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An Overdue Return [Fel vs Ten's Citadel]
[Image: AD_4nXf5Hai9nXrmuVuysX-iRSvs5XQMQ3FqXAHc...P_91G2uVHw]

The world changes often, drastic events shake up the landscape, and outcomes are forged by the whims of others. 
But within the shadows do creatures speak and observe, watching every moment, waiting for a crucial opportunity.

Promises made, opportunities proposed. Through coin, word and deals did something grow.
 A mass within the dark, convinced, promised and with goals in mind. The being of shadow spoke.
Quote:“My promise years ago shall be fulfilled. I warned of my return, and how I will reap the flesh and spirits of their forms until they fall under my presence. But so long had I known the truth, yet unable to act upon it.”

“They held this secret for a decade, barricaded behind the Aegis they promoted themselves as. Such ‘valiant’ defenders to hide the truth, but that Aegis has shattered! The Exarch and Chancellor slain, the commander and warriors fallen! They are a husk of their former selves, and the opportunity to retrieve what is mine is most glaring!”

“The blade of my patriarch shall be returned.”

Word spread throughout the land, the kaorblade of Eranath was to be reclaimed by its spawn, Vana’Rath! 
With the assistance of others through talk and negotiations.

Fel Forces!
Ten’s Citadel
Date: TBD
Objective: Retrieve the Kaorblade of Eranath.

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An Overdue Return [Fel vs Ten's Citadel] - by FireStartingSnake - 08-20-2024, 05:13 AM

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