knew? That could change.

Kark, the god of these values was picked. The blood that was taken from the bottle rose up and became snake-like tattoos that became imbued into Tipo.

Afterwards, the Village Chief Vekel welcomed him into the village and explained what it meant to be someone attached to Kark, being one himself. As Tipo listened and understood, Vekel walked towards the Snow-Haired Blind. Vekel powered up his aura gifted by Kark himself. He then transferred his aura to Tipo for only a moment. He explained that this is the power he should aim for and shall gain from Kark if he pushed past his limits and became a strong and determined warrior.

However, Tipo entered a void-like subspace when the aura was transferred to him. Tipo could see in this world, but the only other being there was a large muscular silhouette. It began speaking abruptly and said only a few words. "The stars... they deceive you." Tipo was transferred back to the real world and the ritual was completed.

(A New Gunnr)
Throughout his life, Tipo lacked a Family. He lacked people to lean on... only people who pitied him, excluding the one person who he related with most. His fellow Blind person who welcomed him from the beginning. Her name was Ragnhild Gunnr. Tipo saw her as a mother-like figure. One day, he walked up to her as she sat, drinking tea. He asked in a very embarrassed manner if she could adopt him. After a pause, she chuckled and smiled. She said "I already considered you my son, I would be honored Tipo.". This made Tipo cry and hug her very deeply. Things were once again looking up for Tipo C- sorry, I mean Tipo Gunnr.

(Goodbye Tipo Cieco)
The Blind Young Adult thought about Kark's short but impactful words towards himself. Tipo went to his mentor-like figure and fellow Kark Follower: Vekel.

He told Vekel what he heard from his little meeting with Kark. Vekel gave a simple response: " It means that your worship of the stars will no longer aid you. Come find true, real power through the Blood God. Cast aside what you think you know of yourself, and become who you want to be... Unshackled and untethered by the bounds of your past."

These words hurt.... they hurt very much but they made sense. Every last word had meaning to Tipo. The one thing that always held him back was his past. Tipo Ceico did. So, he did something that would lead him to never turn back.

Tipo ripped off his cloak and rushed to a nearby bonfire. He threw his cloak into it and screamed at the top of his lungs at the sky. He fell to his knees and threw away his old bonds and memories into the fire with the cloak. He said goodbye to Tipo Cieco, leaving all of his past with him. It was time to be an adult and move forward.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain and he held his heart. He began throwing up. But what he was throwing up was not fluids... it was energy. Light energy and cosmic energy to be exact. When Tipo threw out Tipo Cieco, his bond with the stars was thrown out too. He did it. He was a new man with nothing left of his past. Tipo Cieco was no more.

He stood up and was comforted by his mother. He felt refreshed and better... but he was not the same. Did he change.. for the better?

[Image: 3949cb960d23dd428650b72fca68f327a3fb7878...height=504]

(A Bloody Promise)

To ensure his own growth, Tipo asked Vekel for some advice. He wanted to know how other warriors of Kark operated and how he could be a better follower. After some thinking, Vekel responds with an interesting offer. 

The offer was simple. Find a worthy opponent, fight them in lethal combat, take their blood, and bring it back to Vekel. According to Vekel, he too did this quest for his master when he was around Tipo's age. This would be a fitting test for Tipo's efforts.

(An Eventful Beginning)

War was on the horizon. Tipo needed to get strong quickly. With the loss of his Cosmic and Light energy, he needed a new type of Magic. What kind of Magic would he use? After deep thinking, he came down to pursuing water magic. Tipo began swimming in bodies of water, attempting to get attuned with the element. After a long and strenuous set of days, he began to show signs of water attunement. When the day arose for war, Tipo had a basic understanding of water. Not enough to use efficiently in combat, but enough. He charged into the battlefield ready to defend his people from Achyon. 

When he charged in, he encountered a woman who was on the enemy side. They both engaged in combat. The two water users clashed. Tipo ended up losing but was spared out of pity. He was infuriated by the pity the woman felt for him due to his blindness.

(Further Into Darkness)

After the dust had settled, Vanirhallans had won the war. But, what they lost was irreplaceable. The queen of the vampires slew Arden, his mom. Tipo held her close as she faded into the afterlife. His mind began clouding with hate. They... they took his mother. Someone who gave him purpose... Someone who made him feel whole again. Those bastards ripped a hole right back into his heart. He roared with rage as he cried. His mind, his heart, his soul, his body. They were all in pain. 

The only thing that Tipo could do was weep. Suddenly, a new Tattoo on his arm forms in a blood-red color, just like his other Kark Blood Tattoos. It reads out the name "ARDEN SIONNACH"

On top of the loss of his mother, his sister was captured. She left behind the Gunnr Family Book. Tipo promised to himself he would get revenge. He would avenge his mother and save his sister even if it meant his death.

However, in the meantime... a dark cloud would hover over Tipo.

(Sifting through the past)
Tipo joins the expedition to expand Aeserhiem. Now with his sister back, he could return his attention back to his job as a Vanir. The group ventured through the desert and fought many water-themed mythical beings. After passing many challenges, the group finds a chest. The chest is locked with chains and runes. Vekel Opts to burst open the chest, revealing the water spirit Tidalon. Tipo and the crew were about to attack it but rather than violence, Tidalon opted for peace and began speaking to the group. 

It expressed its terrible experiences with a tribe that stole it from its realm. The spirit thanked the group and without further question transported everyone to it's home realm Urahiem. In the cold yet beautiful realm, ice was everywhere. They would be directed to a ship that belonged to the Vanir of the past. The spirit told the group that everything inside the ship that was lost at sea was theirs. 

Without question, the group accepted their gifts, soon getting sent back home afterward. Tipo received a Heart imbued with Kark's energy and the godly essence of Urahiem. This would come in handy! Tipo hugged the spirit and offered it a gift of his own. After, everyone was sent home. The Expedition was over. 

(One death was enough)

News came in quickly that the people of mire had murdered his further Vanirhallan, Xain. This was the final straw for him when it came to the mutants. From now on, all mutants were killed on sight. That was a promise. 

(One-sided revenge)
With yet another death of a Vanir, Tipo was very emotionally exploitable and very on-edge. One day, he would wander into Osrona, buying food for himself and his people. When suddenly, his enemy from the war between Asphodel and Asierhiem showed up. She was captured and converted to Osrona. Tipo however, was very mad at her. She prevented him from saving his mom AND disrespected him in battle. Every time she would see him, she would beg and bother him to the point of harassment for forgiveness. She may have changed, but Tipo was still the same man that got trounced by her.

One day? She stepped too far. She decided that the only way she could convince Tipo was to mess with him more and challenge him to a fight. The result was mortal combat. It was a slaughter, Melody stopped him from full cutting the poor girl open. He would gather a Vial of her blood for a later date.

(Sealing open wounds for good)

With a funeral for all the fallen of Aserhiem, Tipo spoke from his heart describing the impact of Vekel, Arden, and Xain. 

" At a young age I was discriminated against, ignored, and treated like garbage for my blindness. However, that changed when I came here....But my mom Arden helped me. She not only helped me have friends and a family... but she helped me love myself. She told me that being blind is not a curse.. but it makes me special." 

"Vekel helped me become the man I am today. Vekel showed me what it meant to fight for his people... what it meant to follow Kark. Vekel was like the uncle I never had. A friend, an ally, and a part of the family all the same."

"Xain.. Xain was misunderstood like I was. He was prideful, but modest when he was around the ones he cared about. He carried the spirit of our people in every fight... almost NEVER losing."

(A painful capture.)
When Tipo and his (almost) little sister Skadi went on a walk, they encountered two mutants. One was a headless girl he did not know, and the other was a woman he did recognize. Her name was Amelia. Amelia needed the blood of a human for some reason. This gave Tipo flashbacks of the times he was attacked by Vampires, so combat began.

Skadi fought the headless girl and Tipo fought Amelia. Skadi won her fight but even with his progress, Tipo was not so lucky. When he was beaten and knocked out, Amelia would tear deep into his shoulder with her teeth, permanently damaging movement in his remaining arm. Even though he hardly used swords today, he could still use one well due to his experience with one back in Osrona. However, he was unable to use a sword again. The movement in his shoulder was far too weakened and damaged by the bite that tore up his bones.

He was soon hauled off to the mire, to be used as an example and a political tool. He would be put through questioning and lessons about the mire. Often he sat alone, with nothing to do. He had all of his gear taken and was left with a magic shock collar. What is he gonna do to get out of this one?

(A shameful exit)
As time passed, day after day Tipo fell apart. Soon, his past would be questioned. He would be manipulated to spill it and so he did. His captor would laugh and continue to starve the man. When he was no longer of her amusement, he was let go. She showed signs of really caring about him but hid it behind excuses and disrespect. He would return to his home and collapse on the ground

(A terrible comeback)
Tipo returned home pale, skinny, and weak. Rather than being taken care of, he would be criticized for his weakness and inability to beat his foes. He would soon be counseled by his mother and would feel at least a little bit more welcome in his broken state. He would be asked about the torture and would refuse to say a word.

(Opening up)

Tipo often locked his emotions away from his peers and loved ones. His broken mind and recoil from torture made suppressing emotions hard. Soon, he broke open and began spilling his qualms about his life, his actions, how he felt about the others, and most of all what really happened to him when he was captured. His sister was enraged and everyone began to understand him just a little bit more.

(A terrible discovery and resolution)

At this point, Tipo had recovered and had reinforced his pride again. Tipo roamed and found his friend Aurora getting bitten by one of the Docros. He would show hostility and audaciousness towards the woman's foes. In the end, he swallowed his pride and ended up saving her. The bite threatened her life. Although he was not an official medic, he would do an emergency procedure on her and save her life. 

After a successful procedure, he could at least know she would be alive. She revealed that the person he considered his brother and teacher Rufus became a Ghoul. Tipo was mad. He would hold onto the information for a bit and later confront Rufus about it. Their ideals would clash and Tipo would end up kicking the man out of his house. He needed to reconsider his family. Anyone who allied with the Vampires, let alone the Docros was not family.
(Third Bite)

Thankfully, Rufus moved on and dropped his ties with the Docros. However, this would also cut any ties Aserhiem had with the Docros (Not that Tipo liked them anyway.). However, Illythia Docro decided to take advantage of this by attacking Tipo. The fight was close, but she ended up the Victor. Tipo would remember her and savor the day he would get revenge. Her reason for this attack was to get payback for Rufus's Departure from their alliance. Tipo's pride was once again sullied by her and his own allies. He needed to get stronger soon.


As Tipo grew older, his mindset in relation to his life had grown duller and less hopeful. However, his boundless love for his family remained the same. His mother was no exception. With Ragnhild's surgery, she could once again see through her own eyes. Tipo felt slightly jealous but was happy for her. If anyone deserved her sight again, it was her. However, he recalled that she often wore a blindfold during her days of blindness. Considering he had something of Arden's he wanted something of Ragnhild's too. This was mainly because the people of Aserhiem dropped like flies.

Tipo requested her blindfold. He was blind like she once was, it almost felt natural that she would pass it down to him. She complied, making sure he took great care of it. Tipo had one arm, so he asked his brother to aid him in ceremoniously tieing it around his head and eyes. 

This was a moment of large importance to him almost like a second puberty. Tipo affirmed he was seen as a mature adult by his mother.


(The end or the beginning?)

Every day, Tipo went for walks. Being a blind man, this habit can be the bane of his existence. One day, Tipo walked past the Docro Manner. To his surprise, he was soon stopped by Illythia. She quickly pursued him in combat. He put up a pretty good fight, but it ended in his demise... or so he thought!

Illythia had recalled something Tipo said before the fight "Vampires, Docros, mutants. They are just all the same to me. You all just make me sick. I made an oath that I would never in my life become a vampire. So by Kark's name, I hold that promise. There is no honor in being a vampire... Shortcuts like that are pitiful."

Illythia used these words against the poor Vanir, bringing him to an almost dead state. She then transformed him into the beast he dreaded.... A VAMPIRE! Tipo's Humanity had been stripped from him.

[Image: Joey.png]
(DEcEnT InTo MaDnEss!?!?!)

Tipo fell into a deep depression, each day losing more and more control of his own thoughts. Not only that, but the feeling of hunger began controlling him. The hunger he felt slowly formed into his familiar alter-ego. The Hunger Identified itself as all the negative attributes Tipo had when he threw away his Osronan cape. It took the name "Tipo Cieco" or "Cieco".

The first sign of Tipo's sanity being stripped away was him attacking and beating the life out of his own brother Azan and Azan's soon-to-be wife Unlaya. He drank their blood and ran back to the surface. He would remain alone for the remaining days his mind existed. A few days later, Tipo Gunnr was almost entirely gone. Cieco won, locking away Tipo Gunnr in the back of ihis own head to watch all the terrible acts the thinblood would perform.

It's first act? Attacking Aserhiem and beating down his own mother. He drank her blood and fled. 

(An end to the hunt.)

After attacking many civilians and people, Tipo was heavily injured. His humanity was gone, however. He could care not about how he felt or if he even COULD feel. He knew one thing and one thing alone. He only answered to his hunger. He soon returned to Aserhiem and continued his attack. In his damaged state, he BARELY lost to Azan. At the climax of the battle, Azan stood over his brother, Tipo. Was this man really worth keeping around?

He was hardly the same Tipo. He was a man gripping onto his own humanity and shattering it by each moment. Azan knew deep inside, Tipo Gunnr was still there... in pain. Azan made his choice, he would end Tipo. However, seconds before the Thinblood's demise... Ragnhild came to the rescue!

She collared Tipo and announced that she would give the Thinblood another chance as he did for everyone else. He did not decide this fate, he was living with it. Ragnhild would find a way to fix it. She swore by it.

(Grueling but hopeful days.)

Day by day, Tipo would attack people for their blood. Some attempts would be successful, others would be stopped by his collar. Each time he attacked, watch over him grew tighter. By a few weeks after his capture, he would have little to no freedom. He often hungered and became more desperate.

Each attempt he put out would be shut out and punished. By the end, he was slightly more obedient but was by no means was he tamed. The promise of blood by Ragnhild was what kept him whole. She often fulfilled this promise, but he NEEDED more.


After an extended period of time, Tipo once again began starving in the confines of his own town. Like a chained animal, freedom was the only thing he could think of. He often attacked his mother to get the remote that held his freedom. Other times, he would just try to run out of the boundaries set by his collar. This subsequently resulted in him getting shocked to an inch of his life each time. Nothing worked for Tipo. Each time he saw his mother, he would either attack her or ask for his freedom. One day, she gave in. She freed him. Although, he did not run away instantly. He took off his blindfold to see the familiar woman one last time. After a heartfelt moment, the beast ran off.

(Struggle and Capture)
During the many adventures, the wild beast called Tipo endured; he met a woman named Sen. They shared a deep bond of issues and trials they faced due to the impact left by the Docros. A bond was formed. He would give her food and she would give him blood. This was a great deal for the Thinblood. It was almost like he created a blood farm for him and himself only. One day, he thought it would be a great idea to get food from Osrona. Osrona was the literal worst place he could have gone. When the Osronans spotted him, 20 people attacked him. After fighting well, the prideful Vampire was beaten down and locked up. From then on, it was capture all over again. 

(A light in the darkness)
A political agreement was made between Osrona. Tipo would be free to walk around and roam in the desert exclusively. Not a bad deal! However, his enjoyment was short-lived. His worst enemy had once again visited... ILLYTHIA!

Tipo's rage was insurmountable. He found his target and like many times, he was raring to attack. Like the wild beast he was, he could only express his desire to kill her. They quickly engaged in combat. Unlike their last encounter, Tipo was much more prepared. Metal trap, ice attacks, blood, water, and Illusion magic spurred in the arena. The first round was shortly concluded with a damaged Illythia kicking and breaking Tipo's Helmet into mere Debris.

His blindfold came off with the helmet revealing Tipo's new eyes. They were Crimson, Soulless, and Extremely Animalistic. When compared with Illythia, their eyes looked identical. She commented on Tipo's free will, making fun of his lack of it. In addition, she claimed ownership of his mind, body, and soul. The final straw was her taunts towards his pride.

Something snapped. Something changed Tipo's broken speech patterns. Something changed his posture... Something... CHANGED Tipo! 

A glimmer of hope was made prevalent from Tipo in the form of a familiar Aura that was not felt in years. What was that Aura? It was the same one that Vekel possessed during his lifetime. That power Kark's. Finally, Kark had offered Tipo his power, his will, his mind, and his aura.

"You may control my mind, my body, even my soul. BUT! There is something I will always keep alive or not. THAT IS MY PRIDE!" (Tipo Gunnr 1866AC)

In the second round, Tipo bolted forward with a power comparable to Illythia's own. Once again they clashed. However, it was not one-sided. This time, it was a clash of titans. In the conclusion of the fight, Illythia got the final blow before Tipo could land his. This was the end. The self-absorbed woman ripped out Tipo's heart and threw him to the wayside to die.

Aserhiem was in trouble.

(The End For Real)

Tipo woke up in a Jailcell. In the neighboring jail cell, his mother was getting brainwashed. Tipo attempted to listen in but could only hear bits and pieces. He felt hungry, cold, and barbaric again. Kark's influence disappeared but not his own hope. Illythia "Released" Tipo. However, this was a ploy to get him into the hands of the executioner. Who was the Executioner? It was Marina, the same woman who made him his prosthetic that he ripped off. Ever since the day he ripped off his prosthetic arm out of self-hatred, Marina understandably hated him. However, this was many, MANY years ago. She held onto that grudge. This only led to her hate for him grow, expand, and fester.

She hated him for his Go-getter and forward attitude. She hated him for his views. Most of all? She hated him because he never gave up. She made it clear that she would kill him for his persistent efforts against Asphodel. Tipo knew it was his end but refused to go down without a fight, that was the way of Vanir.

The weakened Tipo fought valiantly but predictably fell by the hand of Marina.

Tipo was grabbed by the legs and ripped in half slowly and painfully. He stared into Marina's eyes as she performed her final act of this battle. For some reason, a smile formed on his face. She was hesitating, questioning herself, and most of all screaming. She broke her composure and was screaming. She was not the high and mighty being she presented herself as. For that? Tipo was satisfied. He may have lost this battle, but he won by getting in her head. Tipo could carry on knowing he won his final battle in some respect. 

His final words were "I win."

Tipo was a mortal and he died as one in the soul. No Vampire could ever share that. Tipo died not as a Gunnr or a Cieco. Tipo died as himself with a smile on his face. 

Tipo Gunnr died in 1866AC

[Image: viking_armor.jpg]

Writers note:

Tipo Gunnr was a character unlike any other. Tipo was my first character and I felt like my knowledge of Eternia grew with him. To say it was hard to acclimate to the Eternia environment would be an understatement. However, I managed. When first playing Tipo, I intended to play a character that was humble, quiet, and kind. Needless to say, that changed pretty quickly. Playing in Osrona as a character without any form of power led me to only lean on my roleplay alone. My writing skills, perspectives, and philosophies were all put to the test with this character. I made a name for myself as the Blind Acolyte Of Osrona. Everyone knew who he was by the age of 17.

I decided to leave Osrona for a few reasons. Some of which included: A feeling of exclusion, all of my peers dying around me, very limited freedoms, and a overall really hard time to get rp with people there. I could have very well been doing something wrong, but I am only drawing blanks when I try to think of valid reasons. However, these reasons and many of the ic reasons included in the story led to Tipo leaving the faith and Osrona as a whole. But! Overall, I enjoyed the experiences and roleplays I did share with the very few Osronan residents who gave Tipo the time of day.

Interestingly enough, Aserhiem was not my first pick for places to go with Tipo. Tipo was going to go with Samandriel to get corrupted by the Mire-folk. Furthermore, Sight was also offered by Samandriel as an avenue for getting Tipo to join the mire. That interaction did not go anywhere afterward. Samandriel went Radio silent for Weeks. As a result, I moved on. That is when two Vanir-folk found Tipo. This resulted in him reaching a new Arc. I like to call it his "New beginning".

A feeling of freshness for Roleplay and Tipo's development filled me with the same enjoyment I reached during the beginning of his story. During the beginning years, I got a chance to let Tipo grow and evolve into a much different and heavily layered character. Thing looked up for him. That quickly changed when War came. The result of the battle was Many, many Vanir dying and moving on. Tipo used this as Fuel which was great for his steady character development but alas... Rp slowed to a halt for a significant amount of time. Tipo began to run slightly stale for me. Nevertheless, he was still getting more interaction and growth than he was in Osrona. 

As time went on, Tipo's Avenues began to crumble and my options for the character were looking dull. I asked for advice from peers and staff but all I received back was nothing. No one knew how to help me. It is MY character, I should have known what to do. This worry was temporarily sated when Tipo was attacked by his arch-enemy at the time: Illythia. 

This fight was a battle of wills. Tipo was trounced and practically decimated. Rather then killing him, they decided to turn him into the one thing he hated. They turned him into a vampire!? This was a shock to me. Being a person who often looks down at my own characters and works, I was shocked that he was even considered for that chance. I was not too fond of being a vampire, but it made for great roleplay. What I did not know was the rules of being the specific breed of Vampire Tipo was. Tipo was a Thinblood. Because of this, I was somewhat scolded by a staff member for playing a character who was emotionally destroyed and someone meek. I learned that I needed to play a Chaotic force of nature. I complied and surprised myself with my own combative prowess along with the new power Vampirism offered me. 

Rather than being unhappy, I began to see the potential and joy in Vampirism. Once again, Tipo's roleplay was exciting. For a good while, I enjoyed playing an Antagonist with no morals and the need to attack everyone. Where my power had rose, my roleplay was forcefully stagnated. Playing a beast that only talks about blood became quite tedious and boring. I was hunted and captured every other day and left to rot in jails for weeks without roleplay. With no avenue to fix or cure Tipo's curse, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Quit and throw away all the story and hard work dedicated to Tipo or wait for something to happen much like previous occasions. I decided to wait it out, I am not a quitter after all. 

I decided to take another swing at getting advice from staff and peers. No luck. I waited, waited, waited, and waited. Until Illythia showed up to the village and attacked. When it was my turn, I impressed myself in my Verbing skills and how far I cranked up my writing prowess for this moment. This resulted in my temporary wildcard application getting accepted. SO much fun rp resulted from that fight. It concluded in me being captured and getting executed after a long 4 hours of participating in combat and watching, then sleeping and coming back to three hours of my character's death.

I feel sad that I could not reach a better conclusion with Tipo but I enjoyed the moments I had with my peers. Eternia has made my Summer a little bit more enjoyable but I deeply wish Tipo could have done more to make an impact. I don't know when I will be returning, but I hope my next character will have some bigger impacts and more completed goals.

Thank You Section:

I want to thank the staff, players, and Ecs for providing me with a grand first Eternia experience. Honorable mentions go out to Aserhiem and Osrona's faith for giving me great places to explore my character and learn how this game works. Without you all, Tipo would never be a thing.
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RE: The rise from nothing to something in the eyes of a blind man - by JoeyMcspycrab - 08-29-2021, 11:34 PM

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