(08-25-2022, 09:47 PM)Mallow Wrote: Giant form should go back to being a master and their stats being reverted to what they should be, seeing that it costs a master token and is only relative to a race.

it was funny and quirky and cute but its almost 5 weeks in you know

This man really said this while nephilim exist. 

In that case remove human racials because it goes by the same principle.

(I don't actually want human racial removed, but the debate over giant form by people with stronger racials is grating.)

Now to add something actually constructive, cinderflare probably needs a rework or to be made an intermediate, as it is never going to be picked as a master in the current era of master tokens. Perhaps make it like transcendent steppe where it's a temporary invuln?
No, it doesn't. Since those stats are all humans get. Giants have a spell that decreases their GCD and provides a speed boost, on top of their free toggle which provides stats in more than just one category.

The two stats that are arguably the most important stats in the game, for the singular expense of equivalent agi to only 10 weight and 1% crit.
(08-25-2022, 09:54 PM)BabyFatJesus Wrote: No, it doesn't. Since those stats are all humans get. Giants have a spell that decreases their GCD and provides a speed boost, on top of their free toggle which provides stats in more than just one category.

The two stats that are arguably the most important stats in the game, for the singular expense of equivalent agi to 10 weight and 1% crit only.

Giant's other racial isn't used because you have to hit damage or it's just a dead spell for the chance of lessened GCD. It also isn't a speed boost of note.

Meanwhile faeborne's heal gives AP so it's just wild nature but you get health back?

We've just got slightly better human racial that makes us large, and I'm pretty fine with that. Still a net stat trade of +15.

However I don't want this to be an argument thread, so to be productive on the list of things that need love.

Perhaps we should make iron body stun immune to differentiate it from dpalm and make it unique.
i rebuke my statement just nerf wintermute to be inline with over publica masters (and make that 40 crit on cronos 20)
If we're looking at the masters, could we fix up some of the awful mastery spells (not auras or toggles)? Some of them may be situationally powerful, such as Ribcage or DPalm, but there's two main problems when you pick out a Mastery spell.

1. You must give up one slot of extremely valuable space on your hotbar to use them when it could be spent on a more important or even more powerful spell that isn't a Master. Given how situational some Masters are - like dpalm, as I said - it just seems unwise to take them at all. This isn't even counting the fact that certain mastery spells are just better than others.

2. Auras/toggles/stances exist that augment *all* of your spells *without* taking a slot off your hotbar to do so. If you could choose between taking Blade Storm or allowing your spells to do 10% more damage without a downside, wouldn't taking the latter always help you despite how cool Blade Storm is?

Let's take Fire/Holy as an example. Instead of taking Judgment Beam, which has a recharge time and eats one of my hotbar slots, why wouldn't I take Primordial Flame for the 15% extra damage that it would provide every single one of my spells? Boring? Sure, but undeniably effective. The DPS increase or situational coverage of the master must be worth more than the value I'd get from an aura or stance, and for the vast majority of masters, that's not the case.

A Master should be powerful. I shouldn't feel forced to blow at least one of the two points I get on an aura or stance that I don't care about just to stay competitive.
New Black Magic spells! And potions!
Lets just fix Ursidae. No racials.
If not let us use a human passive in the meantime.

(As an actual Wintermute user.. Nerf it. 30 pow / 30 crit is too damn good for a master token. 30/30 -> 20/20)
I don't know why Chronos Aura needs to be buffed. It's an extremely strong aura and was regarded as probably under-categorized as a Master during E3.
#Make Cinderflare intermediate
#Bring back that explosive wall attack as the mastery

To add onto it... Cinderflare, from what I've seen? Seems to just be Eviscerate but explosive flavored. Could be wrong but hey that's how I've always viewed it.
I swear I'm not...
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I'm not owned guys.
(08-25-2022, 10:02 PM)Touc Wrote: Let's take Fire/Holy as an example. Instead of taking Judgment Beam, which has a recharge time and eats one of my hotbar slots, why wouldn't I take Primordial Flame for the 15% extra damage that it would provide every single one of my spells? Boring? Sure, but undeniably effective. The DPS increase or situational coverage of the master must be worth more than the value I'd get from an aura or stance, and for the vast majority of masters, that's not the case.

Holy beam is great and it does not have a charge time.
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