Now, this is also something I agree to. Make some of the Faith Upgrades a bit more usable. Maybe Blessing twice a year, shoulder burden less harsh.

I also agree to maybe making Healing Elixirs more situationally used. Maybe a cap on how many temp injuries a character has.

This is just an example, but.

Say someone has 2 temps instead of 1. Making the Elixir usable per code, or whatever it needs, to be used and it have an actual effect. Otherwise, yes. It takes away from Medic EXP gains as well as overall IC. That said, I don't want to see them removed from the game but instead buffed a bit per how much it takes to use them. The recipe is already a strong recipe, no complaints there at all! However, making it something like: 2 temp. injuries before usable would be massively succesful and make them worth their while.
Spin is a spell that feel a little bit like grapple, but with better range and utility, with that, grapple only effective use turned out to be, use titan fist and lariat taking value (using both in a way they dont disturb each other, resulting in lost of damage tiks due timing.)

I suggest trade Grapple for Fury fist in the spells, and make fury fist a 10 rpp intermediate.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Aside from me asking for plasma leap to get fixed again :

Make it so that some of the T1 Artificer weapons don't need Arcanium to be made? It's used in most of them to make Prisminthum, Auguria or Austeria Staff, so I assume it's meant to be more common to find, but it isn't.
Let us place decorations in layers other than 1

I mean... Nyt'hjem is great, I love it but...

[Image: P33oqEN.jpeg]

Imagine if we could decorate and add more lights...
i was recently notified that anoint champion does nothing!??
how could this be! where are the champions of our faith! let them do cool good guy stuff with a cool good guy thing!

in all seriousness, my suggestion is:
the chosen champion spell should receive the old crownguard toggle
5 dr + passive heal for 5 rpp, and ofc the ic joy of being able to call yourself a radiants champion...

but this way, it'll have a use and also be a neat option for people of faith to go after if they want to grind for it
since as of right now it's kind of an ability that does nothing, and crownguard currently isn't in use so i feel like this is a good middleground
[Image: image.png]

The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
auto-walk button

continuously moves your character forward in the direction their sprite is facing, not cancelled by other inputs but effected by them so you can change directions. minor quality of life thing i miss from other rp places, purely so u can walk + talk.
can we go back to a time when agi actually did something

as a myradin sponsor, i promise he won't abuse it again
make daily/weekly quest/exp resets happen at the same time every day to prevent gradual slipping eventually making people miss a day (temps and stuff can stay real hours). only real downside would be a slight gab buff?
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
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